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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Debate on "Plan B" pills


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makes you sick to the stomach...check out what people posted [url="http://www.collegeconfidential.com/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?68281/68602"]here[/url]

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crazymaine catholic

it's amazing how narrowminded people can be when it comes to things like this. i simply can't understand how people can so fully believe in something that is so evil and physically harmful. goodness forbid that they consider not having sex as a way to prevent pregnancy. blah! so many things to go on a rant about... :maddest: :(

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it not a plan B there should be no need for a plan B its just another euphimism for abrtion makes me SICK!

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There is a very interesting debate by a Catholic poster and her daughter that both use the name "chavi"...scroll down and check it out, there are some very solid points made bashing all arguments the pro-choice posters presented.

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Very interesting and somewhat disturbing reading! I liked the mother and daughter responses - very valid points! Too bad the others didn't see it that way and bashed that which they obviously didn't understand either by choice or ignorance. I will admit now that my daughter is of teenage years, it is scary out there, but all I do is keep the lines of communication open and pray--alot! What is way cool is that she does ask questions and so do her friends.

Thanks for sharing that message board.


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1337 k4th0l1x0r

It looks like most of the posters on this board are college students and one thing I've learned first hand is that college students are some of the dumbest people in the world. It has nothing to do with intellectual capacity, rather when you're in college, you think you're all grown up and know everything, only you aren't and you're really dumb because you don't realize this. I thought I had things figured out when I was 19. Then when I was 21 I thought I really knew everything and I was stupid at 19. Finally, around age 23 I realized that I wasn't completely grown up and didn't know everything, nor do I still know everything. When I'm 30 I'll probably look back at my early twenties and say , "Man, I was stupid." Not because of what I did, but because of what I thought.

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