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OK this was at least to years ago when I was 17

I was walking down some street stepping over dead bodies and what not as if I was used to the scene, blood was flowing up to my ankles but I kept on walking. Now my brother was in the dream as well we just looked at eachother and went our seperate ways, I walked into an alley but the buildings surrounding the area looked as if they had been blown up. So I looked up at one of the buildings and some being I don't know what it was came leaping down at me I rose my hand and a light passed through, going completely through this thing it fell to the ground and then the dream was over I woke up. I went to church that following week and tried talking to a priest but he told me to pray about it I've had other dreams as well that have different monsters or whatever they are but I don't know why I keep on fighting them. can someone please give me some insight?


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Here's my two cents on the matter:
Freud wasn't totally wrong - a lot of times, dreams do come from your subconscious. That doesn't mean that dreams don't ever mean anything, because I definitely think God can tell us stuff in our dreams too, but sometimes all they mean is that you have something stressing you out and it's working its way into your dreams in the form of monsters.
If the dream you related was telling you something you needed to know, the meaning of it will be revealed to you, because God won't tell you something and not give you the ability to understand it, and then sit up there in the sky and say, "haha, sucker, you didn't get it." So pray about it, and maybe someone else whom the Spirit inspires will give you insight into it. But I'd be pretty sceptical about putting a lot of emphasis on the other dreams just because you had one that seemed significant, because dreams about fighting or running away from monsters are typical stress-related dreams, and I'm going to venture the wild guess, considering that you're 19, that maybe you're in school and you spend a lot of time being stressed out.

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I studied dreams for quite some time, and no..Im not a doctor.
But Tata126 is right here.
All the stresses and events of the day, whether its today or a year ago or something from our childhood always seem to manifest themselves in our dreams.
To put it bluntly, our dreams allow us to go insane even if its just for a few hours. Things that dont seem important, or significant can become quite horrifiying when it manifests itself in our dreams. This can upset us more when we wake and remember the events.

Usually though, the more horrid a dream, the better for you. Your mind is a wonderful work of masterpiece, (thank you God) and will use your resting time to work out the good events and bad, so that you can cope with life. Worrying about it is truly a waste of time, because this in turn causes more stress and it is undo or preventable.

Ive also had dreams such as yours. Bodies everywhere, buildings demolished as if a war took place, my family was there in one way or another. I would sit for hours trying to figure it out, stressing myself unecessarily. Ive had dreams that started out so beautiful and then became a sheer horror. Sometimes the fears we have are all played out when we sleep, even if we dont realize that we have these fears. And often times they are played out in a way that our conscious mind would never even consider. Hollywood cant hold a candle to the horrors our own minds can imagine for us.

Telling you what it means wouldnt help, really. Its something you need to first let go of, then the answer will come when you arent so emotionally affected about it, as you seem to be right now. Just allow your mind to do what it needs to do, otherwise you fall apart. Trust that God made an amazing piece of work in you and that the answers will come when your waking mind is ready to understand it.

Yeah, it sounds like a load right? But its true. Obviously when you woke up there were no bodies, right? And all the building were still intact? Let it go. Just know that your mind is working on something, and let it do its job, dont get in the way and make it worse.


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