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Ratzinger on SSPX schism

Era Might

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Evil does not result in good. By leading possibly very faithful Catholics astray and draining off fervant but misguided people, the Lefebvrites have damaged the Body of Christ.

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[quote]Although [i]most [/i]of us agree that what Lefebvre did was absolutely wrong, we can't at the same time ignore the obvious negative impacts that Vatican II had on the Church.  We also can't ignore the fact that Lefebvre's actions have draw added attention to these problems and in some cases resulted in positive reform.

Vatican II has not had a 'negative' impact on the Church. The Second Vatican Council is an official ecumencial council of the Catholic Church. It now lives only as 16 documents that are cut in stone and will live on as one of teh offical councils of the Church until the end of time. It is the excessive lack of catechesis that caused a negative impact after the council was over. The council is accomplishing what it set out to accomplish, slowly, over time, as all councils operatre.

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Feb 24 2006, 08:00 PM']Could y'all answer my question...whats supposed to happen March 23..?

The Pope has called all the Cardinals to Rome to pray with him.

March 24th is the Consistory, where the new Cardinals will formally become Cardinals.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Era Might' date='Feb 24 2006, 06:07 PM']The Pope has called all the Cardinals to Rome to pray with him.

March 24th is the Consistory, where the new Cardinals will formally become Cardinals.

ohh. cool. thanks Era. :)

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