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Immigration issue draws thousands into streets


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[url="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11442705/"]Immigration issue draws thousands[/url]

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Do you really think that the eventual harm is aimed towards hispanics?

Does the tighter immigration bill hurt our economy by reducing the number of illegal immigrant workers?

Is this bill really going to increase homeland security?

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The biggest problem with so many illegal aliens coming over is that they bring so many illegal drugs and stolen goods.

I knew a few illegals that brought pot over by the trunkload and you could buy mexican stolen cars that normally go for around $4000-$7000 for $500.

I wouldn't be surprised if the dems lied to the Mexicans in the streets.... they had people lying to Latinos trying to get an HS education. Typical liberal tactics...

Ref: [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=17385"]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=17385[/url]

I'm all for people coming here to make a better life for themselves and their children... but there are way too many bring drugs. I wouldn't trust anyone coming here illegally who was not a devout Catholic. Secular illegals bring massive amounts of drugs.

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Thank you for your thoughts.

The bill is not targeting dealers though. It is targeting hard working illegals that do good for this country.

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[quote name='AngelofJesus' date='Mar 26 2006, 07:44 PM']Thank you for your thoughts.

The bill is not targeting      dealers though.  It is targeting hard working illegals that do good for this country.

I'm not talking about dealers, I'm talking about mules. Every mule I have known is a hard working illegal alien.

How do you know that they are hard working? Are these hard working people just hording cash to move back and live like a king... like many that I know do?

The key term here is "illegal"... and they should be removed.

As our faith teaches us that laws should be followed.

illegals will work cheaper than legal residents... people should get here legally. Unless their lives are in danger, they should not be here.

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The problem is that anyone offering aid to an illegal is guilty of committing a felony. That means if you offer a sandwich, a coat, or a bed to an undocumented alien, you go to jail.

That is why Mahoney and a plethora of bishops are against this bill becoming law. that is why so many people have taken to the streets to protest

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 26 2006, 08:18 PM']The problem is that anyone offering aid to an illegal is guilty of committing a felony.  That means if you offer a sandwich, a coat, or a bed to an undocumented alien, you go to jail. 

That is why Mahoney and a plethora of bishops are against this bill becoming law. that is why so many people have taken to the streets to protest

Ah, didn't know that.

I don't know if it should be a felony, but it should carry a hefty fine. The Social Security Office offers aid to illegals by giving them social security numbers when they know that they are illegal... The FICA goes into a general fund instead of to an individual.

I think "aid" should be defined in case it isn't.

If it was a felony, then most businesses wouldn't hire them, then there would not be as big of a reason for them to come. Most businesses around here that hire illegals know that they are illegal... many of them share an ID or SSN...

I see some positive reasons to make it a felony. I would think that a major factor would be that one would have to know someone is illegal.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pounds of pot comes into America via illegal aliens... pot is the tip of the iceburg.

I believe that it would help the economy... cut back the drugs... and deter people from coming over... cut back on human slave trade to America...

I do not believe the majority of illegals are well intentioned. I have seen far to many be the problem.

We cannot continue to allow the influx of illegal aliens into the country. It is foolish.

The more I think about it, the more I support making it a felony.

Make it a felony and open the system to allow more people to come from South America into the USA legally.

Drugs are destroying our society because so many people are starting them in middle school... this alone is reason enough to make it a felony to give aid to illegals.

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The Church also calls us to follow a higher law if the law of the land is not just.

We are called to help our brother. Regardless of his social security card. This law makes that illegal.

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[quote]As our faith teaches us that laws should be followed.[/quote]

In the bunny thread you argue the opposite.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 26 2006, 07:24 PM']The Church also calls us to follow a higher law if the law of the land is not just. 
We are called to help our brother.  Regardless of his social security card.  This law makes that illegal.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Mar 26 2006, 04:15 PM']I'm not talking about dealers, I'm talking about mules. Every mule I have known is a hard working illegal alien.

How do you know that they are hard working? Are these hard working people just hording cash to move back and live like a king... like many that I know do?

The key term here is "illegal"... and they should be removed.

As our faith teaches us that laws should be followed.

illegals will work cheaper than legal residents... people should get here legally. Unless their lives are in danger, they should not be here.

How can an immigrant live like a king on minimum wage. Most often times they are just making enough to send a little money back to their parents or family. [u] All [/u]of the illegal people I know are not mules. Is it fair to generalize a whole society? Is that a catholic teaching?

Most of these businesses can only pay minimum wage to stay afloat. If they had to pay more they would be out of business. I do not know many legal immigrants nor american citizens that will take back breaking minimum wage jobs. Do you?

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Most illegals don't even make minimum wage, unless they have a very virtuous boss...and since jobs for illegals are so scarce, they take what they can get. I find that a lot of illegals are just trying to provide a better life for their families. I know one (he might be legal now, I don't remember) who is a devout Catholic and is also a very hard worker. Then there are the bums who squander their money on drink...it does depend.

The cheap prices we take for granted would skyrocket if we were to crack down like this on illegals. Legal citizens wouldn't settle for jobs like that without more pay, at LEAST minimum--which, again, a lot of illegals don't even make, and they can't complain. So there's that--it just wouldn't make economic sense, IMO. And...I do agree with Mahony for once, and we have a responsibility to our fellow man. I don't think my dad did anything wrong when he was helping this worker of his. He was helping someone in need, wasn't he? The man was trying to earn money honestly--not via drugs--to support his big Catholic family. I think it was a work of mercy that my dad did to help him out.

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perusing through statistics on illegal aliens, 87% of all illegals are working in the US.

[quote]Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population Page 3
Estimates Based on the March 2005 Current Population Survey
Pew Hispanic Center March 7, 2006
• Unauthorized workers are employed in a variety of occupations, although the
distribution of the unauthorized workforce across occupations differs from
that of native-born workers. For example, nearly a third (31%) of
unauthorized workers were employed in service occupations compared to onesixth
(16%) of native workers in March 2005. Unauthorized migrants are
underrepresented in white-collar occupations.
• About 19% of unauthorized workers were employed in construction and
extractive occupations, 15% in production, installation and repair and 4% in
• Unauthorized migrants make up a large share of all workers in a few more
detailed occupational categories. They were 24% of all workers employed in
farming occupations, 17% in cleaning, 14% in construction and 12% in food
preparation industries. Within those categories, unauthorized workers were a
very large share of all workers in certain specific occupations. For example,
the unauthorized were 36% of all insulation workers and 29% of all roofers
and drywall installers, 27% of all butchers and other food processing workers.
• The concentration of unauthorized workers in broad industries is not as marked as
the concentration in broad occupation groups. Only in “leisure & hospitality”
and in “construction” does the share of unauthorized workers greatly exceed
the share of natives. About 1 in 5 unauthorized workers was in the
construction industry (20%) and 1 in 6 was in the leisure & hospitality
industry (17%). Only about 7%–8% of native workers was in each of these
• There are fewer detailed industries with high concentrations and significant
numbers of unauthorized workers than detailed occupations. Nonetheless,
there are some industries with substantial concentration of unauthorized
workers. The unauthorized were 21% of the workers in private household
industries. They were between 12% and 14% of all the workers in food
manufacturing, farming, furniture manufacturing, construction, textiles, and
food services.[/quote]

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There is nothing unjust about making it a felony to give aid to illegal aliens.

The problem with mules is that because of them NO ONE should be allowed in [u][b]illegally[/b][/u]. It is not a generalization, it is a fact that an ungodly amount of drugs come via illegal aliens... therefore steps must be taken to keep illegals out. Simple logic... and does NOT go against Church teaching. There are legal ways that people can enter the USA and they need to do so legally.

Most illegals in this area are not making minimum wage, and if they were, the value of the American money is about seven times it's worth in Mexico. I have known dozens of illegals that group together in one house, save their money and move back to live like kings.

The border needs to be locked down tight, and people should get some type of punishment for knowingly aiding illegal aliens.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 27 2006, 08:23 AM']perusing through statistics on illegal aliens, 87% of all illegals are working in the US.

This is irrelevant.

So what if they are working... every illegal I have known has a job, and many of them brought over drugs.

Not to mention, these are estimates... There is no way to know exactly how many illegals are in the USA... it would be foolish to go by these numbers which mean nothing anyway.

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