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Abortion Pill Approved For Over The Counter Sales?

Don John of Austria

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I'll hide them behind the onions. Then go to the freezer section and put more in there.......where else can I put them? Oh yeah, in the material section. If not, those trash cans they have on sell, I'll put them in there too.

For reals though, if it goes market, I'm thowing them out somewhere.

This is so terrible and sad. I wonder what they think thier doing after seeing a girl die taking this evil pill. she died and bleed to death. For womens health?

Baloney. :irate:

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  cmotherofpirl said:
WE are not permitted to do evil even if there is a good result.

True. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I imagine that I'll probably be boycotting or writing letters.

Besides, I'll feel sorry for all the workers that have to retreive all those pills from the onion section. They will never get the smell of onions off.

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thats a good idea, send letter en such to your local establishments that carry them. that can do more i suppose than trying to reach the courts or trying to contact a major coproration shoping center to pull it from their shelves. Strart from the bottop up i say. -_-

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  CICCIO said:
thats a good idea, send letter en such to your local establishments that carry them. that can do more i suppose than trying to reach the courts or trying to contact a major coproration shoping center to pull it from their shelves. Strart from the bottop up i say. -_-

I work at Wal-Mart, and I know that they do react to letters from customers. It is because of letters that they are not carrying certain magazines, and others will be in plastic bags (MAXIM is among the "objectionable" titles)... and there have been simple policy changes due to a letter to home-office.

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  Don John of Austria said:
How is throughing out pills which are made for the express purpose of killing babys evil.

You don't commit a sin to stop a sin.

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  cmotherofpirl said:
You don't commit a sin to stop a sin.

How is, for example, dropping pill bottles from a Wal-Mart shelf into a Wal-Mart trash can a sin?

Are abortion protesters who chain themselves to doors sinning?

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To me, throwing away abortion pills in a store would be like me walking in to the house of a serial killer and throwing away his gun. Sure, it's a sin, but a sin I'd be willing to commit for the greater good.

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It is a question of whether the ends can overshadow the means...i dont know about justifying, but overshadowing or soemthing like that...principle of double effect as we learned last year in Morality class. i dont rmeember it well. :blink:

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Don John of Austria

Okay throwing away pills designed to kill babys is not a sin, that is absurd eve n for a pacifist. It is not a sin in any way, it is not evil, it is not a lesser evil, it is a good act. An act of merit, an act that will bring you closer to God and to a final resting place in His presence.

This goes beyond the Principle of double effect because you are talking about doing something that is not wrong in and of it self. It is not wrong EVER to throw away pills, so that act in itself is not a sin, therefoere there is no need to Justify the act by double effect or any other way.

Now it CAN be wrong to destroy others property but in this case it certianly meets all the conditions of double effect 1. the act is not in itself inherently wrong ( destruction of physical objects is not inherently wrong) 2. The bad effect( loss of property of monetary value) cannot be avoided if the good effect( removeing the tool of infanticide) is to be achieved, ie. You can't get rid of the pills without actualy removeing them. The bad effect is not the means but a side effect (The means is throughing a way a pill which is NOT a bad thing).

And the bad effect is proportional to the good effect. I really don't think anyone here is fgoing to argue that one. So no it would not be a sin, it would not even be a Morally neutral act, it would be a moral good.

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Don John of Austria

Of course we could skip this and go strait to the Priciple of Forfeiture-- A person who threatens the life of an innocent person forfeits his own right to life( and yes this is Church approved Natural law theory.) If they have forfeited their right to life then they have certianly forfeited the right to own the method of their murder. So really they would have no right to possessthe Pills anyway and destruction of them would not even be destruction of property( because no one has the "right to use them or own them.)

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Ok, so most Wal-Mart, D & W, and Meijer stores have a public trashcan in the pharmacy department waiting area. <_<


I love setting an example.

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