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For all the Dem Bashers!


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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 23 2006, 07:41 PM']That's wonderful what Julie Bartling is doing for the pro-life cause!!
May she succeed!!!
However, is it just me, or does anyone else feel that the main cause of enthusiasm here should be Sen Bartling's pro-life actions, rather than her party affiliation?  :idontknow:


There have been several threads discussing the bill. None of them mentioned the fact that it was a democrat that sponsored it.

There have been so many disparaging things said about democrats and some of it is deserved. But there have been other things that were reprehensible! So yeah it should be celebrated that a democrat has carried this fight to the next level.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 23 2006, 04:14 PM']The senate chief sponsor of bill 1215 banning abortions in the state of South Dakota is

Senator Julie Bartling

If you want to call and congratulate her the number is 605-222-3378
Also, there was an amendment proposed to allow for cases of rape and incest.  It was voted down!!!

Cool... 1 out of 999 is for the good guys. :P:

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[quote name='Azriel' date='Feb 23 2006, 09:19 PM']Dems for Life, baby.  Dems for Life!!!

Please explain to me how "Democrats for life" can justfy being in the democrat party which doesn't even recognize "Democrats for life" as a real democrat group... but sure enough, Planned Parenthood is at the top of the list.

God Bless,

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You can still agree w/them economically,enviornmentally, about public education and against the death penalty. you don't have to agree w/them about abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage, embryonic stemcell research and human cloning, and if more prolife ppl are in the Democratic party, Dems can support candidates of their party and be able to vote someone who is prolife.

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There is such a thing as working for change within an organization. They can justify it by that fact alone.

There are pro-life Democrats. There are pro-choice Republicans. We should cheer anyone who is pro-life, and works towards it.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 23 2006, 08:26 PM']Please explain to me how "Democrats for life" can justfy being in the democrat party which doesn't even recognize "Democrats for life" as a real democrat group... but sure enough, Planned Parenthood is at the top of the list.

God Bless,

It was the South Dakota chapter that got pro life democrats in office. And it was a registered prolife democrat that sponsored the bill

That seems to justify the organization in my book! For not a "real organization" they're making a significant contribution.

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='Azriel' date='Feb 23 2006, 07:32 PM']Shooting may be just a bit harsh.  How about slapped with a fish, and made to sit and listen to Yanni?
Perhaps a reasonable compromise . . . :fishslap:

But seriously, I've seen far too many people on here claiming to be "pro-life" rather vocally support John Kerry.
As long as such people are elected, the Democratic Party will not be pro-life.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 23 2006, 09:35 PM']Perhaps a reasonable compromise . . .  :fishslap:

But seriously, I've seen far too many people on here claiming to be "pro-life" rather vocally support John Kerry.
As long as such people are elected, the Democratic Party will not be pro-life.

I'm leaning towards Dem and I'm prolife and I did not support Kerry, I actually like President Bush and would trust him with our country a lot more than I would trust Kerry with.

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