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San Fran mayor boycotts new cardinal


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San Francisco Mayor Boycotts Elevation of Former Bishop to Cardinal, Over Prohibition Against GLBT Adoptions

By Gudrun Schultz

SAN FRANCISCO, United States, March 14, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom will cancel his plans to attend Vatican ceremonies elevating Archbishop William Levada to Cardinal, after Bishop Levada reiterated Vatican opposition to GLBT adoptions last weekend.

The San Francisco Sentinal reported yesterday that mayor Newsom considered an email sent by Bishop Levada instructing the diocese not to permit adoptions by GLBT persons to be “patently offensive.”

He told the Sentinal the Vatican’s position was “corroding and divisive,” and suggested the Vatican needed to move beyond “stale and questionable documents” if it wanted the Church to evolve. Newsom is said to be a practicing Roman Catholic.

Archbishop Levada will be formally installed as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formally headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who became Pope Benedict XVI.

He sent the email to the archdiocese of San Francisco in response to questions about adoptions to same-sex couples through Catholic Charities of San Francisco, during his years as bishop of the diocese.

In the email he said “Catholic agencies should not place children for adoption in homosexual households.”

The Vatican issued a document in 2003 on same-sex unions that included instructions on gay adoptions. It said in part, “Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children.”

The archbishop said, “The reasons given in the (2003) document, as well as the potential scandal for the faithful should an archdiocesan agency act contrary to the clear teaching of the church’s magisterium, require that a Catholic bishop follow this clear guidance form the Holy See in his oversight of Catholic diocesan agencies.”

Boston Catholic Charities announced last week they would no longer be placing any children for adoption, since the organization cannot refuse to place children with gays or lesbians under state rules against same-sex “discrimination.”

Homosexual Adoption Ends 100 Years of Adoption Services by Boston Catholic Charities

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Mar 14 2006, 11:48 AM'] Newsom is [b]said to be [/b]a practicing Roman Catholic.

said to be, key word >:(

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Is it just en vogue now for elected Catholics to call the Church's position outdated?

AND why does he think his opinion [i]matters[/i]? UGH I just want these people to disappear. So dense.

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I truly think these battles between the Church and the state are heating up and the dividing lines are being drawn. I think it will be hard for the bishops to support granting of politicians communion in the next elections if they oppose Church teaching on these moral issues. This will drive the division between the Church and immorality even further with the result being we may have to go through some real persecution for our Catholic faith in this country.

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Reports on Archbishop Levada when he was made CDF prefect made me think he was a softy. I stand corrected.

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Does he really think that because he does and says the church needs to evolve that the church will change anything. What an idiot. :lol_roll:

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The mayor was said to be a "praciticing catholic". Unfortunately, I have heard of no laws that he has been for that upheld catholic teachings.

I pray for San Fran, my hometown, and especially for the many unsung catholic faithful there that must deal with anti-catholic ideologies.

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[quote name='thessalonian' date='Mar 14 2006, 02:43 PM']I truly think these battles between the Church and the state are heating up and the dividing lines are being drawn.  I think it will be hard for the bishops to support granting of politicians communion in the next elections if they oppose Church teaching on these moral issues.  This will drive the division between the Church and immorality even further with the result being we may have to go through some real persecution for our Catholic faith in this country.

Bring it on.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Mar 14 2006, 02:48 PM']He told the Sentinal the Vatican’s position was “corroding and divisive,” and suggested the Vatican needed to move beyond “stale and questionable documents” if it wanted the Church to evolve.
Who said anything about evolving? We want the Church to [b]grow[/b].

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Well, this mayor seems to have it all figured out. Let's forget about this whole magesterium thing and the line of popes that goes back almost 2000 years and follow Mr. Newsom. :wacko:

a practicing Catholic who refutes Catholic beliefs. That makes sense.

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another example of an individual who is a victim of poor catechesis... we must pray for him, that he come to the fullness of Catholic teaching and accept it wholly without compromise....

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