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For all the Dem Bashers!


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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Feb 23 2006, 09:27 PM']P.S. Election 2008 smells like rotten eggs.
unless we get either Santorum or Jeb Bush

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Feb 23 2006, 10:24 PM']I guess in those circumstances, considering the shaping of the Supreme Court and the partial birth abortion ban... I personally couldn't find sufficient proportionate reason, especially considering Kerry supported the war and tried to look "hawkish" like Bush did.

I couldn't either.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 23 2006, 07:57 PM']This would be a good time to mention that this bill is truly prolife as opposed to Bush's views on abortion.
As far as I know, Bush is not opposing this bill. If he does, shame on him - but that is not the issue at the moment. I can guarantee most prominent Dems will vehemently oppose it, though.

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Ash Wednesday

I can't speak for the conference committee, but S.D. Governor Mike Rounds is pro-life under all circumstances. Not surprisingly, he's also Catholic. :)

No doubt that the ACLU will pee their pants if this gets through.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 23 2006, 09:37 PM']As far as I know, Bush is not opposing this bill.  If he does, shame on him - but that is not the issue at the moment.  I can guarantee most prominent Dems will vehemently oppose it, though.

As far as you know, Kerry is not opposing the bill either.

It doesn't matter who is against the bill. People can be as vehement as they want but the state is legislating itself.

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[quote name='Colleen' date='Feb 23 2006, 08:13 PM']It must be because I live so close to Chicago that I keep reading this thread as [b]"For all [i]Dem[/i] Bashers!" [/b]:wacko: "Dem" meaning "them," that is.

I'm so happy to see that the bill was passed in South Dakota. :)

That's that I thought too... [i]because I live close to Chicago???[/i]

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The governor might sign it, but i would guess the ACLU has their legal briefing ready already and will file it the moment that he does.

This could get interesting.

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[quote name='jezic' date='Feb 24 2006, 11:12 AM']The governor might sign it, but i would guess the ACLU has their legal briefing ready already and will file it the moment that he does.

This could get interesting.

Oh it will get interesting. That's its intention. They WANT a court case. That's the whole purpose of the legislation is to get it to the Supreme Court

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yes, but it would be nice if it coudl take effect before a very prolonged court battle.

If the ACLU thinks they will loose, they will do everything to make it take forever anyway.

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[quote name='jezic' date='Feb 24 2006, 11:28 AM']yes, but it would be nice if it coudl take effect before a very prolonged court battle.

If the ACLU thinks they will loose, they will do everything to make it take forever anyway.

Well I don't know about the ACLU gearing up (probably) but PP is definitely ready to file a lawsuit.

The more they fight, the more it gets in the spotlight. And if its signed into law, it will stay law until the appeals are used up.

There is absolutely no downside to this and it could change everything

We want a fight
We want the ACLU to be loud
We want PP to scream about it every night on the news!!

All of these things will only help us!!

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Apparently they're thinking through how to pay for all this if everything proceeds as planned ... they may be accepting private donations.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='zwergel88' date='Feb 24 2006, 01:24 PM']this is awesome.  Democrats are soo cool!!!! I hate to say I told you so.

You don't have to.

Do you think that Democrats that are pro-choice are also "soo cool"? The party at large still has serious problems and there's no sense in saying they are the "better" party. Anybody that believes such is blind.

I love it. ONE Democrat decides to spearhead a pro-life bill, and now the whole board on phatmass is supposed to throw a big flippin' party.

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[quote]I love it. ONE Democrat decides to spearhead a pro-life bill, and now the whole board on phatmass is supposed to throw a big flippin' party.



Huge party!!

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