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Hilary Clinton on Jesus...


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I was just wondering if anyone else heard the clip of hilary Clinton talking about a new bill that would allow the government to punish people who are "aiding and abeiting" illegal immagrants?

I just wanted to get some reactions on it. Because I know Cardinal Mahooney said that he will encourage people to disobey this law. (or something to this effect, I'd like to know EXACTLY what was said, if anyone knows.)

For those that didn't hear it, she made a comment about how this bill didn't match with Christian Values, and that if this bill was law in jesus' time it would have punished the good samaritian and probably Jesus himself....

Come on. Be realistic, Hil. This bill will not effect anyone who gives an illegal a glass of water, or drives them to the hospital. It's to prevent people from giving them places to live, and jobs.

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While it may not be targeted at those who do works of mercy, it could be brought to bear against them. It needs to be extremely clear where the line is for Catholic support. For once I may agree with the Cardinal.


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from what I understood of the bill, it would require churches to give out forms for these people to sign before they could be given aid. That's the gov't sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. And you gotta think it would be a lot of Catholic Churches that would be affected, seeing as how most of the Mexican illegals would be Catholic.

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this would be a HUGE infringements on the rights of the Church.

She is obliged to provide the corporal and spiritual works of mercy REGARDLESS of immigration status. note the word MERCY


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On Pilgrimage

[quote]Come on. Be realistic, Hil. This bill will not effect anyone who gives an illegal a glass of water, or drives them to the hospital. It's to prevent people from giving them places to live, and jobs.[/quote]
Places to live? So you're saying that illegal immigrants should be homeless? Isn't "sheltering the homeless" one of the corporal works of mercy? And how about a job? How are they supposed to feed themselves, their spouses, and their children without employment?

I think we need to get past our partisan allegiances on this one -- and I would point out that President Bush himself does not support this bill -- and think a little more with the Church and a little less with the most conservative wing of the Republican Party.

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God Conquers

The right of the Church to give Sanctuary to those in need is an ancient one and should be non-negotiable.

I just wish those Cardinals would speak as strongly about abortion and marriage.

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Brother Adam

[quote]Places to live? So you're saying that illegal immigrants should be homeless? Isn't "sheltering the homeless" one of the corporal works of mercy? And how about a job? How are they supposed to feed themselves, their spouses, and their children without employment?[/quote]

It is rather that they are illegal, and do not belong in the US. They are breaking a law and committing a crime. There are legal ways to work in the US and become naturalized.

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God Conquers

Hey, at lejast your country is being flooded with Catholics.

Up here we get nothing but Muslims and Hindus!!!

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I applaud the Cardinal if for nothing else than taking a role against american politics- he is one of very few who are Priestly more than political!

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God the Father

While we're at it we should press for greater legislation of video games, and outlaw games like grand theft auto.


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[quote name='prodigalson' date='Mar 25 2006, 04:27 PM']I applaud the Cardinal if for nothing else than taking a role against american politics- he is one of very few who are Priestly more than political!
:saint: I shall hold my tongue.

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Cow of Shame

[quote name='God Conquers' date='Mar 25 2006, 04:26 PM']Hey, at lejast your country is being flooded with Catholics.

Up here we get nothing but Muslims and Hindus!!!

Do the Muslims & Hindus bring gangs into the area like the "Catholics"?

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[quote name='stbernardLT' date='Mar 24 2006, 10:45 AM']Seriously, can anything good come from a Clinton.


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