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Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist


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Seriously You dont even know how lucky you are in AZ! I was in Ann Arbor at Ave Maria college for a year and I got a chance to spend some time with the sisters! Holy Ladies!!! They are so awesome. A group of us guys went to help re build the sisters' prayer path where they say the rosary along a creek and we heard all this screaming and took off running to where it sounded like it was coming from! We came up over a hill we saw all the sisters in pinneys playing soccer- this blew me away because In maine all our nuns are like extremely old and believe that women should be priests! >:( Anyways all the sisters were not much older than there late 20's and it was just so awesome to see such young, wonderful, beautiful women who were so In love with the Lord and the church! Be ready for some great things to happen in Your Parish because these ladies will rock your Catholic socks off!

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Oh, prodigalson, I have no doubt that Phoenix will get to see some great 'sister action', like the soccer you mentioned (when I was a Sister of Life postulant many years ago, cars used to stop by the convent when they saw us playing volleyball).

Phoenix did not have more orthodox and habited sisters for many years, as it wasn't. . .err, allowed. (I was actually told that by 2 diff. communities, but I won't go into that) Our new (well, approx 2 yrs installed here now) Bishop has invited 2 communities now, to start here. When I was at the reception for the PCPA last May, several people commented to me things such as 'I didn't know sisters actually wore a habit anymore' , 'I'll have to look into them, what a wonderful witness', etc. Shortly after they arrived, over a dozen women had already visited the sisters and were inquiring about entrance into their community, LOL one inquirer was only 8! ;) She's got a few yrs yet.

We have quite a few men in the seminary, studying for the priesthood, in our diocese and about 1/2 dozen women, entering religious life. (Actually the diocese published that 3 last yr entered religious life, but I'm sure there were at least that many who didn't let them know they were leaving for the convent/monastery.) Interestingly enough, I know of priests in at least 2 parishes who wear cassocks, when not at Mass.

I think, with a more visible witness in our diocese, there will be more women thinking about religious life, in general, even if not to that particular community, simply becuase there's a more visible witness within the city. A nudge, if you will, to perhaps discern religous life.

(BTW, I won't be able to see the effects of their wonderful presence, as I will already be gone, as I am entering a monastery. But I'm sure our Catholic community will just love the sisters!)

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It is very exciting that the southwest is getting some orthodox religious orders. I just hope that we can get some orthodox sisters here in Las Vegas, NV too. The witness is so needed to counter the culture that is here.
The diocese is growing tremendously with one new parish to hopefully have their first building done by the end of the year. (This parish already has over 560 kids in their CCD program and 2100 familes registered!) and the diocese is trying to raise money to buy land for 3 more parishes. This new parish and the 3 that are being planned will all have schools too!
The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few!

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Yes, LV SOOOO needs laborers. I went to UNLV back in 1988 there. There was the church on the Strip (isn't that a 'cathedral'? I can't recall) .. . whenever I went there, I felt like people would drop in and leave at will. . .not like it was an actual parish, if that makes sense. And I couldn't find any other parishes near. That was actually a time in my life that I wasn't going to Mass. . . :(

Wasn't there a monastery of Carmelites, who are no longer there, as well?

I will pray for your diocese.

God bless you,

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I believe there were Carmelities here at one time. I think they moved to Nebraska. I just moved here last May so I am new and have had a very hard time finding anything for people discerning, esp. women. Any support or groups are all focused towards men for the diocesean priesthood. (Not that I am saying there shouldn't be, they need priest, as does everywhere, I just wish that they would have something for women as well.)
There are very few religous women (none in habit, at least not that I have seen) and finding a good spiritual director is pretty much almost an impossiblity. When I was asking the pastoral associate for the parish about spritual directors, he told me the only help he could give me was to tell me who not to go to. (Basically that they would tell me not to discern religious life.)
So I am lucky that my old spiritual director from Texas actually comes out to Las Vegas every couple of months with her mom so we can get together for an hour.
I thank you for the prayers for the diocese, there are many faithful catholics and many "cafeteria catholics" as well but the desire is beautiful to see. (Actually I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 10 yrs that vocations to the priesthood come from this new parish out here.)
To answer the questions about the church on the Strip. There are two actually, only one I think where you here. The one on the north side, next to the Wynn Casino is Gardian Angel Cathedral and the one on the south side so off the strip a block and across from the Luxor is the Shrine of the Holy Redeemer. There are many other churches but not near the strip. (There are 21 parishes within Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson, aka South Las Vegas.)
Thank you for your prayers, blessings to you as you prepare to enter also!
I hope to visit the PCPA in AZ at the end of May if all goes well. The dates are tentative right now.

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