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Is It Ok To Feel This Way?

Faithful heart

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Faithful heart

I will try to explain the best I can.

I love Jesus with all my heart, mind and soul. I feel at peace when I think of him and pray to him. But when I think of Mother Mary I am filled with such love. I love her so much. I was wondering if it was wrong to feel such a way about our mother in comparison to our Lord. Please don't get me wrong I would do anything for Jesus and I love him endlessly. There is just somthing about our Mother that makes my heart swell. Please give me your thoughts on this.

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Let me say that I've felt the same way at times. I read a cool book by Beverly D'onofrio called "Searching for Mary". As a Catholic that fell away from the Church, she found herself being drawn to images of Mary...which promoted her to make a trip to Medjorje.

What she found is that through her devotion to Mary, she only grew closer to her Son.

I don't think you are wrong to feel this way. Maybe you are in the same boat...maybe through your devotion to Mary, she is only bringing you closer to Him.

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  Faithful heart said:
I will try to explain the best I can.

I love Jesus with all my heart, mind and soul.  I feel at peace when I think of him and pray to him.  But when I think of Mother Mary I am filled with such love.  I love her so much.  I was wondering if it was wrong to feel such a way about our mother in comparison to our Lord.  Please don't get me wrong I would do anything for Jesus and I love him endlessly.  There is just somthing about our Mother that makes my heart swell.  Please give me your thoughts on this.

i hear other catholics speak of mary in this way and i wonder why i DON'T feel this way about her. I don't disagree with any of the teachings about her or anything but i just don't feel this way. I barely ever pray the rosary ( but the one time i did i can say my prayers were definately answered, maybe not in the way i would of wanted but better than i hoped, we'll just leave it at that) that something i keep telling myself i should do more of tho. some times i say a "hail mary" after i usually pray to God but i don't really feel this closeness at all. how do you nuture this?

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Theologian in Training

Our Blessed Mother bore our Savior, we first learned to go to Jesus through Mary, she, in a sense, was the first tabernacle. Granted, she is human just like us, but called to an incredibly high state in life.

How can one not love her as much as we do? Jesus taught us to love her, He even gave her to us before being crucified. Sometime it is Mary who brings us to Christ, sometimes she lets us hold Him as She did on that first Christmas. In this sense, She brings us to Christ, and helps us be prepared to meet Him. Who can be a better teacher or Mother than the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mary is like a window, through her we see Jesus, yet we know that there is window through which we look. She takes our hand and leads us to her Son, even when we feel incredibly unworthy to be in His presence.

If loving Mary is wrong, then why would God be born and begin His ministry from Her womb? God obviously wanted us to love her as we do, in the proper way, and in the proper context, of course.

Mother Mary who bore the Child Jesus in Your womb,

Pray for us.

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You can have a devotion to Mary without having intense feelings toward her. Feelings come and go, but are not a necessity. THere are days I have no desire to pray at all or go to Church, but you do it anyway.

Our relationship to God is based on our will to do the right thing, to offer to God what is rightfully his: praise, adoration and worship. Feelings are gravy, not necessary but awefully nice. :)

Have you tried the virtualrosary.org program? I always would get lost in contemplation and then my mind would wander into other subjects. It keeps me focused, and joined in prayer to the rest of the world.

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Faithful heart

Thank you all. I think that Mary is trying to bring me closer to Crist. Sometimes I feel like Jesus is so far away, but I always feel Mary is right with me. Maybe it is because I am a mother myself that I feel a close connection. I am going to use this love and devotion and ask Mary to bring me closer to Christ. I sometimes feel guilty that my feelings tward Mary are sometimes stronger than my feelings tward Christ. I have been a Catholic all my life but I am new to being a devoted Catholic. I guess this is Mary's way of bringing me into a relationship with her son. I pray that Mary will show me the way to Christ and that my heart will be open to him. Thanks again.

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Marys whole existance points to Christ - that is her role.

Try the virtual rosary program - its a scripture-based rosary, with a verse for every Hail Mary.

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Faithful heart

CMother, thank you. I just downloaded the virtual rosary. That is a great site, thank you for pointing it out for me. You are always so helpful. :rolleyes:

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  Faithful heart said:
Thank you all.  I think that Mary is trying to bring me closer to Crist.  Sometimes I feel like Jesus is so far away, but I always feel Mary is right with me.  Maybe it is because I am a mother myself that I feel a close connection.  I am going to use this love and devotion and ask Mary to bring me closer to Christ.  I sometimes feel guilty that my feelings tward Mary are sometimes stronger than my feelings tward Christ.  I have been a Catholic all my life but I am new to being a devoted Catholic.  I guess this is Mary's way of bringing me into a relationship with her son.  I pray that Mary will show me the way to Christ and that my heart will be open to him.  Thanks again.

I think maybe you hit an important point. I, too, feel very close to Mary now that I'm expecting my first child. Something that Anna, bless her heart, pointed out to me. Especially during the Christmas season, how can moms not feel close to our Mother in heaven. Its a bond that we share with her as women.

God bless ya kiddo and Mary Keep!

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Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would one day walk on water.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would save our sons and daughters.

Did you know that your baby boy

has come to make you new;

this child that you delivered

will soon deliver you.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will give sight to a blind man.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will calm the storm with His hand.

Did you know that your baby boy

has walked where angels trod?

When you kiss your little baby,

you kiss the face of God!

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Theologian in Training

  cmotherofpirl said:
Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would one day walk on water.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

would save our sons and daughters.

Did you know that your baby boy

has come to make you new;

this child that you delivered

will soon deliver you.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will give sight to a blind man.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

will calm the storm with His hand.

Did you know that your baby boy

has walked where angels trod?

When you kiss your little baby,

you kiss the face of God!

I don't quite know why, but this song was :banned: in our seminary, perhaps, also, in the diocese, I am not sure why though.

Wonder why :noidea:

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Seatbelt Blue

I feel the same way. The only saint I've been able to cultivate a devotion for is St. Joan of Arc, and, to a lesser extent, St. Therese the Little Flower.

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