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Catholic Garments?


Would You Wear A Yamulka if you could?  

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I'm 20 years old and super pumped about being Catholic and I want everyone to know it. I got to thinking the other day that it would be awesome if Lay Catholics had some sort of garment they could wear so that people would be like "Hey, theres a traditional Catholic guy." Now our Bishops, Cardinals, and even the Pope were zuketti(sp?) as part of their garb and priests can wear them too, but what about us? I just think it would be so awesome and ultra unifying to have something outward to show our devotion to God and our love of the church. Perhaps I am alone on this one!? I just figure if Jews have Yamulchas(sp?) why don't we? You can wear a crucifix and a scapular but people who don't know the first thing about the faith do the same thing. I just think that this generation of counter culteral youth needs something to show the world that we are here! Alive and well, and ready to change the world one person at a time. Yeah it might be humiliating at times but the best way to live counterculturally is to give up your pride and become a humble servant! Imagine going to watch your next big sports event and a bunch of your friends and you walk in together wearing something to identify you as being Catholic. I am really interested in whether or not we are allowed to wear the yamulcha so if anyone knows the answer please let me know! Just some food for thought!


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i think that would have to have bean astablished a long time ago for it to work even if it started now it would be years before everyone did it which i odubt people would do.seriously think about it who would do that?we have enough people who dont go to church often then there gonna come in one day and be like what the heck is everybody wearing?

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I think the best "outer garment" would be a steadfast (and obvious) practice of your faith...like St. Francis of Assisi said, "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." The outer things aren't as important, I think. The crucifix/scapular plus the practice of the faith though...

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Something noticeable? Do you mean, to be a visible witness to the world? I think that is one of the reasons there are advocates here for the wearing of the habit for religious, to be that visible witness. The zuchetta, as you mention, is also a visible witness, but again, that's for those consecrated to the priesthood. White for the pope, red for a cardinal, purple for a bishop, etc. The laity has never really worn anything distinguishing. Unless they've chosen to wear a larger crucifix, scapular, etc. Not like how the Jews wear their yarmulke. Some 3rd order groups wear visible signs, such as the larger scapulars for the Carmelites, etc. However, for a person who is laity, there is nothing.

Would I support it? Well, sure, but we as Catholics are thus far not unified in our preferences for Mass styles, if you will (some like the NO, some like TLM, some like more of a LifeTeen approach with modern Christian rock, some like Chant or traditional hymns), our religious are not unified in their thinking, meaning some wear their habits, some don't, etc. . .I don't think you'd ever get a group of people as larage as us to agree on a visible sign of our faith. I know you said 'traditional Catholic', but even then, because it's not already in place, or even something that WAS in place for a long time, but went by the wayside, it would be difficult for something like that to be implemented. Sorry to sound so discouraging.

Oh, and you asked about men wearing the yarmulke? It's a Jewish observance, which is done to recognize that God is always 'above' you, as well as identifying that you are part of the Jewish people. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarmulke"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarmulke[/url] It's not really appropriate to wear one as a Catholic, especially if you are trying to identify as being one.

God bless you in your search.

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if your looking for something to wear as a sign of your catholicity, i wouldn't suggest a hat, because those were developments that came more from the middle ages (please do not read that as an attack or disapproval.)

How about an alb? That goes back to the begining...clad in white as a sign of our baptism....it will cover our caskets when we die...

as a religious, we have and I wear a habit, but that was just a thought...

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[quote name='friarMatt' date='Mar 26 2006, 09:15 AM']if your looking for something to wear as a sign of your catholicity, i wouldn't suggest a hat, because those were developments that came more from the middle ages (please do not read that as an attack or disapproval.)

How about an alb? That goes back to the begining...clad in white as a sign of our baptism....it will cover our caskets when we die...

as a religious, we have and I wear a habit, but that was just a thought...

Are we allowed to wear our white albs even in public? That's interesting. I've seen the new members of our Church, for a couple of weeks after Easter, wear their albs during Mass, which I've always found to be inspiring.


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I spent a couple of days with an orthodox jewish family. And i must say i was inspired in my own faith after that encounter.

Orthodox Jews are compelled to have their head covered at all times. For some of the time it is with regular hats we see, beanies or baseball caps.

But i doubt the Church would ever formally adopt some sort of garb for laity. Although the alb sounds wonderful, i wonder about all sorts of people who couldnt practically where an alb to work. For some uniforms are required. For some a professional outfit is required. For some they just get so dirty, it may be just outright sacrilige to wear some sort of religious attire. The other problem is that in certain areas as someone is engaging the world and secular matters, those they associate and do business with may never get over the fact that the person has some sort of overt (and in their eyes maniacle) religious agenda that they are trying to force.

I know myself, once i get ordained, i am going to wear my roman collar.

I also think that this is something that hasnt caught on is this. There was a large amount of our church history, where everyone in its sphere of influence was catholic. So wearing ones faith publically may have been more of a superficial sign of pride than heroic faith.

But in our time, where our church is demonized by bigotry and intolerance, i think young men and women need to wear their faith publically, not just in sign, but also in word and deed.


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Not to sound cheesy, but "they'll know we are Christians by our love" comes to mind for me. Scriptures say we should "put on Christ" and in the same way I think overall our practice of supernatural charity should be what identifies us as faithful Catholics above all things.

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[quote name='morostheos' date='Mar 28 2006, 11:10 AM']Not to sound cheesy, but "they'll know we are Christians by our love" comes to mind for me.  Scriptures say we should "put on Christ" and in the same way I think overall our practice of supernatural charity should be what identifies us as faithful Catholics above all things.

But i must say, it does help the people of God, when they see a recognizable Christian person doing good for the glory of God, especially with all the persecuation the church recieves...


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Yes, you are so correct! But I wonder. . .how would they know that we are Christians? I know that in the past, the pagans knew who the Jews were. . .but now? :idontknow:

BTW, I added you to my prayer list if that is all right with you :saint: I added all those on the 'entering' thread.

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Guest Rick777

I've actually thought about this! And yes I would totally wear one! If it was Catholic...... I always admire those guys my age who are Orthodox Jews wearing thier Yamulka's and praying in the streets and stuff. Big props to them.

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