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Pneumatology and Baptism

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So, I am reading a half-retarted book about constructing pneumatology from resources outside the modern west. Right now I am tasked with teaching the class tommorow about how the spirit relates with the function of Baptism. The concept of water and how the spirit relates in the baptism.

any thoughts? Im gonna be up late with this. I promise to post my notes afterwards

Edited by Revprodeji
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refer it to Genesis: as the spirit hovered over the waters of Creation, so too the spirit overshadows the individual in baptism....

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I think the Lord's baptism in the Jordan is an interesting point you could make. Three things happen to the Lord: 1) The Spirit comes upon him, 2) The Father declares him to be his Son, and 3) HIs public ministry begins. I've thought about this when praying the Luminous mysteries. This is precisely what happens to us at Baptism. 1) We are infused with the Holy Spirit, 2) We become children of God in a supernatural way, part of his Covenant family, and 3) We are empowered and consecrated for our vocation in this world.

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The Holy Spirits role in baptism is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Economic Trinity which reflects the Role of the Spirit in the Imminent Trinity

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