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Modern Day Prophets


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I wanted some dialogue about this subject. I thought I read in the Bible that there would be no more prophets. Was I wrong?

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On Pilgrimage

According to the Church's teaching, Jesus Christ was priest, prophet, and king; in baptism, we share in his priestly, his prophetic, and his kingly ministry. So I think it's safe to say that all who are baptized are prophets and are called to be better prophets.

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Noel's angel

If you take the meaning of 'prophet' which is 'servant of God' or one who acts as a 'mouthpiece of God', sharing His will with others, then you can say that it is our role to be prophets. 'Prophet' doesn't necessarily mean someone who has visions of the future etc. but someone who transmits the Word of God to others.

My 2p worth :)

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Yah, there's two differents types of prophets. There's the Old Testament office of Prophet, which ended with St. John the Baptist. And then there's the generic concept of a prophet, which is someone who bears witness to the Truth. We see the same thing with the concept of an "Apostle". We aren't Apostles in the sense that St. Peter and St. Paul were "Apostles", but we still speak of the "lay apostolate".

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I specifically mean the kind that ended with John the Baptist, and the evidence that it ended there.

(Trying to dispute Joseph Smith)

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The office of Prophet was a function of the Old Testament. They were God's mouthpiece by which he gradually revealed himself. I'm not sure what "evidence" you could give. The reason why the office ended with St. John the Baptist was because God said all he could in his Son. The Catechism (#65) quotes St. John of the Cross:

[quote]In giving us his Son, his only Word (for he possesses no other), he spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word - and he has no more to say ...because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All Who is His Son. Any person questioning God or desiring some vision or revelation would be guilty not only of foolish behavior but also of offending him, by not fixing his eyes entirely upon Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty.[/quote]

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Guest JeffCR07

Also, point out that if there are any prophets after Christ, they will do one of two things:

1.) They will say the same thing as Christ but in a different way
2.) They will say something new that was not said by Christ and which adds to the deposit of the Faith

If 1, then they are not prophets in the manner in which you are speaking, but rather, are prophets in exactly the same way that you and I are called to be prophets.

If 2, then it is one of two options. Either the new information that they brought is necessary for bringing one closer to God or it is not. If the new information is not necessary for bringing one closer to God, then God has acted superfluously. But it is clearly impossible that an all wise God would act superfluously. Thus, one would have to assert that the information the new prophet brings is necessary for bringing one closer to God.

But if that is the case, then Christ's Incarnation, life, death, Resurrection, and Ascension were insufficient at bringing about the full communion of humanity and God. If Christ was insufficient to bring about this purpose, then Christ was not God Incarnate.

Thus, we see that if one believes in post-Christ prophets in the manner in which you speak, that person must of logical necessity deny the divinity of Christ.

Your Brother In Christ,


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Holy toledo!!

Are you planning on writing any God inspired books in the future? Perhaps the "Book of Toledo?

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I think there are people who can point to currrent events and ask " is this the hand of God"? Are these events calling us back like prodigal sons and daughters from wandering? Has this event pointed out to us what is important in life? Will this action taken now lead us to Christ or perdition?

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So, you believe any of those people have been directed by God to write new books of the Bible?

I don't.

I believe that, as witnesses to the truth, we are all prophets, but not in the Old Testament sense of the word.

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