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Personal Lord and Savior

1337 k4th0l1x0r

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God Conquers

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Mar 23 2006, 04:34 PM']so if asked if i have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior should i say yes or no?

Answer truthfully. Have you?

The question is essentially asking whether you, as an adult, have personally made the decision to live your life centered on Jesus Christ.

If you have... Praise God and answer YES!

If you have not, think about doing it!

"Some Catholics have neglected the importance of a conscious, personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Catholics sometimes assume that persons who are baptized, attend Mass, and recieve the sacraments regularly have obviously accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their lives... This is often not the case, many Catholics have not yet made a deliberate, adult decision to believe in Jesus Christ and give their lives fully to Him."

-Dr. Alan Schreck, Catholic and Christian p 23

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God Conquers

Leaving aside questions on justification and the theology of salvation, this is one area where protestant have GOT IT RIGHT.

Or rather I should say: have stolen from us.

Having a personal relationship with Christ is the most essential aspect of being a Christian and a Catholic.

How can we approach the sacraments, believe in Church teaching or evangelize, if we don't know in a real and personal way the God/Man who is the author of our Salvation?

The saints' writings are the most stark illustration of this, like Era Might was quoting from St. John... the INTIMACY which they had/have with the Lord is the font from which their holiness flows.

They would have answered YES.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I guess what I was after was if the semantics of the question they ask are wrong. After all, I think it's more important to have a personal relationship with my savior than to have a relationship with my personal savior.

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[i][quote name='Era Might' date='Mar 23 2006, 05:39 PM']Well, the next time someone you meet one, and they ask you "the question", answer them "Yes, I have, and I'm a hardcore Catholic".  :)

I live on a dirt road and the next building (it's actually on our land) is a Church of God or maybe Assembly of God, I don't know (how bad is that it about three hundred yards from my house) Anyway, they've had 3 or 4 pastors and none of them have been younger than 80 and when they fiirst come they'll walk over if we're outside and start talking and this ALWAYS how we end the conversation after about 2 minutes:


P: Well y'all sure are welcome to come over and worship withus on Sundays and Thursdays.
U: Thank you but we go to church somewhere else
P: Oh, where do go?
U: To Catholic church in town.
P: OH, the [I]Catholic[/i] church (takes about 3 steps backwards) Well, I've got to go now. Nice talkin' to ya.
Turns and leaves.

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God Conquers

haha... I guess...

However, I think both are pretty much the same.

He's your personal savior who you have a personal relationship with.

Christ saved humanity but he also saved me individually (personally). It's one of those necessary paradoxs that Chesterton's always babbling about!

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[i][quote name='Era Might' date='Mar 23 2006, 05:39 PM']Well, the next time someone you meet one, and they ask you "the question", answer them "Yes, I have, and I'm a hardcore Catholic".  :)

I live on a dirt road and the next building (it's actually on our land) is a Church of God or maybe Assembly of God, I don't know (how bad is that it about three hundred yards from my house) Anyway, they've had 3 or 4 pastors and none of them have been younger than 80 and when they fiirst come they'll walk over if we're outside and start talking and this ALWAYS how we end the conversation after about 2 minutes:


P: Well y'all sure are welcome to come over and worship withus on Sundays and Thursdays.
U: Thank you but we go to church somewhere else
P: Oh, where do go?
U: To Catholic church in town.
P: OH, the [I]Catholic[/i] church (takes about 3 steps backwards) Well, I've got to go now. Nice talkin' to ya.
Turns and leaves.

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God Conquers

Wow.... I dont' think that's ever happenned before!

That's how quick I am at responding. Getting it in before the double is posted..... BAM

That's why my nickname is "the cat".

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