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Home from Buffalo


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Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note to say I am home from my time with the Dominican Nuns in Buffalo.

Thanks so much for your prayers. Truly I was blessed while I was there. I have to rush out to my nephew's one year birthday party and I am still a little tired.

I promise I will write more tomorrow.

Blessings and Peace,


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Welcome back!

I've been sick so I wasn't able to visit with you...

Did you like Father Jacob and the Nuns... how's Charlene, do you know what day she's becoming a postulant?

Anyways I can't wait to hear how it went.

God bless,

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:clap: :grouphug: Welcome back, DonnaMarie! Please rest & reflect & take care of yourself! Pace e bene, Brandelyn
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Hello I'm back with some news in regards to my aspirancy with the Dominicans Nuns in Buffalo.

I am surprised at how fast the three weeks went. I wish I didn't have to return back to Ottawa. I had a wonderful time.

The moment I walked into the cloister I felt at peace. I was laughing when Sister closed the door behind me and showed me where the keys are. She told me see here they are so you are not being locked in. Therefore if you need to go then you can go!

I was shown to my room and the patron saint on the door was St. Thomas Aquinas. I took the opportunity over the next three weeks to get know a little bit more about St. Thomas and ask for his intercession for my discernment with these nuns. Of course it took some time getting used to the schedule and I thought that because usually I rise early in the morning anyways it would be easy to get up at 5:00 am and follow the daily routine without feeling tired. Well, believe me I was looking for my bed at the time of rest at 1:00 and after Compline!!!!

Sr. Rose gave myself and another aspirant black postulant jumpers. Up till that point we have been wearing our own clothes but I put on and I didn’t want to take it off. After the first week, the monastery felt like home but I was afraid to hope and consider putting my name on the application papers because my past is filled with hurts and disappointments. I liked the rhythm of the day: the work, I helped in our novitiate library, the times community prayer and private prayer. I liked the silence during the meals as well as the fun at recreation. I learned to say quite a bit in very few words!!

All during this time I was praying and asking God for his desire for me in this house. As well, I had started the 30-day novena to St. Joseph asking for clarity for God’s call for me as well. I spoke to Sr. Rose, Fr. Jacob, their chaplain and Mother Gemma and during a time of Solemn Silence that I realized the Lord was speaking to me through them. They said I shouldn’t let the past decided my vocation as well I shouldn’t be afraid of the future. Also, Mother and Sr. Rose didn’t tell me to leave.

After that, I wasn’t afraid anymore and I started to fill out the application papers. I have one obstacle to my entering soon and that is my debts. I have some large debts and I didn’t hide that from the sisters. One of the sisters told me that I shouldn’t let that stop me from applying. So I will apply and see what help I can find because I do need help.

It is funny that of all the communities I have looked into in the last little while, this is the community I have kept at arms’ length. Yet, this is the community where the doors and the arms have opened to accept me. These brides of Christ are going to be bugging Him about my debts and judging from I have seen they will be resolved.

So that was my three weeks. I do believe I have a vocation to the contemplative life and sisters mentioned to me about being an extern sister. At first I thought they suggested it because they felt I couldn’t handle the cloister but I was wrong. They think I would be good at it. I think they are right. Thanks so much for your prayers and thanks so much Sr. Mary Michael for your advice. So I ask prayers for my debts to be resolved.

So my friends, after 20 yrs of trying a door have opened. I can’t say I didn’t lose hope now and then. Not to mentioned I lost confidence in God’s care for me as well. I know the road is hard my friends but don’t lose hope, moreover, don’t ever give into the temptation that I did that God didn’t want me. God loved me and He blessed me with some wonderful friends.

No matter how the hard the road gets, don’t ever doubt His loving care for you.



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PRAISE BE TO JESUS CHRIST for the beautiful time you spent with the sisters. Please know of all the prayers the pham will be sending that your debts are disolved quickly!

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Hey donna! Welcome back!

Thank you for tell us about your trip and I am so happy for you! Well it seems that we are both in the same boat here but there is hope! There is a number of foundations whom would be willing to help you.


Also I would start doing a 54 day novena! I pray that Our Blessed Mother will keep watch over you and petition Our Lord for you needs.


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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Mar 5 2006, 03:10 PM']Hey donna!  Welcome back!

Thank you for tell us about your trip and I am so happy for you!  Well it seems that we are both in the same boat here but there is hope!  There is a number of foundations whom would be willing to help you.


Also I would start doing a 54 day novena!  I pray that Our Blessed Mother will keep watch over you and petition Our Lord for you needs.

I'm glad to see that the lasermonks offer this type of assistance. I've often paid more for their goods than I would have to pay elsewhere in the hope that their charitable causes are good ones. Clearly they are. :)

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Donna, I spoke quite a bit with Charlene today, and I give thanks to God that your aspirancy was so wonderful. I did see you behind the grille, and though I was only sick a little, I didn't want to ask to speak with you in the parlor, because I didn't want to disrupt your experience... I'm so glad that hopefully you'll enter religious life, and in my city too! I am so happy for you. ;)

Edited by brendan1104
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[quote name='passionheart' date='Mar 5 2006, 02:20 PM']Hello I'm back with some news in regards to my aspirancy with the Dominicans Nuns in Buffalo.

I am surprised at how fast the three weeks went. I wish I didn't have to return back to Ottawa. I had a wonderful time.

The moment I walked into the cloister I felt at peace. I was laughing when Sister closed the door behind me and showed me where the keys are. She told me see here they are so you are not being locked in. Therefore if you need to go then you can go!

I was shown to my room and the patron saint on the door was St. Thomas Aquinas. I took the opportunity over the next three weeks to get know a little bit more about St. Thomas and ask for his intercession for my discernment with these nuns.  Of course it took some time getting used to the schedule and I thought that because usually I rise early in the morning anyways it would be easy to get up at 5:00 am and follow the daily routine without feeling tired. Well, believe me I was looking for my bed at the time of rest at 1:00 and after Compline!!!!

Sr. Rose gave myself and another aspirant black postulant jumpers. Up till that point we have been wearing our own clothes but I put on and I didn’t want to take it off.  After the first week, the monastery felt like home but I was afraid to hope and consider putting my name on the application papers because my past is filled with hurts and disappointments.  I liked the rhythm of the day: the work, I helped in our novitiate library, the times community prayer and private prayer. I liked the silence during the meals as well as the fun at recreation.  I learned to say quite a bit in very few words!!

All during this time I was praying and asking God for his desire for me in this house. As well, I had started the 30-day novena to St. Joseph asking for clarity for God’s call for me as well.  I spoke to Sr. Rose, Fr. Jacob, their chaplain and Mother Gemma and during a time of Solemn Silence that I realized the Lord was speaking to me through them. They said I shouldn’t let the past decided my vocation as well I shouldn’t be afraid of the future. Also, Mother and Sr. Rose didn’t tell me to leave.

After that, I wasn’t afraid anymore and I started to fill out the application papers. I have one obstacle to my entering soon and that is my debts. I have some large debts and I didn’t hide that from the sisters. One of the sisters told me that I shouldn’t let that stop me from applying. So I will apply and see what help I can find because I do need help.

It is funny that of all the communities I have looked into in the last little while, this is the community I have kept at arms’ length. Yet, this is the community where the doors and the arms have opened to accept me. These brides of Christ are going to be bugging Him about my debts and judging from I have seen they will be resolved.

So that was my three weeks. I do believe I have a vocation to the contemplative life and sisters mentioned to me about being an extern sister. At first I thought they suggested it because they felt I couldn’t handle the cloister but I was wrong. They think I would be good at it. I think they are right. Thanks so much for your prayers and thanks so much Sr. Mary Michael for your advice. So I ask prayers for my debts to be resolved.

So my friends, after 20 yrs of trying a door have opened. I can’t say I didn’t lose hope now and then. Not to mentioned I lost confidence in God’s care for me as well.  I know the road is hard my friends but don’t lose hope, moreover, don’t ever give into the temptation that I did that God didn’t want me.  God loved me and He blessed me with some wonderful friends. 

No matter how the hard the road gets, don’t ever doubt His loving care for you.


Te Deum!!!!!

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Thanks be to God for your vocation! I will keep you in my prayers that your debts be erased, and that you can become the bride of Christ, clearly His will for you.

God bless you,


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