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can homosexuality be overcome?



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I wanna see what phatmassers think here. It would be nice to see a reason for what you believe (genetic, psychological, etc.)

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There was a man on EWTN a few weeks ago who was once deep into the homosexual lifestyle. He's now married with children.

Reparative therapy does work for some people, but not always. The important thing is not completely reversing the disorder (no small feat). It is enough for a man to overcome its moral dominance in his life. This is possible for all men in Christ.

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Attraction is developed, it is not biological.

Check out [url="http://www.CathMed.org"]http://www.CathMed.org[/url]
and click on publications... then Homosexuality & Hope.

God Bless,

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I read some of the article.....a lot of it i was allready familiar with. But, they mentioned a doctor who has claimed to have helped many people to live a happy straight lifestyle. I am working on contacting this doctor by e-mail if at all possible.

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An interesting aside one of my profs once made on this topic...

There is still a debate raging whether Homosexuality is a choice or a biological force of nature. But one thing is for sure... there are those who were once homosexual that then changed and 'became' straight.

He didn't take the next logical step, but I think you can see where he was going with it....

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developing straight tendancies is NOT necessary in order to recover from homosexuality. There are many former homosexuals that have given up the practice of homosexuality without a change in their inclinations towards people of the same sex. For many people, it is a cross to deal with over the course of one's life, and celibacy is often their calling

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Having never been a homosexual I don't presume to know the answer to this one. Man & woman is order, man & man and woman & woman are disorders. I don't know what the cause for homosexuality is either. If it's a psycological cause i don't see why homosexuality can't be treated like any other mental disorder. If the cause is biological I don't see why a homosexual person would have any more difficulty in prayerfully entering a celibate, single lifestyle than a heterosexual person would.

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Brother Adam

I wonder if 'homosexuality' is vastly different than other sexual sins like pornography and masturbation...both, when someone becomes addicted, is extremely difficult to break the habit, but possible, none the less.

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the flutehonker

[quote name='Charms717RM1' date='Mar 10 2006, 11:13 PM']Having never been a homosexual I don't presume to know the answer to this one.  Man & woman is order, man & man and woman & woman are disorders.  I don't know what the cause for homosexuality is either.  If it's a psycological cause i don't see why homosexuality can't be treated like any other mental disorder.  If the cause is biological I don't see why a homosexual person would have any more difficulty in prayerfully entering a celibate, single lifestyle than a heterosexual person would.

I agree with this. We had a discussion about this at a retreat, and my youth leader told us being homosexual was not the sin, but commiting homosexual acts. So if a person was homosexual and believed this would not change, they should be prepared to live a single life.

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Mar 11 2006, 05:58 AM']I wonder if 'homosexuality' is vastly different than other sexual sins like pornography and masturbation...both, when someone becomes addicted, is extremely difficult to break the habit, but possible, none the less.

An interesting concept, sounds plausible to me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking on the issue the past day, and I've come to realize that in today's world it's actually a lot harder to be against homosexuality than for it. If you say that you disagree with homosexual lifestyles, everyone immediately judges you as a horrible person. I kinda of used to think it was the other way around, but I realized that only one person in my entire school is vocally against homosexuality, and almost everyone hates her for it. This is a tough world we live in. :(

Edited by the flutehonker
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[quote name='the flutehonker' date='Mar 11 2006, 09:33 AM'] This is a tough world we live in.  :(
indeed, flutehonker.

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Between the homosexuals it has for everything, a few mistook their tendency sexual, they are not it really, for that reason certain treatments
"it cure" to some.
Others are bisexual, to they does not cost to them much to leave this practices if they want to do it, although if they fall in love with a person of its same sex continued whit it.
Nevertheless the rest (Surely the majority), they have that tendency, i don't know the cause, but I think that the homosexualidad is not developed.

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God the Father

I'm sure it's possible. It's all a matter of whether you're strong enough mentally to overcome yourself physically.

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just a little update concerning this thread......i was never able to contact CC tripp or the other doctor, but right now i am very close to contacting another psychiatrist, who has helped people to overcome homosexuality and live a straight lifestyle. When and if i get ahold of him.......i will post his e-mails on this thread or maybe even see if he wants to get involved in this thread. I think this could help a few phatmassers out.

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the flutehonker

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Mar 12 2006, 11:25 AM']just a little update concerning this thread......i was never able to contact CC tripp or the other doctor, but right now i am very close to contacting another psychiatrist, who has helped people to overcome homosexuality and live a straight lifestyle. When and if i get ahold of him.......i will post his e-mails on this thread or maybe even see if he wants to get involved in this thread. I think this could help a few phatmassers out.

thank you! i'm sure it would be quite helpful ^_^

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King's Rook's Pawn

[quote name='rkwright' date='Mar 10 2006, 11:22 PM']An interesting aside one of my profs once made on this topic...

There is still a debate raging whether Homosexuality is a choice or a biological force of nature.  But one thing is for sure... there are those who were once homosexual that then changed and 'became' straight. 

He didn't take the next logical step, but I think you can see where he was going with it....

Wow, what college do you go to? If a professor made this inference at my college he'd be run out on a rail!

My theory: sexual preferences as a whole--not just in regards to gender, but everything else that can determine to whom a person becomes attracted--are a determined by a complex interwoven web of genetic, hormonal, and evironmental influences, much like almost every other personality trait. Genetics and hormones create various predispositions to one degree or another and environmental conditions stifle or exacerbate these. Hence, it is possible for at least some homosexuals to become bisexual/heterosexual, but usually very difficult (as changing all personality traits would be and particularly when it comes to something that gives them so much physical pleasure as their sexual attractions). I do think some traditionalists overestimate the ability of homosexuals to change, some simply telling them to pray and go change their ways. Most homosexuals need far more then that but unfortunately, our modern culture stanches most efforts to look seriously and scientifically at the possibility of "curing" homosexuality and how to maximize the potential of homosexuals to change their predilection.

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