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Hilary Clinton on Jesus...


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I am all for fighting illegal immigration, but that doesn't give the state authority over the Church like this.

this is a law basically requiring the Church to enforce the state's laws. that is unconstitutional, and moreover it's absolutely immoral. to support this law is to support the subjegation of the Church to civil law and that would be heretical and immoral.

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On Pilgrimage

[quote name='Brother Adam']It is rather that they are illegal, and do not belong in the US. They are breaking a law and committing a crime. There are legal ways to work in the US and become naturalized.[/quote]
The fact that they are illegal doesn't mean that they can be deprived of basic human rights -- i.e., food, shelter, etc. Are you aware of the Church's social teaching and the stand that both the popes and the American bishops have taken on immigration? If so, why do you continue to think with the conservatives rather than with the Church?

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Mar 25 2006, 06:05 PM']Do the Muslims & Hindus bring gangs into the area like the "Catholics"?
Actually, even if individual gang members may cross the border into the US, the Latin gang problem originated in the US, and was exported from the US to Latin America.

And, last I checked, Latinos are not known to do things like flying airplanes into buildings, nor do they have long term goals of establishing sharia and subjugating non-Latinos.

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[quote name='prodigalson' date='Mar 25 2006, 01:27 PM']I applaud the Cardinal if for nothing else than taking a role against american politics- he is one of very few who are Priestly more than political!



oh wait. :mellow: was he serious?

maybe he DIDN'T mean Cardinal Mahoney..... :idontknow:

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God Conquers

[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Mar 25 2006, 05:05 PM']Do the Muslims & Hindus bring gangs into the area like the "Catholics"?


And their tattoos are WAY less cool.

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March 23, 2006 Edition > Section:  New York


Clinton: Immigration Bill Would Make Jesus a Criminal

By DANIELA GERSON - Staff Reporter of the Sun
March 23, 2006

Accusing Republicans of betraying family values, Senator Clinton said a House immigration bill would turn "probably even Jesus himself" into a criminal.

A relative latecomer to the charged immigration debate, Mrs. Clinton yesterday spoke passionately to a gathering of a broad spectrum of New York's immigrant leaders. Her comments come amid a local groundswell of activity in preparation for a Senate vote Monday that is expected to determine the nature of immigration reform.

[/quote][quote]LOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles Archdiocese will ignore a proposed federal law that would require churches to ask immigrants for residency documents before administering help, Cardinal Roger Mahony said Wednesday.


"The church is not in a position of negotiating the spiritual and the corporal works of mercy," Mahony said during a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels marking the start of the 40-day season of Lent.

"We must be able to minister to people, regardless of how they got here," he said.

An immigration bill recently passed by the House of Representatives includes a provision requiring churches and other social organizations to ask immigrants for legal documentation before providing them assistance. Institutions that fail to comply could be penalized.[/quote]

[quote]hillary needs to shut her pie hole, she doesnt know Jesus, she's too busy persecuting him and his church.[/quote]

So when she actually espouses views that are in line with the Church, you're still going to trash her?


Edited by jaime
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Brother Adam

[quote name='On Pilgrimage' date='Mar 25 2006, 10:12 PM'][quote name='Brother Adam']It is rather that they are illegal, and do not belong in the US. They are breaking a law and committing a crime. There are legal ways to work in the US and become naturalized.[/quote]
The fact that they are illegal doesn't mean that they can be deprived of basic human rights -- i.e., food, shelter, etc. Are you aware of the Church's social teaching and the stand that both the popes and the American bishops have taken on immigration? If so, why do you continue to think with the conservatives rather than with the Church?

I've read the book on social teaching young man (or woman). Sure, give them a piece of bread, a cup of water, and ship them back to whatever country they came from, and warn them that next time they had better come over through legal means, and then they are more than welcome to stay. Did you think that the Catholic Church only exists in America? You don't know what you are talking about.

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Brother Adam

I'm crazy like that. I believe that a just days work deserves a just days wage and that hard working Americans should not have to pay, in the long term, for some elses illegal activity to clothe, feed, and shelter them, as well as give them free schooling, healthcare, and so on, when they work, do not pay any taxes, and send all the money they make into another country. I have a serious problem with that. I know I'm crazy to think that if they are going to be here we should know who they are, what they are doing, ensure that they are smuggling drugs or involved in other illegal activities like child sex trade, and for them to give a portion of their own wages, just like everyone else does, to the services that the government provides.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:18 AM']I've read the book on social teaching young man (or woman). Sure, give them a piece of bread, a cup of water, and [b]ship them back to whatever country they came from[/b], and warn them that next time they had better come over through legal means, and then they are more than welcome to stay. Did you think that the Catholic Church only exists in America? You don't know what you are talking about.
Since when is the church charged with enforcing federal laws?

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Sojourner' date='Mar 26 2006, 09:31 AM']Since when is the church charged with enforcing federal laws?

I'm talking about the government of course.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Mar 26 2006, 09:33 AM']I'm talking about the government of course.

and that's the problem with the proposed bill. If it becomes law, it requires the Church to do what you suggest or be charged with felony.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:26 AM']I'm crazy like that. I believe that a just days work deserves a just days wage and that hard working Americans should not have to pay, in the long term, for some elses illegal activity to clothe, feed, and shelter them, as well as give them free schooling, healthcare, and so on, when they work, do not pay any taxes, and send all the money they make into another country. I have a serious problem with that. I know I'm crazy to think that if they are going to be here we should know who they are, what they are doing, ensure that they are smuggling drugs or involved in other illegal activities like child sex trade, and for them to give a portion of their own wages, just like everyone else does, to the services that the government provides.
Adam, you don't know what you're talking about.

Many illegal immigrants DO work AND pay taxes. In fact, the Social Security Administration currently has more than $420 [b]billion[/b] in Social Security collected that can't be matched to a valid SSN. That's money by and large put there by people working under fake SSNs -- undocumented immigrants. If they're getting SS taken out of their checks, you can bet other taxes and Medicare are getting taken out too.

On top of that, I personally know of at least four businesses in Indianapolis OWNED by undocumented immigrants. The businesses are properly registered under state law, and the people are paying taxes for themselves and their employees to the IRS. Unsurprisingly, the IRS doesn't really care if you're legal or not -- they just want your money.

I agree that if there are immigrants here we should know who they are and where they're working and living. So, I support a total overhaul of the immigration program -- we need something that more realistically addresses the economic needs that immigrants are meeting and provides an avenue for immigrants to get here legally. The system is simply not set up to adequately provide the proper immigrant levels to meet the demand for labor that currently exists.

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