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human weakness no barrier to religious calling


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Pope says human weakness not a barrier to religious calling

Human weakness is not a barrier to a vocation in the priesthood or religious life, "as long as they contribute to making us more aware of the fact that we need the redeeming grace of Christ", Benedict XVI said.

Catholic News Service reports that in his message for the 2006 World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the pope said that from Jesus' time, God has called individuals to dedicate their lives totally to serving God and their brothers and sisters.

God's call is not addressed to the perfect, but to those open to God's love, which changes human hearts and makes them capable of communicating the love of God to others, the pope said.

"The church is holy even if its members need to be purified so that holiness, a gift of God, can shine through them in all its brightness," he said.

Pope Benedict asked for special prayers for vocations to the priesthood, a ministry that is essential for the celebration of the sacraments and for the ongoing life of the church.

"It is not surprising that where people pray with fervour, vocations flourish," he said.

The day dedicated to praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be celebrated 7 May in most countries; the pope's message for the day was released yesterday in Italian.

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I particularly liked:

[quote name='cappie' date='Mar 30 2006, 03:21 PM']

"It is not surprising that where people pray with fervour, vocations flourish," he said.


In our parish where there are so many praying for vocations (we even have a 'vocation cup' where families pray for vocations for the entire week that they have the cup), we have at least 2 women entering the contemplative life, and 3 or 4 in the seminary, with several others considering the consecrated life.

In the parish I used to attend in Phoenix, the situation was the same. . .

God is good!

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thanks father.

this verse in particular spoke to me.

Mathew 9:13

Go and learn the meaning of the words, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' [b]I did not come to call the righteous but sinners[/b]."

Edited by ReinnieR
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:rolleyes: Yea, those tattoos. You're banned for life! Especially since they are of naked men

(I thought if I said topless women, that might sound a little 'off'. :hehe: )

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Benedict XVI urges us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life for, as he writes, “it is not surprising that where people pray with fervour, vocations blossom”.

He concludes his message with this prayer:

“Father, let there be amongst Christians

many holy vocations to the priesthood,

to keep alive the faith

and guard the grateful memory of your Son Jesus

through preaching his word

and administering the Sacraments,

with which you continually renew your faithful.

Give us holy ministers for your altar,

who can be attentive and fervent keepers of the Eucharist,

sacrament of the supreme gift of Christ for the redemption of the world.

Call upon the ministers of your mercy,

who, through the sacrament of Reconciliation,

spread the joy of your forgiveness.

Father, may the Church welcome with joy

the numerous inspirations of the Spirit of your Son

and, meek to your teaching,

may it take care of the vocations to the priestly ministry

and the consecrated life.

Support bishops, priests, deacons,

the consecrated and all those baptised in Christ,

that they may faithfully fulfill their mission

in the Service of the Gospel.

We ask you to do it for Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us!”

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Ok, I fibbed. There aren't 3-4 in the seminary from our parish. There are 6 and a few entering this August. :unsure: Ooops.

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Mar 30 2006, 05:05 PM']:rolleyes:  Yea, those tattoos.  You're banned for life!  Especially since they are of naked men 
(I thought if I said topless women, that might sound a little 'off'.  :hehe: )

Well, I'll have to take out my 4 nose rings, lip ring and 2 tongue rings too.


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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Mar 30 2006, 06:44 PM']Well, I'll have to take out my 4 nose rings, lip ring and 2 tongue rings too.

you mean to say prince alberts are not allowed??


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I know. But still... :blink: :pinch:

That, combined with the 'Natalie Portman is hot' . . .my poor eyes. . .my poor heart! I already see a roman collar on you!


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