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Just wanted to say that I am excited to be a member of this board! I've been looking for something like this for a long time! Can't wait to meet all of you!
My name is Bernadette. I am 19 - of course discerning my vocation - why else would be on here! I am leaning toward the religious life. . . Hope to find some help here . . . :) I live here in Michigan, farmer, homeschooled, writer, crafter, and in love with Jesus!
Your new friend,
P.S. My username refers to Saint Maria Goretti - awesome saint!

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Welcome Bernadette!!! I'm Lori, I am discerning as well. If you want some help, wow we've got allot of good people here to help you. What orders are you looking into? I live in Texas, (used to be farmer sorta..) writter, homeschooler, artist, musician.... in love with Jesus as well! :D:
ps. I love St. Maria Goretti!!!

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Hi, I'm sort of new too! I live in Ohio, I'm a senior in high school, and I'm homeschooled as well! I hope that you have a great time on the board, and I will be praying for you! Welcome!

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This is truly a wonderful place! My vocational discernment has been helped along so much by this board- i hope and pray that it will be for you and everyone else as well!

Your brother in Christ,
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:welcome: I will be praying for you that you give Jesus your 'yes', whatever His will may be.

God bless you.
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:grouphug: :welcome: Hi Bernadette! Many wonderful people on here...browsing the threads may become addicting, but there is so much good, orthodox info on here! Pace e bene, Brandelyn :sign:
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Guest phatdaddy

Glad you are here. There are many wonderful vocation seeking people on this site They all have a common thread - LOVE OF JESUS. You will find all the support and and encouragement you need and then some. God bless you for your discernment. And you know - it's all about Jesus.

Mr. Ray (A supportive Parent also in love with Jesus)
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Glad you're here.

Michael (also a supportive parent in love with Jesus AND a friend of Ray in the real world :) )

Edited by OLAM Dad
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Welcome, You will Love this place and you'll receive lots of support, advice, and Prayers too! I'm discerning a religious vocation to the cloistered contemplative life. Please be assurred of my prayers for you on this beautiful journey and just ask our lord to make it known to your heart what is his will!

God Bless You! :saint:

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