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Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm


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Hi guys, I just wanted to ask if anyone has ever heard of these sisters: [url="http://www.carmelitesisters.com/index.htm"]http://www.carmelitesisters.com/index.htm[/url] ? Has anyone visited or been in contact with them? I want to know what they are like, if they are very orthodox, etc.

thank you!

Pax Christi,

Mona :)

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I've heard of them, but I know next to nothing about them! Just that they still wear their habits and they take care of the elderly. I looked into them a decade or so ago, but didn't go visit. Not sure why. sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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I've exchanged a couple of emails with them... the Sister was very kind... but I haven't visited them or anything (and won't be able to for some time) so I don't really know what else to think... I'd never heard of them before a few weeks ago, which makes me somewhat leery...

edited for spelling..

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They've been around for a while. What other communities have you visited or considered? If you don't mind my asking, why won't you be able to visit them for a while?

what attracts you to the religious life?

God bless you!

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I haven't visited any communities yet... it's a bit of tale, but for a while I had given up on the idea of a religious vocation, and strayed a bit in my life as well, which is why I'm taking a bit of time with the discerning and not jumping into visiting communities. I want to get my emotional and spiritual life, etc. in order before any of that. (That, and, I don't have transportation :P: )

What attracts me to religious life? EVERYTHING. :lol: ...I think I could be happy in any vocation and it would work out fine... but I feel more at peace when I think of religious life, I feel at home in the thought of it, even just thinking of some of the more mundane things nuns do. And even when I gave up the idea of ever being able to enter.. I never stopped hoping for it. I could find a man and get married and all that.. but I don't want to fall in love with someone else because I am already so in love with God and want to spend my life loving Him and making Him loved. Does that make sense at all, lol? I really don't know if I have a vocation, but I sure hope I do, and either way, God's will be done, eh?

Thank you for asking!

It looks like I've got to go to bed now, so God bless you tonight and always!


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Something for you to ponder when you return. . .do you feel called to the active life or to the contemplative life, a mix of the two, or you aren't sure?

what seems important to you when you consider a religious vocation?

Peace of Jesus to you,

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Feb 22 2006, 11:37 PM']Something for you to ponder when you return. . .do you feel called to the active life or to the contemplative life, a mix of the two, or you aren't sure?

what seems important to you when you consider a religious vocation?

Peace of Jesus to you,

When I first started discerning years ago, I was certain I was called to contemplative life.. this time around, I think a mixture of the two. I am very attracted to Carmelite spirituality (who isn't? lol) and would love to work with the elderly, which is why I'm interested in this order. I know the DCJ sisters also work with the elderly sometimes, as well as children, so they are of much interest. I think I am much more open to being led where-ever God wills this time around, than before, so I wouldn't be suprised if, in the end, I end up somewhere the opposite of what I thought I wanted!

What seems important to me? Hmmm, I dunno! Do you mean, what do I look for in an order? If so- I guess its just whether or not the order is very orthodox, do they stick to their rule well? do they wear the habit (I absolutely want to)? are they devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, to the BVM, to the Holy Father, etc. and, are they happy to be with one another?

Thank you for your thought-provoking questions! So when is your entrance date, Denise? :)

Pax Christi,


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Read my post for PCPA Ohio. I made a long post there. (Sorry I'm being a sloth tonight. I Just spent 6 hours at the Apple store fixing my laptop.) I enter on 4/23/06! :clap:

God bless you.

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