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[quote name='brendan1104' date='Mar 31 2006, 08:17 AM']Because the local priest (s)- authorized by the local ordinary- sent a deacon- who has absolutely no power to administer the Last Rites.

Who else was I supposed to call?

Do you know, Cam, how many priests refuse to go on or blow off sick calls? Especially in Buffalo/Rochester?

I did what I had to do conscience- call the nearest priest who I knew would go and do what priests always did- anoint, absolve, and give the Apostolic Blessing.

And while I no longer go to the SSPX/hold its postions, I'm glad I did what I did, because no one else would, and because my aunt died with the sacraments- the right of every Catholic, which would never have happened if I didn't call the SSPX priest.
Brendan you yourself pointed out that a priest HAD given her last rites already. While you may not like that particular priest, the fact that he DID show up and anoint her means you really had no reason to call another one in, except for your pesonal scruples. Its not magic, that only a certain formula works, and an old rite is better than a new one. God PROVIDES.

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Ora et Labora

It does sound like a sticky situation. But I would go to a priest in full communion with Rome first and for most. Not all priests are the same, Brenden.

What about your uncle? Shernel told me something about him being a priest...?

Anyways, it sounds like one shouldn't go to an SSPX priest first. No matter how much many of us want a good traditional priest to give us the Sacraments (and I was blessed to get Confirmed in a Tridentine Mass) doesn't mean we should go to an organization whose founder was excommunicated and whome Rome doesn't fully trust.

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Cmother of pirl: No- I got wrong information. A DEACON visited her- not a priest.

Kristina: My uncle's on vacation. Also the SSPX priest was closer to the hospital.

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