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Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist


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Hey, Denise. Do you have anything that I can show Kristina about this? Press release or something? She has given up Phatmass for Lent but is going to Ann Arbor for a retreat in May and I wanted to show her this.

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[quote name='JamesTheYounger' date='Mar 22 2006, 05:30 AM']When are they gonna send some sisters to Australia?
we need some orthodox orders here, its seems our only orthodox orders are cloistered.
We desperately need  good active orders over here to teach our kids the Truth.
The SMME is definitely an inspiring order, it gives me a lot of hope for the future of the Church.
Haha...but FOCUS is going to Australia (Sydney, I think) to spread the New Evangelization to college campuses starting this fall! :D:

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Mar 22 2006, 07:12 AM']Hey, Denise.  Do you have anything that I can show Kristina about this?  Press release or something?  She has given up Phatmass for Lent but is going to Ann Arbor for a retreat in May and I wanted to show her this.
OLAM Dad, I googled the parish earlier b/c I wanted to see more information myself. [b][url="http://www.mylordandmygod.com/main.asp"]St. Thomas the Apostle Parish[/url][/b] There's a link about the sisters on the left hand toolbar. Also, you can pull up the latest pdf of their church bulletin.

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Thanks Shortnun. . .yea, that's the parish. It's a fabulous parish by the way. And on a side note, it is the parish the bishop gave permission to, when he was installed, to allow the TLM (one Mass per week). Actually, several of our own parishioners now attend that Mass. :(
(Edit: Many of the women/girls/families who used to come to our parish, and who wore chapel veils, now go there. LOL The frowny is because I am one of only 1/2 dozen who remain doing so at my own parish!)

I used to go there a few years ago. I was a travel nurse for 1 1/2 yrs. When I came back to my own state I did a travel/temp assignment in Phoenix and the apt the travel company set up for me was just around the street from this parish. So, this was my parish home for a couple years, and where my first SD was assigned, who is now in Rome, studying.

I'm just so grateful for those sisters' 'yes' to our bishop. We sooo need orthodox communities in our diocese. God bless them.

Edited by PCPA2Be
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The SMME founders which everyone should know, were four former Nashville Dominicans one of the biggest out branched congregations I know, I'm actually listening to the Nashville Dominicans CD right now.

I have a theoretical theory (of course) that the SMME is going to be a similar out branching community like the Nashville Dominicans who on average get about 20 postulants a YEAR. Besides Mother Mary Assumpta Long O.P. WAS the prioress of the Nashville Dominicans.

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She also helped found the Sisters of Life, as I'm sure you know. And her sister, Mother Gabriel, left Nashville to form SSEW.

Nashville CD? Wooohooo, my fav song is Mine Forever.

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The one I have is the one I bought with my food money at the Eucahristic Congress from the Nashville sisters I know in Stillwater in October called "Behold The Heritage" mom was telling me how she loved that CD (Really, I listen to it about 8 times a day!) I was just telling her about how I want to get the Mine Forever CD, I have five out of the 12 $.

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' date='Mar 22 2006, 10:12 AM']Sheesh...Huzzah!!

The SMME founders which everyone should know, were four former Nashville Dominicans one of the biggest out branched congregations I know, I'm actually listening to the Nashville Dominicans CD right now.

I have a theoretical theory (of course) that the SMME is going to be a similar out branching community like the Nashville Dominicans who on average get about 20 postulants a YEAR. Besides Mother Mary Assumpta Long O.P. WAS the prioress of the Nashville Dominicans.
I heard that one of the resasons those four left to start the new community was that they wanted to bring religious to the areas of America that had very little exposure to the religious life. It seems that Phoenix is perfect--lots of Catholics and very few orthodox religious!

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[quote name='jgirl' date='Mar 22 2006, 10:52 AM']I heard that one of the resasons those four left to start the new community was that they wanted to bring religious to the areas of America that had very little exposure to the religious life. It seems that Phoenix is perfect--lots of Catholics and very few orthodox religious!

Yeah, well actually that is 99% true the other % is because of the John Paul II's call to evangelization in the world. Either way AR is going to be one freaking blow of vocations. They already received the Pheonix Phive (PCPA's from Mother Angelica's monastery) aka. Desert Nuns, now The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucahrist. We should come up with a nickname for them. :lol_roll: Like Marys ___ and when we find out how many of them are coming will put the number in the blank like i.e. "Mary's 10"

Either way I dont care I am lovingly obsessed (spirtually with an emptiness to) with the Dominicam Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist & I think dear [b]"[/b]Mother Vicar O' Mine[b]"[/b] knows that. :lol:

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' date='Mar 22 2006, 12:28 PM']Yeah, well actually that is 99% true the other % is because of the John Paul II's call to evangelization in the world. Either way AR is going to be one freaking blow of vocations. They already received the Pheonix Phive (PCPA's from Mother Angelica's monastery) aka. Desert Nuns, now The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucahrist. We should come up with a nickname for them.  :lol_roll: Like Marys ___ and when we find out how many of them are coming will put the number in the blank like i.e. "Mary's 10"

Either way I dont care I am lovingly obsessed (spirtually with an emptiness to) with the Dominicam Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist & I think dear [b]"[/b]Mother Vicar O' Mine[b]"[/b] knows that.  :lol:
According to the parish's website, it'll be Mary's 4 (two to work in the grade school and two for the high school). I just wonder [u]which [/u]four it'll be. :idontknow: :think:

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[quote name='shortnun' date='Mar 22 2006, 02:59 PM']According to the parish's website, it'll be Mary's 4 (two to work in the grade school and two for the high school). I just wonder [u]which [/u]four it'll be.  :idontknow:  :think:

Before I answer that; I got a really cool email from Mother Vicar O' Mine, Sister Jo like 6 mins ago:

Wow! Your April 15th is going to be MOST SPECIAL! Yes, a LOT is going on that day......Heaven will be FULL of rejoicing! Amazing Grace..truly!! Please pray for me during all the special sacramental infusion, hon!

I received your check for the retreat. Excellent! See you soon!....well, in Mary’s month!!

Phoenix? Well.....check your next newsletter and you’ll be in on the ‘know’ – I’ll keep you guessing, hon!

I’m running to the Chapel – will keep you in prayer too! Many thanks for your good prayers!

in Jesus and Mary....


SHE ALWAYS has me guessing but I find out bout things. Haha

To answer that question of which four, it better be NO ONE I KNOW. LOL :lol_roll:

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' date='Mar 22 2006, 05:06 PM']To answer that question of which four, it better be NO ONE I KNOW. LOL :lol_roll:

i'm putting my money on sr. teresa benedicta...or one of the four in her group. they are fully professed and have been with the community since almost the beginning. the only problem with this theory is she was at CUA to study, so she would have to be done with that to go to arizona.

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[quote name='Andrea348' date='Mar 22 2006, 04:16 PM']i'm putting my money on sr. teresa benedicta...or one of the four in her group.  they are fully professed and have been with the community since almost the beginning.  the only problem with this theory is she was at CUA to study, so she would have to be done with that to go to arizona.
See and I thought about that group too... but then they're studying in DC... isn't Sr. Mary David there too? (Aside: I [u]finally [/u]got to catch a blip of her on EWTN the other day!) What about Sr. Joseph Andrew's sister..... (her name escapes me at this time)... or was she a foundress?

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[quote name='Andrea348' date='Mar 22 2006, 03:16 PM']i'm putting my money on sr. teresa benedicta...or one of the four in her group.  they are fully professed and have been with the community since almost the beginning.  the only problem with this theory is she was at CUA to study, so she would have to be done with that to go to arizona.

It wouldnt be Sister Theresa Benedicta or Sister Mary David. I know how Mother Assumptas: "Sister Mission" thing works, those Mary's Duo at CUA are staying there, I think for a two year program, it might be four. But I think two.

I'm placing my bet on four of July 22nd Perpetually Professed ones from 2005. Sister Mary Joseph, Sister Maria Faustina, Sister Aver Maria, and Sister John Mary. But if it was Sister John Mary they would have to assign a new Novice Mistress. I also think though that it wont have to be a fully professed Sister I mean those on mission still go back to the Motherhouse on Holidays and special days planned that they HAVE to be there.

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