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For all the Dem Bashers!


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The senate chief sponsor of bill 1215 banning abortions in the state of South Dakota is

Senator Julie Bartling


If you want to call and congratulate her the number is 605-222-3378

Also, there was an amendment proposed to allow for cases of rape and incest. It was voted down!!!

Edited by jaime
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Wow. That is fantastic!!!!


Makes me feel all :drool: about the Dems again.

Opps! Sorry, I hadn't realized that this thread was for Dem. bashers . . . .

Edited by Thumper
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There are a couple of good democrats, who are against the ideology of their party. No one is going to say that this woman hasn't made the right decision regarding this bill. Any move to outlaw abortion is a good move. How many of her fellow democrats will agree with her though?

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As a person who does see Democrat on some issues, this makes me ecstatic! Not all Democrats are prochoice and I'm so happy this senator was willing to stand for something her party is very opposed to.

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good, I agree with her on abortion.

it's very likely I disagree with her economically and would still argue against her economic views, still "bash" them hehehe, but we all know abortion is a trump issue any day

God bless this democrat, though!

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Feb 23 2006, 02:43 PM']There are a couple of good democrats, who are against the ideology of their party. No one is going to say that this woman hasn't made the right decision regarding this bill. Any move to outlaw abortion is a good move. How many of her fellow democrats will agree with her though?

i'm sure teddy kennedy is just smiling.

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This all great news. Thank God for whats happening in SD and Penn. However, I heard that New York is the abortion capital of the United States. And, as more and more states ban abortions, NY is going to try and build an infrastructure that can accommodate women coming to the state for the sole purpose of murdering their babies.

The prayers go on.......................

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Yeah, I remember reading a story about all these women coming up to NYC to have late term abortions, it is so sick and sad! The author, who helps asist these women in having their abortions says she has nightmares about sick babies and is disturbed to see how far along these women are but she thinks helping them have abortions is more important :sadder:

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[quote name='3n1' date='Feb 23 2006, 05:03 PM']This all great news.  Thank God for whats happening in SD and Penn.  However, I heard that New York is the abortion capital of the United States. And, as more and more states ban abortions, NY is going to try and build an infrastructure that can accommodate women coming to the state for the sole purpose of murdering their babies.

The prayers go on.......................
so when Roe V. Wade is overturned, the Marches for Life will move to the borders of states like New York rather than Washington DC.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Feb 23 2006, 02:14 PM']The senate chief sponsor of bill 1215 banning abortions in the state of South Dakota is

Senator Julie Bartling

If you want to call and congratulate her the number is 605-222-3378
Also, there was an amendment proposed to allow for cases of rape and incest.  It was voted down!!!
That's wonderful what Julie Bartling is doing for the pro-life cause!!
May she succeed!!!

However, is it just me, or does anyone else feel that the main cause of enthusiasm here should be Sen Bartling's pro-life actions, rather than her party affiliation? :idontknow:
If she happened to be Republican, would we see this same enthusiasm from certain members, or would she be the subject of remarks of cynicism and doubt?

As one whom I presume would be included among the "Dem bashers," I will just say that I never said that every single person in the Democrat Party is evil. There are, and always have been, good Democrats (just as there are good Republicans). We should focus on the positions of the individual politicians, rather than simply their party affilliation.
However, the fact is that people like Sen. Bartling are the exception, rather than the rule, among Dem politicians.
The "Dem bashing" here has mostly focused on the national Democratic leadership, which has been solidly pro-abortion, and people on here who insisted on supporting adamently pro-abortion pols such as John Kerry.

While this has given me great respect for Sen. Bartling, it has done nothing to make me :drool: about the Democratic Party as a whole, nor make me regret that Kerry or Al Gore is not in office.
And I think we can all rest assured that the loudest and most persistant voices in opposition to the abortion ban being fought for by Sen. Bartling will come from her fellow Democrats.

Does anyone really think many Democrat pols will be supportive of Sen. Bartling's efforts???

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Ash Wednesday

I agree with Socrates and Brother Adam. A politician voted to strike down abortion. So what if they happen to be Democrat? Truth is truth.

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