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Hello all....sooner or later I will be entering School Sisters of Christ the King....I just am a little unsure of when at the moment. I'm finishing up the last half of the papers and that is coming along very well. I'm soooooo excited to enter. I'm just so full of joy and happiness that I just don't know what to do. BUT....how do you know when the time is right? For those of you that will be entering soon....I really feel that this Fall or Winter is the right time for me, but is it the fear holding me back, the fear of the unknown. Any suggestions with this? Thanks so much!

God Bless,


P.S. It's difficult when you have one person in your immediate family that supports you and that's it, and all outside relatives think you are throwing your life away.

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Welcome back!!

I don't know much about when it's the right time, but I'm a little lucky in a way to have it somewhat dictated for me (I have 2 more years of school). Have you talk to the vd for the community about your concerns?? Or perhaps a spiritual director who might be more familiar with your situation? I know that that's really helped me immensely, in terms of accepting God's timing and not mine.

As to the fear of the unknown, I think that'll always be a concern, but if otherwise you know that it's where God's leading you, you're going to have to face it eventually. Have you identified exactly what about the unknown frightens you?


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Thank you so much for replying to my post :-) And the warm welcome back.

My spiritual director is actually the Vocation Director for the community. I just haven't had a chance of getting ahold of her since I was gone for a week. I'm not sure whether to call or email her about this. 2 more years left of school as in high school? I would also have 2 more years left of college, but I know the Lord has told me that I am not to go back next year to college, that I will finish college in the convent.

I think a lot of the fear is family...and what they think and how they have responded, and just not knowing what it is truly like until you experience it and just trust in God and GO!!!! Haha, maybe I should listen to my own advice. People just keep saying that oh well....if you do this and it isn't right then you've screwed up big time...and I think that has made a small impact on me too...just little things that I think the devil is putting in my way to stop me.

[quote name='magnificat' date='Mar 13 2006, 03:02 PM']Welcome back!! 

I don't know much about when it's the right time, but I'm a little lucky in a way to have it somewhat dictated for me (I have 2 more years of school).  Have you talk to the vd for the community about your concerns??  Or perhaps a spiritual director who might be more familiar with your situation?  I know that that's really helped me immensely, in terms of accepting God's timing and not mine. 

As to the fear of the unknown, I think that'll always be a concern, but if otherwise you know that it's where God's leading you, you're going to have to face it eventually.  Have you identified exactly what about the unknown frightens you?


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Hey missy!! Welcome back!

I just wanted to respond to the comment you made about your family not supporting you. I believe that in everyones vocation journey there is some cross one might have to bear whether it be family and friends not supporting you, or financial issues, or other issues. Our Lord gives us these crosses to bear to strengthen our resolve. I can totally understand about ones family not being supportive.......I decided not to tell to some family members because they think the same thing. Just know your not alone that Our Lord is with you and that we are praying for you.


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[quote name='SisterAli' date='Mar 13 2006, 01:50 PM']Hello all....sooner or later I will be entering School Sisters of Christ the King....I just am a little unsure of when at the moment.  I'm finishing up the last half of the papers and that is coming along very well.  I'm soooooo excited to enter.  I'm just so full of joy and happiness that I just don't know what to do.  BUT....how do you know when the time is right?  For those of you that will be entering soon....I really feel that this Fall or Winter is the right time for me, but is it the fear holding me back, the fear of the unknown.  Any suggestions with this?  Thanks so much!

God Bless,


P.S. It's difficult when you have one person in your immediate family that supports you and that's it, and all outside relatives think you are throwing your life away.

[quote name='SisterAli' date='Mar 13 2006, 02:08 PM']Thank you so much for replying to my post :-)  And the warm welcome back. 

My spiritual director is actually the Vocation Director for the community.  I just haven't had a chance of getting ahold of her since I was gone for a week.  I'm not sure whether to call or email her about this.  2 more years left of school as in high school?  I would also have 2 more years left of college, but I know the Lord has told me that I am not to go back next year to college, that I will finish college in the convent.

I think a lot of the fear is family...and what they think and how they have responded, and just not knowing what it is truly like until you experience it and just trust in God and GO!!!!  Haha, maybe I should listen to my own advice.  People just keep saying that oh well....if you do this and it isn't right then you've screwed up big time...and I think that has made a small impact on me too...just little things that I think the devil is putting in my way to stop me.

I have a couple of questions. Your SD is the VD for the community? Did that in any way influence your decision to enter that community? I'm sure this has been discussed before, but since I didn't know you were entering . .LOL that's ok, I'm usually the last to know anything anyway.

I saw their site. I had difficulties viewing most of it, but they look like a great community! Are they the only community you've discerned with? I know, sorry, I'm nosy.

Did you see the quote I made on the Telling the Parents thread? It is of St Teresa of the Andes: "How many parents there are who only look to their own interest and strive to avoid the pain of separation by sacrificing the happiness of their daughters by keeping them by their side!"

Parents are just afraid of losing their daughter/family member.

I think, more often than not, our family, at least someone, doesn't support our decision. Why? They're afraid they'll lose us? Becoming a nun is somehow a challenge to their own life (not their state in life, because a call is a call and we are all called differently)? Simply their lack of understanding, d/t past experiences or myths perpetuated in the media? I don't know.

BTW, congratulations on your vocation and 'soon' entrance!

But as to the 'time', I look at it this way. . . . should we wait until we are 'ready' to have a child? (those who are married) Well, no. We accept a child as a gift from God. I look at religious life in a similar fashion. There are practical reasons not to enter yet. For example, I had eye surgery earlier this year and am waiting for a clearance, which will be given on my last post op visit April 10. I have to finish paying off bills, including the lease I have on my house, etc. But, on another level, there are some things that we should not use as a delay to enter. My brother is graduating college, and wants me to wait another 2 weeks to enter. He's also getting married two weeks after that and wants me to wait for that. It really became obvious that if I waited until my family had nothing going on in their lives, I would never enter religious life! Does that make sense? If our Lord has cleared a path for us to enter, and it's all right for the community for us to enter, then we should 'make haste and do not tarry.'

God bless you, and I will keep you in my prayers.

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Wow!!!!!!! You made me cry tears of joy while reading your reply! Thank you so much. My SD is the VD for the community. I had been seeking the community long before I asked her to be my SD. I don't think that her being my SD and the VD influenced me that much. I think it was the Lord...and the community in particular and there apostulate that has me drawn towards their community. Because I had been visiting every month for about 3 months before I asked her to be my SD...so. But yes, every sister has influenced me from that community in a way...does that make sense?

The reason you probably had difficulty viewing their site is because they are in the process of revamping it and making it all pretty :-) So continue to come back and you will be able to view more things.

This is not the only community I have discerned with. I have discerned with mannnnnnnnny others.

That quote is soooooooo good. I will be sure to keep that. Thank you.
Yes...pretty sure my mom is afraid of losing me and such and a few others. Mostly, they don't understand at all.

Thank you for the congrads :-) I'm pretty excited. More than excited...words just can't explain it :-)

What you last said DEFINATELY makes GREAT sense to me...it just *clicked* so thank you so much. I agree that we shouldn't wait until family events are done, because...well they just keep going :-) The Lord has indeed made a clear path...I just have some debt to get paid off and thats it. I'm already starting to get many donations from people. I don't have a ton to get paid off...so. God willing and if his will. I'll enter in September.

God Bless,


[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Mar 13 2006, 04:48 PM']I have a couple of questions.  Your SD is the VD for the community?  Did that in any way influence your decision to enter that community?  I'm sure this has been discussed before, but since I didn't know you were entering . .LOL that's ok, I'm usually the last to know anything anyway.

I saw their site. I had difficulties viewing most of it, but they look like a great community!  Are they the only community you've discerned with?  I know, sorry, I'm nosy.

Did you see the quote I made on the Telling the Parents thread?  It is of St Teresa of the Andes:  "How many parents there are who only look to their own interest and strive to avoid the pain of separation by sacrificing the happiness of their daughters by keeping them by their side!"

Parents are just afraid of losing their daughter/family member.

I think, more often than not, our family, at least someone, doesn't support our decision. Why?  They're afraid they'll lose us?  Becoming a nun is somehow a challenge to their own life (not their state in life, because a call is a call and we are all called differently)?  Simply their lack of understanding, d/t past experiences or myths perpetuated in the media?  I don't know.

BTW, congratulations on your vocation and 'soon' entrance! 

But as to the 'time', I look at it this way. . . . should we wait until we are 'ready' to have a child?  (those who are married)  Well, no.  We accept a child as a gift from God.  I look at religious life in a similar fashion.  There are practical reasons not to enter yet.  For example, I had eye surgery earlier this year and am waiting for a clearance, which will be given on my last post op visit April 10.    I have to finish paying off bills, including the lease I have on my house, etc.  But, on another level, there are some things that we should not use as a delay to enter.  My brother is graduating college, and wants me to wait another 2 weeks to enter.  He's also getting married two weeks after that and wants me to wait for that.  It really became obvious that if I waited until my family had nothing going on in their lives, I would never enter religious life!  Does that make sense? If our Lord has cleared a path for us to enter, and it's all right for the community for us to enter, then we should 'make haste and do not tarry.'

God bless you, and I will keep you in my prayers.

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God bless you! I am glad that something I wrote made sense! :blush:

Anyway. . . .glad to help. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Mar 13 2006, 04:33 PM']Hey missy!!  Welcome back!

I just wanted to respond to the comment you made about your family not supporting you.  I believe that in everyones vocation journey there is some cross one might have to bear whether it be family and friends not supporting you, or financial issues, or other issues.  Our Lord gives us these crosses to bear to strengthen our resolve.  I can totally understand about ones family not being supportive.......I decided not to tell to some family members because they think the same thing.  Just know your not alone that Our Lord is with you and that we are praying for you.


Wow! Thanks..I needed to hear that.

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[quote name='SisterAli' date='Mar 13 2006, 03:08 PM']I'm not sure whether to call or email her about this.  2 more years left of school as in high school?  I would also have 2 more years left of college, but I know the Lord has told me that I am not to go back next year to college, that I will finish college in the convent.

I think a lot of the fear is family...and what they think and how they have responded, and just not knowing what it is truly like until you experience it and just trust in God and GO!!!!  Haha, maybe I should listen to my own advice.  People just keep saying that oh well....if you do this and it isn't right then you've screwed up big time...and I think that has made a small impact on me too...just little things that I think the devil is putting in my way to stop me.

Nope...2 more years of law school. It's kind of a long story & I don't want to hijack the thread, but if you're interested, I can PM you.

i can totally relate to the lack of family support. In the end though, I know that if it's God will, I will enter after I finish law school, regardless of whether or not my parents are behind me. I don't think that it'll really change any minds if you wait another year or two, etc. On the converse, you'll probably help them change their hearts faster in the convent!

In some ways I'm jealous of you; I wish I could enter now instead of waiting another 2 years because I know that there will be many temptations and attempts to distract me from God's will during that time.

Just my thoughts...I'd definately contact your spiritual director ASAP, in the fastest way that you can appropriate get in contact with her (...i.e. no running around with a sign outside her window or anything :shock: ). She clearly knows you better and is familiar with the community ( :D: ) and I think it'll help you get a sense of peace, whatever you decide.

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[quote name='SisterAli' date='Mar 13 2006, 02:50 PM']I'm just so full of joy and happiness that I just don't know what to do.  BUT....how do you know when the time is right?[right][snapback]910527[/snapback][/right]
Full of joy and happiness. How much more of a sign do you want? :)

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Mar 13 2006, 08:28 PM']Full of joy and happiness.  How much more of a sign do you want?  :)


I wish I had some peace.

Congrats on your discernment with them!

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Mar 13 2006, 08:13 PM']AMEN OLAM DAD!

I wish I had some peace.

Congrats on your discernment with them!

You'll get it. . .just keep plugging away. It'll happen.

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Thanks....OLAM Dad...sighs. The Lord just doesn't stop talking to me either. I just gotta go, but I feel so....not *holy*...

I can't thank you guys enough for the support though. Next weekend I will be returning to visit the Sisters to get some more of my papers done.


[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Mar 13 2006, 08:28 PM']Full of joy and happiness.  How much more of a sign do you want?  :)

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I've been feelin like taking a leap. People at my work are so supportive (like my boss, the Exectutive Director), they are telling me to go fer it!

I've got it narrowed down to two.....

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Mar 14 2006, 09:42 PM']I've been feelin like taking a leap.  P[right][snapback]912010[/snapback][/right]


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