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Since I’m still a new kid here ([i]okay, an old kid and on the AARP recruitment list[/i]), I’ve been reading through many of the comments and concerns expressed by everyone in choosing the right order.

Regardless of the order to which one is called, there will undoubtedly be sacrifices. A person cannot dedicate their life to Jesus and hold onto anything that was important in his or her lay life. Doing so would mean giving less than everything to Him.

One observation I’ve made within the many threads of Vocation Station is that people occasionally evaluate religious orders based upon what the facility has to offer; for instance a beautiful view, great food, comfortable quarters, unlimited communication, privacy, sports, etc. Not that any of those things are bad – they’re not.

However the difficulty of overcoming one’s desire for the comforts of life can be the catalyst for an intimacy with Jesus that might never be found in the community that matches your personality. Many communities impose certain restrictions for the very purpose of enabling that intimacy.

I can’t help but think of the way Mother Teresa lived her life. Even though she could easily have done otherwise, she chose to sleep on hard floors, bathe in cold water and eat the same crumbs as the poor. What better example can anyone have for a life of mortification?

I guess my point is that it might be helpful to consider the things that appear to be disadvantages, as the potential drawing cards for any order.

And above all else, in choosing your vocation, let the Lord take the lead.

Okay, I’m finished…just my humble opinion.

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Thank you for your great words. They are ringing especially for me at this time of discernment. What a terrific way to view living.

These are definitely divinely-inspired words and a terrific sign that I personally needed.

Again, thanks.

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I'm glad that the message helped you. Ironically, I probably gained more than anyone from it. Sometimes I have to kick myself in the back side to regain some spiritual momentum. This proved to be one of those times.

I'll keep you in my prayers as you move forward with your vocation.


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Dear OP MOM,

You are so wise! It's almost as if you have been in the convent yourself! Thanks for your posts, they are so insightful!


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Funny you should say that. As a mother of nine, sometimes when the commotion gets to be a bit much, I ask myself if it's too late to join a convent - specifically a [i]cloister[/i]! :sweat:


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thank you for some very wise words. God bless you! :)

ps. i'm the youngest of ten, so i can definitely understand the "cloister" thing.

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[quote name='OP_MOM' date='Feb 23 2006, 11:56 AM']Funny you should say that.  As a mother of nine, sometimes when the commotion gets to be a bit much, I ask myself if it's too late to join a convent - specifically a [i]cloister[/i]! :sweat:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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OP Mom, Very good! I needed to hear that as well...Sometimes I find myself thinking about stuff...like..."Can I really give up sleeping when I want or eating what I feel like?" Silly, actually...very small things that I am too attached to...that once I get rid of, will make a way for greater intimacy with the Lord...Some of the more liberal orders actually emphasize the "ammenities" one gains like swimming pools, vacations, etc...It makes one wonder where their priorities lie...Pace e bene, Brandelyn

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Also I know that PCPA's and Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are popular to join these days, but there might be other orders out there that need you more. It is important to go where one is needed as much as where one feels good.

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Feb 23 2006, 02:40 PM']Oh wait Marjorie is from Missouri right?
Yes, Sr. Marjorie is from Missouri.

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[quote name='OP_MOM' date='Feb 23 2006, 07:06 PM']Yes, Sr. Marjorie is from Missouri.

Yeah that is what I thought...

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