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Hilary Clinton on Jesus...


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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Mar 26 2006, 08:11 AM']So when she actually espouses views that are in line with the Church, you're still going to trash her?


i just think she shouldnt be talking about God or religion her demoncrook party is too busy censoring and getting rid of the Church's influence on Society. Why are you defending her and such people, may I ask?

Edited by MC Just
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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 26 2006, 09:55 AM']i just think she shouldnt be talking about God or religion her demoncrook party is too busy censoring and getting  rid of the Church's influence on Society. Why are you defending her and such people, may I ask?

MC I love you like a brother and even share your political orientation, but that speech goes beyond being blunt (which is your style and vaild) and has become unchartiable.

This will not serve to change anyone's mind or heart. It will only agitate further uncharitable actions,

Edit to add.

It seems that there needs to be a solution that stops illigal and unjust immigration that does not punish those that serve the poor.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:03 AM']MC I love you like a brother and even share your political orientation, but that speech goes beyond being blunt (which is your style and vaild) and has become unchartiable.

This will not server to change anyone's mind or heart.  It will only agitate further uncharitable actions,

That's why i decided to stop debating with this person. I'll just go pray. I'm confused as to why there are some "catholics" on here defending pro-abortion democrats.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:55 AM']i just think she shouldnt be talking about God or religion her demoncrook party is too busy censoring and getting  rid of the Church's influence on Society. Why are you defending her and such people, may I ask?

I'm not defending her. I'm not even a fan of Hillary. But if someone says something that [i] agrees with the Church [/i] what benefit does it serve to trash her for it? Shouldn't we support the actions of our politicians when they are in line with Church teachings? And conversely call them out when they are not? Isn't that a more charitable approach then condemning everything that comes out of someone's mouth just because you don't like them?

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Mar 26 2006, 11:05 AM']That's why i decided to stop debating with this person. I'll just go pray. I'm confused as to why there are some "catholics" on here defending pro-abortion democrats.

And I don't appreciate the suggestion that I support pro-abortion democrats. That's waaaaaaaaaaaay out of line!

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Mar 26 2006, 11:41 AM']Many illegal immigrants DO work AND pay taxes. In fact, the Social Security Administration currently has more than $420 [b]billion[/b] in Social Security collected that can't be matched to a valid SSN.
SWEEET! Give me some of that sponduli.

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On Pilgrimage

[quote name='hot stuff']And I don't appreciate the suggestion that I support pro-abortion democrats. That's waaaaaaaaaaaay out of line![/quote]
Just ignore him. He never has anything to add that isn't out of line and insulting.

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[quote name='stbernardLT' date='Mar 24 2006, 12:45 PM']Seriously, can anything good come from a Clinton.

"So far", I haven't heard anything bad about their daughter. Perhaps she's distancing herself from her parents' agendas. (If so, good for her).

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='Mateo el Feo' date='Mar 25 2006, 11:39 PM']And, last I checked, Latinos are not known to do things like flying airplanes into buildings, nor do they have long term goals of establishing sharia and subjugating non-Latinos.
You make it sound like all Muslims have this bad habit...you know, eating stray dogs, hijacking planes....

Besides, Mexican's don't have that sort of agenda [i]yet[/i]. I think we'll soon be under their subjugation soon enough. Their plan is to flood our country with their kin and eventually do a hostile takeover ...wave after wave of them, pouring from the fields and orchards, armed with fresh, sunripened produce.

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:26 AM'] I know I'm crazy to think that if they are going to be here we should know who they are, what they are doing, ensure that they are smuggling drugs or involved in other illegal activities like child sex trade, and for them to give a portion of their own wages, just like everyone else does, to the services that the government provides.

Now I'm confused. Are we talking about Mexicans, or Asians?

[quote name='On Pilgrimage' date='Mar 26 2006, 06:14 PM'][quote name='hot stuff']And I don't appreciate the suggestion that I support pro-abortion democrats. That's waaaaaaaaaaaay out of line![/quote]
Just ignore him. He never has anything to add that isn't out of line and insulting.

Hey! It's my job to be out of line and insulting. Wouldn't you know it...you guys complain & complain about how the illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from good old Americans, and here you are....outsourcing to a Mexican right in front of my face!

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Mar 27 2006, 10:19 AM']You make it sound like all Muslims have this bad habit...you know, eating stray dogs, hijacking planes....[/quote]
No more than you made it sound like all Mexicans were in gangs. Was that your assertion? I was merely making a parallel with your comment.

Unfortunately, while only a few Muslims hijack planes, all too many Muslims dance in the streets to celebrate the accomplishments of their co-religionists against [i]dar al-harb[/i].

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Mar 27 2006, 10:19 AM']Besides, Mexican's don't have that sort of agenda [i]yet[/i].  I think we'll soon be under their subjugation soon enough.  Their plan is to flood our country with their kin and eventually do a hostile takeover ...wave after wave of them, pouring from the fields and orchards, armed with fresh, sunripened produce.
While the establishment (i.e. imposition) of sharia is a stated goal of orthodox Islam, what are the Mexicans going to impose on us? Tejano music? Are they going to force us to watch their novelas? Maybe they'll do a make-over on the statue of liberty and turn Lady Liberty into Our Lady of Guadalupe? That's quite a contrast with the Muslim radicals' contribution to the NYC skyline.

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just my 2 cents:
if we have illegal immigrants coming across the border who are willing to WORK, often at jobs others don't want to do, slap a SSN on them and lets start collecting their taxes! :rolleyes:

not those involved with gangs, terrorism, drugs, fillintheblank security threat, but those immgrants who are seeking a better life. cuz guess what? the majority of latinamerican immigrants are just that.

i should know cuz about 1/4 of my students here have illegal parents who are sacrificing their pants off to send their kids to a catholic high school (which, is such a waste, on a separate note since our education is "catholic" at best :sadder:)

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[quote name='kateri05' date='Mar 27 2006, 02:28 PM']just my 2 cents:
  if we have illegal immigrants coming across the border who are willing to WORK, often at jobs others don't want to do, slap a SSN on them and lets start collecting their taxes! :rolleyes:

not those involved with gangs, terrorism, drugs, fillintheblank security threat, but those immgrants who are seeking a better life.  cuz guess what?  the majority of latinamerican immigrants are just that.

i should know cuz about 1/4 of my students here have illegal parents who are sacrificing their pants off to send their kids to a catholic high school (which, is such a waste, on a separate note since our education is "catholic" at best :sadder:)
Exactly. Rather than making them scrabble around for fake SSNs to use to get work, and then being unable to have any sort of meaningful record of their whereabouts, it makes sense to have a guest worker program that really works.

Now, the one Bush is currently proposing would allow new workers to come in, but would not grant amnesty to those already here ... this makes no sense. The ones who are already here already have jobs and have been acquiring experience and language skills. An amnesty would make the most sense.

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[quote name='On Pilgrimage' date='Mar 26 2006, 04:14 PM'][quote name='hot stuff']And I don't appreciate the suggestion that I support pro-abortion democrats. That's waaaaaaaaaaaay out of line![/quote]
Just ignore him. He never has anything to add that isn't out of line and insulting.

i'm like that with liberals and wanna be liberals. Doesnt mean I dont pray for them and go to confession after being uncharitable. I admit I have a problem with chariy, but I also believe Charity demands correction. As for hilary,(for hot stuff) your going to defend her because one or two actions are inline with church teachings? what about everything else she does? she isnt even Catholic! She's just trying to get the religious on her side for votes in 2008! It's obvious. My point is i dont think any faithful catholic should get anywhere near her.

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oh and if a terrorist comes through the border with a nuke and destroys half of united states, what will ya'll say then?

almost time to close another thread.

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