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St. Louisans Discerning


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So as to not hijack other random threads, if any one else discerning in and around St. Louis wants to get together, either just to meet and hang out or to do something like shortnun was suggesting on the Lenten Discernent thread, PM me...or I guess since I started a thread, we can talk about it here too! :P:

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There's already a group operating out of the Cathedral Basilica, and y'all are more than welcome to join us. Magnificat, you know most of the people already (it's Jessie's project, basically, along with Fr. Keller's).
For the most part, we have a Holy Hour with benediction, and then do something afterwards.

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It varies... usually every other week or so, on average. Generally, on a friday night. Contact me via pm or facebook and I'll see if I can get you on the notification list.

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Yes siree...I'd talked to Kathleen about it briefly but that was during the crazy week when Sr. Joseph Andrew was here.

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[quote name='TheOliverOrder88' date='Mar 2 2006, 10:55 AM']I like this idea. I guess guys are in on this too.

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I'm up for planning something, etc... but it'll have to wait until next week (when midterms are over and I can go back to breathing and sleeping again :P:).

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[quote name='shortnun' date='Mar 2 2006, 09:18 PM']I'm up for planning something, etc... but it'll have to wait until next week (when midterms are over and I can go back to breathing and sleeping again :P:).

Amen to that.

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[quote name='BurkeFan' date='Mar 2 2006, 04:28 PM']I should think that they are, considering that I am.

Sorry, its hard to tell these days...

Heheh :P:

Yeppers, so when/where/how/?

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[quote name='TheOliverOrder88' date='Mar 2 2006, 09:52 PM']Sorry, its hard to tell these days...

Heheh :P:

Yeppers, so when/where/how/?

"Where" is generally at the Cathedral Basilica or at my apartment (on SLU's campus). "When" is generally fluid... right now, it's roughly every other week or so. "How"... by the Grace of God.
PM me your email / contact info so I can forward it along to the appropriate people.

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There's a Holy Hour with the St. Louis Poor Clares this Saturday, followed by a meeting with Mother Mary Leo in the parlor after the Holy Hour. Y'all interested?

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[quote name='BurkeFan' date='Mar 3 2006, 02:31 PM']There's a Holy Hour with the St. Louis Poor Clares this Saturday, followed by a meeting with Mother Mary Leo in the parlor after the Holy Hour. Y'all interested?
I have class (yes, on Saturday, :annoyed: ) from 9-4..... when is the Holy Hour?

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