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Do you ever feel like certain personality traits or other characteristics make you think twice joining the religious life. I've been discerning the priesthood for awhile, but I often feel like there are certain things about me that wouldn't make for a very good priest. It's not they are undesirable, but they would seem to be a hindrance. For instance, I often feel like friends don't disclose their personal problems, or if they do it's just to vent, which IMO doesn't help in the long run. I'm not expecting to have all the answers.

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Why do you feel they don't disclose their personal problems? During those introspective moments, do you feel there is something there, on your part, which would prevent them from disclosing their inner hearts to you?

I have faith that during formation, there are graces that we receive that will help us to which ever vocation we are called.

But to answer your question, yes. Yes, I sometimes doubt my suitability. I wish I were more gentle like Mary (even though some patients say I have a gentle manner with them, which I don't see). I sometimes wish I was one of those people who are more silent, even though I crave silence. (I have been told that we begin to resemble our surroundings, so perhaps, in time, I will be more silent of heart than I am now.) I could go on.

My spiritual director, who is actually no longer my spiritual director as of two weeks ago, as he was transferred to Rome by his Order. . .is a Miles Jesu priest. I know so little about their order except from meeting him for direction and confession. However, they have a young man who died here in AZ, a couple of decades ago, who was a lay member, named Paul Murphy. He was an architect, became a Miles Jesu, and continued to be an architect, even after making vows. From what I've read about him, he's pretty remarkable, especially with teens, a very holy young man. Anyway, my purpose for introducing you to him, is that, as I read about him, I came across one of his quotes that really affected me, insofar as my approach to my vocation goes. . . . "God is not looking for your ability, but your AVAILability."

Which says it all, doesn't it?

God bless you with His graces as you discern. I will pray for you.

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[quote name='Old_Joe' date='Mar 7 2006, 03:24 PM']Do you ever feel like certain personality traits or other characteristics make you think twice joining the religious life.  I've been discerning the priesthood for awhile, but I often feel like there are certain things about me that wouldn't make for a very good priest.  It's not they are undesirable, but they would seem to be a hindrance.  For instance, I often feel like friends don't disclose their personal problems, or if they do it's just to vent, which IMO doesn't help in the long run.  I'm not expecting to have all the answers.

Hey Dude!

It's a challenge to live in community, you will be living with all kinds of HUMANS, we are designed to NOT be perfect. Community is sort of that aspect of religious life that can really help your grow spiritually. It requires a lot of acceptance of people where they are and you need to love them as your brothers or sisters no matter what.

Priests are not perfect, they are human. Please don't think you would not be a good Priest. This may just be a passing thing, you might be looking for a reason not to follow your calling.

Sometimes I feel like I am not holy enough to be a Sister. Then I look for every excuse as to why I shouldn't do it, think I am settled in NOT doing it, then I just can't stop thinking that I am doing the wrong thing.

Oh and people tend to get on my nerves at times. But the call to live in community, can help one grow in spiritual leaps and bounds. We can learn a lot from the human condition. Look at the Saints, for example.

FYI. I think the mere fact that you are questioning this proves that you will be a most excellent Priest. Keep your chin up and don't let the man downstairs kill your vocation.

God Bless.

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I love that! 'the man downstairs'

You mention community, Lauren, when I was thinking more pastoral.

Joe, are you discerning a religious order? You know, something to add about community, that Mother Delores told me on my visit. 'The miracle of community IS community.' LOL! I don't think there's a certain 'type' that would best make a religious or a priest. . .since we are all called to holiness!

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I've got some really sage advice for you Joe but I don't feel comfortable sharing it with you. Sorry.

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Mar 7 2006, 06:06 PM']:blink:

There's something about Joe that just doesn't seem to allow me to open up to him. Know what I mean???

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Mar 7 2006, 06:29 PM']What???

There's something about Joe that just doesn't seem to allow me to open up to him.  Know what I mean???
I am also confused. I don't see how your comment is an appropriate publicly posted response, OLAM Dad.... :idontknow:

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Mar 7 2006, 06:34 PM']:annoyed:

OK. I'll quit messing around.

Joe, most of your friends are probably guys and therefore not very likely to talk to ANYBODY about what they're feeling. If I were you I wouldn't put too much credence in the fact that they don't share their deepest feelings with you. Besides, you're not a priest yet. Personally, I would NEVER take to a friend some of the things that I would easily talk to a priest about.

Also, don't discount the value of being a sounding board for people that just want to vent. Venting can be therapeutic. Look at it as an opportunity to change the subject into something that might be more helpful to them.

Also, when people vent they're telling you their problems. At a minimum you can add them to your prayer intentions.

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[quote name='shortnun' date='Mar 7 2006, 07:31 PM']I am also confused. I don't see how your comment is an appropriate publicly posted response, OLAM Dad.... :idontknow:
I'm sorry everybody, it was my lame attempt at humor. You see Joe said that he didn't think that people felt comfortable opening up to him so I said that I had some ideas but that I wasn't comfortable talking to him about them...

Me - Joe

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Mar 7 2006, 07:43 PM']I'm sorry everybody, it was my lame attempt at humor.  You see Joe said that he didn't think that people felt comfortable opening up to him so I said that I had some ideas but that I wasn't comfortable talking to him about them...

Me - Joe
:lol: I think I read something somewhere about your sarcastic sense of humor. As a sarcastic individual, I should have recognized it right away!!! :P: And now, back to Joe............... :disguise:

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I wouldn't let your personality traits stop you from trying to be a priest. To be ordained you will have to go through years of formation, what do think those years are for if not to form you? I mean if you had all the perfect traits of a priest that would be really weird, because I know alot of priest and none of them have all the perfect personality traits for a priest.
God Bless

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First of all, this kind of plays off of a quote somebody said earlier, which I'm sure you've heard before. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Second, a priest once told me that God doesn't call those who are perfect to become religious, or else there wouldn't be any!

Anywho, I don't know if that helped or anything, but I just thought I'd share.

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