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New Oxford Review- what do you think?


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Well, this is my first post on here, but I was just wondering what people's views were on the Catholic magazine/ periodical New Oxford Review. It's a scathingly right Conservative moral Catholic view. They don't apologize for stepping on toes or being unabashedly Catholic. That I respect, but some things on the website I find offensive not in their content, but in the delivery. A lot of things I just don't know how to react to.

In the recent February issue, an article was posted telling Eucharistic ministers not to bestow a blessing or any such thing at Mass. He made it seem like he a priest was the only person allowed to say a simple. "receive Jesus in your heart," or my childhood blessing, "Jesus loves you." As a young Eucharistic minister myself, this is very confusing and I was hoping somebody would be able to discuss/ inform me.


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Myles Domini

Technically only a priest can bless. Any member of the Church can offer a prayer for someone else or wish God's blessing upon another but only a priest can formally convey the blessing of Almighty G-d.

As for NOR they're pugnacious perhaps a little too much sometimes :idontknow: but every now and again their [i]way[/i] is important. They're absolutely unparitsan and in spite of being in your face that fact makes them a relatively reliable source.

Edited by Myles
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but is that a blessing? or more of encouragement, a prayer offered up, not in the same way a priest does, but as another... i don't know, regular person (lay person to child?)

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Their use of the "f" word for homosexuals in a past issue makes me wonder if they have their heads screwed on straight.

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