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IHM Sisters


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Go to this website and click the vocations link, then the link to these sisters vocations newsletter " The Call"---the current issue--for a very beautiful testimony of a newly perpetual professed sister.


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i almost went to college at Immaculata. they are wonderful sisters. the college i went to was nearby and we had one of the sisters from Immaculata as a spiritual director for our busy person's retreat. she was so delightful and always had a smile on her face.

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IHMs are awesome. A girl from high school entered around 4 years ago. And another friend of mine goes to Immaculata and wants to enter soon.
God Bless

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  • 1 month later...

Another issue of the IHM's vocation newsletter is out---it is a pretty interesting overview of how their sisters spend their novitiate time.

If you go to my original post, you will get there by hitting the Immaculata link and going to the vocations page to the current issue of "The Call"

God Bless!

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  • 4 months later...

Just to add to IHMNJ's post about the pictures of the newest IHM's---these sisters have a new issue of "The Call", their vocations newsletter. See my first post for the link!

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  • 9 months later...

Just posting about another newsletter from the IHM sisters in Immaculata PA--this one is written by one of their novices:


Thought it would interest any of the pham who might be interested in an active order :cool: .

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Reading all of this brings back memories.
I was taught by them in Philadelphia at St. Barnabas School on Buist Ave.
I understand that the Sisters are still there.

Serious Blast From the Past.
When I started school they were wearing the traditional habits and about the 7th grade they went to the modified.
This was (a little) post Vatican II.

Edited by ofpheritup
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[quote name='ofpheritup' post='1287081' date='Jun 3 2007, 01:44 AM']Reading all of this brings back memories.
I was taught by them in Philadelphia at St. Barnabas School on Buist Ave.
I understand that the Sisters are still there.

Serious Blast From the Past.
When I started school they were wearing the traditional habits and about the 7th grade they went to the modified.
This was (a little) post Vatican II.[/quote]

St. Barnabas School???? That's my parish!!!!! I didn't go to St. Barnabas, I went to Our Lady of Loreto and graduated in 1997. When the school closed in 2000 (I think it was 2000) everything merged into St. Barnabas, so that's where I am now. Wow!!!!
Nobody there knows yet that I have applied to enter and that if accepted I'll be going in September, so shhh!!!! :rolleyes:

The Immaculata IHM's are my community!! I can honestly say that they are absolutely wonderful! I'm waiting to hear if I have been accepted and I can't wait!!! The sisters are sooooo great!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='Tina' post='1287449' date='Jun 3 2007, 07:13 PM']St. Barnabas School???? That's my parish!!!!! I didn't go to St. Barnabas, I went to Our Lady of Loreto and graduated in 1997. When the school closed in 2000 (I think it was 2000) everything merged into St. Barnabas, so that's where I am now. Wow!!!![/quote]

Isn't it a "teeny tiny world?"
Sitting here and reading this makes me miss it so much. :sadder:
All the wonderful memories, I remember especially my First Grade experience, there were 55 students in my class.
I remember my First Communion and my Confirmation there.

One thing that was annoying though there were very few snow days. We only lived a block and a half away, so the weather didn't matter, we walked. My mother thinking she was being funny (she was being funny) would say, I have 8 of you I can afford to lose one.

It is interesting how everything got moved from OLL to St. Barney's. When I was there the concern was that it would go the other way.

I went to St. Barney's for 8 years. Three months before my Eighth grade graduation my parents moved, I had to graduate at a different school with people I didn't know. Three months :maddest: .

I am so happy for you.

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You all are making me homesick too. I was born in Philly but raised in Camden...back when it was a nice place to live. I miss South jersey alot, but live in Virginia now

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  • 2 months later...

There is an updated newsletter [url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/publications/In-Formation.pdf"]HERE[/url] highlighting the IHM sisters in formation. Recognize any phatmassers?

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They update the newsletters "The Call" and "In Formation" every month...there are a lot of IHM sisters and discerners on phatmass. I am discerning a vocation with them :)

Three young women (2 are on phatmass) are entering this Saturday, September 8th! They are so excited! Please pray for them!!!

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='stlmom' post='1376939' date='Sep 3 2007, 01:10 PM']There is an updated newsletter [url="http://www.ihmimmaculata.org/publications/In-Formation.pdf"]HERE[/url] highlighting the IHM sisters in formation. Recognize any phatmassers?[/quote]

Now, isn't this wonderful news! Deo Gratias!

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