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Starting a Womens Discernment Group ~ CHICAGO


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For ideas for finding other girls in Chicago who may be discerning, talk to a parish priest (probably best to start with one you know and who knows you :)) and just tell him about what you're doing and ask him if he knows of any girls in the area who may be interested. Also, college campuses can be great for hidden pockets of discerners! Just start talking to people and I think you'd be surprised at who you'd fine.

Besides inviting religious to tell about communities and sharing info about retreats, maybe have others who aren't necessarily affilitated with a community come speak about general discernment issues (like the vocations director for the archdiocese or something). Or maybe just general Adoration/prayer together can be great to let Jesus talk for a while! :)

Hope that helps...even if I can't be there. I'll keep thinking of people I know in the Chicago area that might be able to help you!

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[quote name='magnificat' date='Mar 7 2006, 04:03 PM']For ideas for finding other girls in Chicago who may be discerning, talk to a parish priest (probably best to start with one you know and who knows you :)) and just tell him about what you're doing and ask him if he knows of any girls in the area who may be interested.  Also, college campuses can be great for hidden pockets of discerners!  Just start talking to people and I think you'd be surprised at who you'd fine.

Besides inviting religious to tell about communities and sharing info about retreats, maybe have others who aren't necessarily affilitated with a community come speak about general discernment issues (like the vocations director for the archdiocese or something).  Or maybe just general Adoration/prayer together can be great to let Jesus talk for a while! :)

Hope that helps...even if I can't be there.  I'll keep thinking of people I know in the Chicago area that might be able to help you!

I am already working with the YAM (Young adult ministry) Priest. He is the one getting us situated once we plan and implement.

If you know of anyone in Chicago, send them my way! I think this is going to be a great group!

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Mar 7 2006, 03:09 PM']If anyone has any experience in starting one of these groups, i would appreciate any feedback. 

I was thinking of doing it monthly and having a different vocation director from a different community there each month to facilitate some or all of it.
Then also gathering and disseminating vocation retreat information to people attending the group. 

The problem is....there are not many women out there discerning, I maybe know about 5 in Chicago.

So if any of you would be interested in coming to the city once every Sunday a month, let me know.  Whether or not you want to be a part of the group or planning of the group!  ALL ARE WELCOME!
I agree, there has to be more than 5 women discerning in the greater Chicago-land area... there are gobs of religious communities in that neck of the woods. I agree with the comments that have encouraged you to speak to individual communities/vocations directors. It's great to hear you're really collaborating with the YAM priest... is there anyone from the Archdiocese's vocations office who could give you support and/or tips on how to organize/publicize the group?

I have experiences doing small group discernment (not specifically relating to religious life), and I offer prayers up for this group and those who could find community it in! And, as always, keep us posted!

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[quote name='magnificat' date='Mar 7 2006, 03:03 PM']For ideas for finding other girls in Chicago who may be discerning, talk to a parish priest (probably best to start with one you know and who knows you :)) and just tell him about what you're doing and ask him if he knows of any girls in the area who may be interested.  Also, college campuses can be great for hidden pockets of discerners!  Just start talking to people and I think you'd be surprised at who you'd fine.

Besides inviting religious to tell about communities and sharing info about retreats, maybe have others who aren't necessarily affilitated with a community come speak about general discernment issues (like the vocations director for the archdiocese or something).  Or maybe just general Adoration/prayer together can be great to let Jesus talk for a while! :)

Hope that helps...even if I can't be there.  I'll keep thinking of people I know in the Chicago area that might be able to help you!

I think Loyola has a St. Edmund Campion Society. That would probably be a pretty good place to advertise. Maybe also with the Catholic groups at places like U of Chicago or in the bulletin at DePaul or Loyola.

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I just found that there is a group in Chicago that meets.
It's primarily a group of Polish women....but they may integrate with us....
We'll see.

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Mar 8 2006, 11:00 PM']I just found that there is a group in Chicago that meets.
It's primarily a group of Polish women....but they may integrate with us....
We'll see.
This sounds promising!!! (Or at the very least, informative for you in this process)..........

and this is off topic, but are you aware of any Polish Dominican sisters in the greater Chicago area? The brothers at school tell me they exist, but I have yet to get more information about the sisters from them.

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While I haven't heard of any, there's probably a good chance it is true. There are more Polish people living in Chicago than Polish people living in Krakow!

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Yes, there are Polish Dominicans in the the greater Chicago area! I just found their website, it's kinda hard to search for.....[url="http://www.sistersop.org/index.html"]Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception[/url]

they seem really cool, I don't know how many American girls have joined but they are having a "come and see" from March 12-17 at their Motherhouse.

If anyone has more info on them, please share!

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' date='Mar 9 2006, 10:55 AM']Yes, there are Polish Dominicans in the the greater Chicago area! I just found their website, it's kinda hard to search for.....[url="http://www.sistersop.org/index.html"]Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception[/url]

they seem really cool, I don't know how many American girls have joined but they are having a "come and see"  from March 12-17 at their Motherhouse.

If anyone has more info on them, please share!
Yes yes yes, this is them!!!! I know a woman from my area who is going on retreat next week with them. I'm already going on retreat this weekend and have to work next week, otherwise I would totally try and get up there. Thanks so much for posting their website, I knew it was around, but I just couldn't put my hands on it.

So......... has anyone else heard anything about them? :popcorn:

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='907240' date='Mar 9 2006, 12:55 PM']
Yes, there are Polish Dominicans in the the greater Chicago area! I just found their website, it's kinda hard to search for.....[b][url="http://www.sistersop.org/index.html"]Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception[/url] [/b]

they seem really cool, I don't know how many American girls have joined but they are having a "come and see" from March 12-17 at their Motherhouse.

If anyone has more info on them, please share!
The sisters are having a fall discernment retreat October 20-22. Check out their website (linked in ThyHolyLove's post above) for Sr. Margaret's email address if you'd like more info. ^_^

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[quote name='ThyHolyLove' post='907240' date='Mar 9 2006, 01:55 PM']
Yes, there are Polish Dominicans in the the greater Chicago area! I just found their website, it's kinda hard to search for.....[url="http://www.sistersop.org/index.html"]Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception[/url]

they seem really cool, I don't know how many American girls have joined but they are having a "come and see" from March 12-17 at their Motherhouse.

If anyone has more info on them, please share!

All I can say is that I shared a table with two of their sisters at the Institute of Religious Life Banquet. I was a little down at the banquet but they helped raised my spirits. They have a foundation here in Canada out west in Calgary.

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[quote name='passionheart' post='1072054' date='Sep 22 2006, 07:05 PM']
All I can say is that I shared a table with two of their sisters at the Institute of Religious Life Banquet. I was a little down at the banquet but they helped raised my spirits. They have a foundation here in Canada out west in Calgary.

I stayed with them for a few days, but as I did not speak Polish we had some difficulties! lol.

They seem like a good order, though.

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