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What does born again mean.....


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[quote]Amen, Amen I say to you, unless you are born again [b]of water[/b] and the spirit, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

--John 3:5[/quote]

Baptism is our rebirth. When the Lord was baptised, he received the Holy Spirit, was declared a child of God, and consecrated for his public ministry. This is what happens to us; we receive the Holy Spirit, become children of God, and are consecrated in our Christian vocation.

St. Peter also expounds on the central role of Baptism in the Christian life:

[quote]Baptism, which corresponds to [Noah's ark], now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

--1Peter 3:21[/quote]

The actual act of Baptism is not "a removal of dirt from the body", but a true, supernatural "appeal to God". It is a Sacrament, a physical sign pointing to invisible grace. In Baptism, we receive a "clear conscience", because it washes away all sin, just as the flood washed away all the evil men from the earth.

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Born once of flesh.
Born again once of Spirit and water (Holy Baptism).
After that its repentance, confession, perfect contrition, forgiveness and hopefully absolution.

Otherwise its like saying the first one(or according to some denominations...the 5th or 6th as well) didnt "take".
Protestants try to solve the problem of sin by being born again, and again, and again (by water and Spirit). Scripture does not support this.

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