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My mom is an usher


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I was at church and I told someone how proud I was that my mom was an usher at her church out west. There is only on priest for three parishes and so there is only one mass at each, and they needed and usher and no one (and I mean no one) stepped up to the plate. So, my 80 year-old mother said she would do it, and she loves it! I am proud of her because she finally after 25 years came back to the church. (I get upset with my brother because he tries to talk her out of it and to join his non-denominational church and bashes everthing Catholic, but that is another post)

Anyway, the person looked at me like she was going to burn and me along with her. Then said, "Oh no, that will never happen here!" Is there something that I missed? Father Ron is good with it and appreciates her stepping in to help.

Thoughts? :idontknow:

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[quote name='dimco926' date='Mar 24 2006, 03:00 PM']I was at church and I told someone how proud I was that my  mom was an usher at her church out west.  There is only on priest for three parishes and so there is only one mass at each, and they needed and usher and no one (and I mean no one) stepped up to the plate.  So, my 80 year-old mother said she would do it, and she loves it!  I am proud of her because she finally after 25 years came back to the church.  (I get upset with my brother because he tries to talk her out of it and to join his non-denominational church and bashes everthing Catholic, but that is another post)

Anyway, the person looked at me like she was going to burn and me along with her.  Then said, "Oh no, that will never happen here!"  Is there something that I missed?  Father Ron is good with it and appreciates her stepping in to help.

Thoughts?  :idontknow:
Your mom's an usher! (insert Napoleon Dynamite here)

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Good for her. I see a lot of older people (usually men) doing usher duties. I'm sure it gives them a personal sense of "belonging" and service. There's nothing wrong with female ushers.

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[quote name='jezic' date='Mar 24 2006, 05:43 PM']that sounds great!

Did this person say why they objected to it?

He didn't say and I wish I would have asked him what he meant, but sometimes that opens a huge can of worms. I got the impression that he felt it wasn't a "woman's place" so to speak since he was talking about how his wife hates when he ushers because she has to sit alone while he does his stuff. That is when I brought up the fact that my mom ushers and then he said what he said and quickly walked away. Maybe he was afraid I would tell his wife. ;)

But seriously, I started to second-guess myself thinking there was something about women ushers because of remarks I heard when I was a kid about female alter servers. However, after reading the previous posts, I think it is more of culture change. So much of my childhood surrounding my Catholic faith was a "do what I do and don't ask questions" and I find myself wanting to know why.

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It is too bad no manly man had the testicular fortitude to step to the plate and instensely love the Church as St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, St. Francis, and John Paul II have. But tell your mama that she is awesome and heroic.

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[quote name='Lil Red' date='Mar 24 2006, 05:15 PM']yeah, good for her!

Maybe that person should have a cat scan. What's the big deal?

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Mar 24 2006, 07:07 PM']It is too bad no manly man had the testicular fortitude to step to the plate and instensely love the Church as St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, St. Francis, and John Paul II have. But tell your mama that she is awesome and heroic.

:D: That I will!! Thanks!! I'm pretty proud of my mom!

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Am I missing something? Why would ushering be off-limits to women? How is leading people to seats and passing the collection plate a masculine job?

I'm confused :idontknow:
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Its really such a difficult job to point out an empty pew, that takes a whole lot of talent and skill and authority.
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I didnt say anything about talent or skill, But directing parishoners to open seats does take some authority, Ushers are also supposed to act if someone needs to be removed during mass. Anyway you look at it is Authoritative.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' date='Mar 26 2006, 01:13 PM']One way of looking at is that the position of Usher is one of Lay Authority and as such a man should hold it.


Stretching a bit aren't we? (and by "a bit" I mean "wow, that's quite a stretch")

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