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Democracy will ultimately fail...

Desert Walker

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Desert Walker

Allow me to assert the primary reason for the fall of democratic societies:

Legal separation of Christian moral doctrine from civic and social reality.

This is accomplished gradually of course. For if it was done all at once there would be an outcry of livid disagreement from the ruling social majority. As a gradual process, Christian morality is divested of its national importance through the passing of new laws and the relaxing of older laws. The new laws are intentionally secular in the way they address things. The old laws, having a religious flavor to them, are gradually cast out of social importance.

There is no need to go into great detail about this process. It is enough to say that, eventually, religion becomes a purely private matter, and must LEGALLY remain a private matter. Thus we see that Christian moral doctrine, which is identified as being "religious" in character has become a private matter.

Thus personal morality is no longer a public concern.

Scary thought....

[b]Edited to say:[/b]

Oh I forgot. The reason democracy is going to fail is that all of the process described above is primarily motivated by good people who are only interested in religious tolerance and creating a consciousness of human diversity. But that is the soil from which a gross, sub-human morality can grow into a hideous, anti-life, anti-dignity culture. It is that culture, which, once matured, flourishes in a representative democracy, that is the mechanism of the destruction of the democracy itself.

Edited by Desert Walker
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i wouldn't say will ultimately fail, but in its current incarnation it might.

Imagine if we had a nation full of solid Catholics. Then democracy would be about the best thing that could happen.

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Church Punk

[quote name='dspen2005' date='Mar 27 2006, 03:29 PM']i retract that statement... make it a monarchy...

Unlike a monarchy, the Church elects its leader. However only the privildged few who are appointed get to make this decision.

I feel this is a great model, shouldnt the learned, and those who knowingly hold the truth be the ones to make decisions for society as a whole? Not leaving these things up to the closed minded and hateful with their hidden agendas?

Just a thought.

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[quote name='notardillacid' date='Mar 27 2006, 03:27 PM']Since when? If it is the best form of government, why isnt the Church a republic?

One might say that the Church is a republic since the Cardinals elect the Pope... but the Cardinals do not have authority over the Pope and cannot impeach him.

I would think that the best form of government would be a republic like the USA, where the laws could not go against Catholic teaching and the Vatican could remove the president, senators, govenors, and judges if needed.

The people could be any faith... but it would be against the law to lie about the Catholic Faith or any other faith... although all laws had to adhere to Catholic teaching.

Monarchy is a whole bloodline thing and I don't think it would be good to take whatever kid the king gave us.

God Bless,

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Mar 27 2006, 04:11 PM']Unlike a monarchy, the Church elects its leader. However only the privildged few who are appointed get to make this decision.

I feel this is a great model, shouldnt the learned, and those who knowingly hold the truth be the ones to make decisions for society as a whole? Not leaving these things up to the closed minded and hateful with their hidden agendas?

Just a thought.

The USA use to be close to that... at one time you couldn't vote unless you owned something... land, stock, etc... The idea was that people should have vested interest before they could vote. Typically people who have a vested interest will pay more attention to what and why things happen.

I would like to see ballots either based by topic and priority, or make people take a test to make sure they know enough about what the person that they are voting for is running on. One of the biggest problems in our system is that so many people are clueless to who runs for what.

Also, it should be against the law for politicians to lie, but they made a special thing in the law that politicians are allowed to lie... this speaks volumes for the quality of leaders that enacted that law... I think that happened when it was ran by dems.

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The church is not a republic.The pope is elected by the Holy Spirit through human beings, then he is dictator. :cool: Unfortunately the Holy Spirit doesn't control our elections

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I agree, democracies will fail.

the idea just won't die though.

The Church is not a republic and not really a monarchy. Couldn't we say it's headed by a divinely appointed High Priest? A collegial theocracy.

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a republic in which the representative-electors are instituted by the leader is not so much a republic ;)

Church = Monarchy, mirror of the rule of Christ the King on Earth

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Mar 27 2006, 02:11 PM']Unlike a monarchy, the Church elects its leader. However only the privildged few who are appointed get to make this decision.

I feel this is a great model, shouldnt the learned, and those who knowingly hold the truth be the ones to make decisions for society as a whole? Not leaving these things up to the closed minded and hateful with their hidden agendas?

Just a thought.

this is the reason why we have the electoral college today in our society (and notice how much that flops)

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