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Hilary Clinton on Jesus...


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Cow of Shame

[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 27 2006, 06:43 PM']oh and if a terrorist comes through the border with a nuke and destroys half of  united states, what will ya'll say then?

"That was one hulkin' strong beaner."

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 27 2006, 05:38 PM']Just ignore him.  He never has anything to add that isn't out of line and insulting.

i'm like that with liberals and wanna be liberals. Doesnt mean I dont pray for them and go to confession after being uncharitable. I admit I have a problem with chariy, but I also believe Charity demands correction.  As for hilary,(for hot stuff) your going to defend her because one or two actions are inline with church teachings? what about everything else she does? she isnt even Catholic! She's just trying to get the religious on her side for votes in 2008! It's obvious. My point is i dont think any faithful catholic should get anywhere near her.

And please point out where i've defended her.

But when she says something that I agree with (i.e. charitable organizations should not be charged with a felony for helping another ) then I'll say yeah she's right.

When she says something that I don't agree with, I say that too.

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 27 2006, 05:43 PM']oh and if a terrorist comes through the border with a nuke and destroys half of  united states, what will ya'll say then?

almost time to close another thread.

And what's my issue with the bill? What's Hillary's issue with the bill? is it that it makes it more difficult for illegal aliens to bring nukes across the border?


Its that if the law passes and you, I or a Catholic organization give a sandwich to someone and they turn out to be here illegally, its a felony.

That's wrong. It goes against Church teaching and it goes against justice.

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how are people failing to see what an anti-American bill this is?

You do not let the gov't determine who your church helps.

Holy cow. Conservatives, where are you? Limited Gov't! LIMITED GOV'T!!!!

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 27 2006, 05:43 PM']oh and if a terrorist comes through the border with a nuke and destroys half of  united states, what will ya'll say then?

almost time to close another thread.


NOWHERE in the bill does it make any changes in our border security. It does not add one person to border security or does anything to strengthen the borders.

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Given that the Catholic Church is universal, and that Catholics can render help from either side of the border, why is the moral outrage all focused on the American people, as though we are the ones who created the problem? Why don’t we ever hear criticism of the corrupt Mexican government or the wealthy class of Mexicans who seem to turn a blind eye to the plight of their own people?

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[quote name='OP_MOM' date='Apr 4 2006, 10:41 AM']Given that the Catholic Church is universal, and that Catholics can render help from either side of the border, why is the moral outrage all focused on the American people, as though we are the ones who created the problem? Why don’t we ever hear criticism of the corrupt Mexican government or the wealthy class of Mexicans who seem to turn a blind eye to the plight of their own people?

It's a double standard, the US is "evil".

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Generally, I feel that the Catholic Church should aid and shelter any person who comes to her for help, regardless of immigration status. However, if the person is Catholic, especially, then they are likewise members of the Church and should not shame us by breaking the law. Moreover, since we are universal, and that we do not come to ill repute, one would think that the Churches to whom they come, after giving them food, shelter, and comfort, would see them safely to a counterpart parish across the Mexican border, where further help can be rendered. In other words, there seems little need to be antagonistic.

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Apr 4 2006, 01:28 PM']It's a double standard, the US is "evil".
Or perhaps it's a recognition of the vast resources available in the U.S. compared to those available in Mexico.

With great power comes great responsibility. (Thank you, Uncle Ben)

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Apr 4 2006, 01:05 PM']Or perhaps it's a recognition of the vast resources available in the U.S. compared to those available in Mexico.

With great power comes great responsibility. (Thank you, Uncle Ben)

Yet you don't see the Church critizing the Mexican government. It's not all the U.S.' fault you know.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Apr 4 2006, 01:05 PM']Or perhaps it's a recognition of the vast resources available in the U.S. compared to those available in Mexico...[/quote]

I thought we were talking about the responsibility of Catholics. Since the
Church is universal, wouldn't it be better if we sent our vast Catholic Church resources (not U.S. resources) directly to the Mexicans in their own country? Then we would not be encouraging them to break the law. We send money to countries all over the world. We don't tell their citizens to illegally cross our borders and possibly compromise our own national security.
I believe that as Catholics and Americans we can perform our moral duty to the poor [i]and[/i] be loyal citizens. Isn't there a New Testament quote something like, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and give unto God the things that are Gods"?

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