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[quote name='Raphael' date='Mar 18 2006, 02:42 PM']You need to take some classes in sacramental theology before you go telling the Church that she is wrong.
Is one allowed to tell the Church she's wrong upon completion of said classes? :idontknow:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Mar 18 2006, 04:17 PM']Is one allowed to tell the Church she's wrong upon completion of said classes?  :idontknow:
No, but hopefully upon completion, one will be humbled enough to acknowledge that the Church is correct.

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May She be brought quickly to HIS Presence.

I think you acted in a Catholic manner by calling in the SSPX Priest.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' date='Mar 26 2006, 10:39 AM']May She be brought quickly to HIS Presence.

I think you acted in a Catholic manner by calling in the SSPX Priest.
Calling in someone outside the Church is wrong.

May the Lord shine His face on her, and give her eternal joy in His house.

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They ARE out of the Church. THey will be in comunion when they obediently and humbly return to the Chair of Peter and ask to come back home.

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You seem, like many, to hold an emotional stance on the subject. If the Pope said as clear as he could that they are have been In the Church would you still hold onto your view? I understand the SSPX has problems but a Cardinal even you believe is In the Church clearly says they are in communion, I will believe him.

The statement of Cardinal Castrillon
(made) on the TV network Canal 5
November 13, 2005

The ancient latin mass is suggestive but also a source of conflict. Today,
in order to celebrate it publicly, one must have permission from the local
Bishop, but for several months now, rumor has been circulating that
Benedict XVI might free it from this obligation. This continual rumor,
nevertheless, is not reflected in the comments of Cardinal Castrillon, the
Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy and the principal architect of the
dialogue with traditionalist groups, beginning with the SSPX, which
includes the followers of Archbishop Lefebvre.

Cardinal Castrillon: "This has been rule. The bishop is the one who
decides. It is up to the Bishop to determine whether this is fitting for
his diocese at any given time, or if it is not, for whatever pastoral
reasons that he might have and for which he will have to report to the
authority of the Pope, but especially, to Jesus, and to God.

Therefore, this is a question of reaffirming the autority of the bishops,
but at the same time, a call to their conscience to avoid useless
inflexibility, and to contribute to the long process of dialogue with the
Lefebvrists, which had already been undertaken under the pontificate of
John-Paul II, who, in 1988, had excommunicated the French Archibishop for
having ordained four bishops in an illicit fashion.

This dialogue seems to have received a new impetus with the meeting, last
summer at Castel Gandolfo, of Benedict XVI and the superior of the SSPX,
Msgr. Fellay.

We are [b]not[/b] dealing with a case of heresy. One cannot say in correct and
exact terms that there is a schism. There is, in the act of ordaining
bishops with out papal approval, a schismatic attitude.[b] They are within
the confines of the Church.[/b] The problem is just that there is a lack of a
full, a more perfect – and as it was said during the meeting with Msgr.
Fellay – a more full communion,[b] because communion exists.[/b]

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A schismatic act created a schism.
When they repent and come home, then they will be in "communion "with the Catholic Church.

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Im not sure how you reconcile that with the Cardinals statements. Again it seems as though you spitefully want the SSPX faithful out of the Church.

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[quote name='Tarcisius' date='Mar 26 2006, 12:17 PM']Im not sure how you reconcile that with the Cardinals statements. Again it seems as though you spitefully want the SSPX faithful out of the Church.

You don't get it.
If you are following a schismatic bishop, you are not in the church, you are on the outside looking in. Its not spiteful to expect obedience to the Church and Magisterium if you claim to be catholic.
If the church has a Trid mass in your area and you want to go , thats fine. But if it doesn't you go to the normative Mass of your diocese. You are not required to like the choir or the sermon or the priest. If they are not following the GIRM you have a right to ask the bishop, or papal Nuncio to enforce it. You do not have the right to set up a separate organization and go outside of obedient behavior because you are not happy.
Instead of separate parishes etc, join your local parish, get on all the boards, be in the choir etc and improve the parish you are in. Ask for smells and bells and chant and rosary crusades and adoration and a beautiful church and reverance to boot.

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