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Lockport Dominicans - Sr. Marjorie Update!


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I’m somewhat new to these “phorums” but look forward to being part of them – at least when I can. I find it thrilling to see so many young people who are seriously looking at the religious life.

My special interest in this particular forum stems from the fact that my daughter, Sr. Marjorie, used to post here. If I’m not mistaken, some of you may already know her. Pardon my burst of pride if I act like a doting mom. I am! :D:

So here’s the latest. Our family (or at least most of us) made the long trek from St. Louis to Lockport over the weekend. We were dying to see Sr. Marjorie because our last two attempts were interrupted first by Hurricane Katrina, and then by a death in the family.

Warned to come hungry, we found out why, when on our arrival Friday, we entered the guest house and discovered that the sisters had taken time out of their busy schedule to prepare supper for us. Not only was supper prepared but the kitchen was stocked up on all our favorite treats. Sr. Marjorie must have had a part in that. :P:

The daily 5pm Mass was about to begin in the monastery chapel where Fr. Alfredo Loresco, OP, the Resident Chaplain officiated the service. A Friar from the Dominican Province of the Philippines, Fr. Alfredo’s slow, reverent style made us all feel that we were on a weekend retreat, a bonus we hadn’t anticipated. We felt envious of the nearby residents who take advantage of the opportunity to attend daily Mass there regularly.

Our first visit with Sr. Marjorie was early Friday evening. We were all anxious to see each other, and after nine months of waiting, our hugs were long and tender. After we exhausted ourselves of all of the family updates, Sr. Marjorie couldn’t wait for us to hear about her schedule and in particular, she wanted us to hear the prayers and chants that have already become engrained in her life at the monastery.

Monastic life definitely agrees with Sr. Marjorie as she was absolutely glowing. All of my worries and concerns about sending a daughter off to become a nun dissolved when I saw how healthy and happy she is.

The balance of our weekend with Sr. Marjorie was spent alternately visiting her, eating the huge meals that were prepared for us and quietly observing the Hours of Divine Office in the chapel. We departed Lockport on Sunday feeling refreshed, already looking forward to our next visit.

If I can figure out how to do it I’ll add some pictures of Sr. Marjorie and the monastery for anyone who’s interested.

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Woohoo! Another parent! Welcome to phatmass and thank you for the update! It will be nice to hear about Sr. Marjorie more often!

To upload photos:
create an account at [url="http://www.photobucket.com"]http://www.photobucket.com[/url]
follow their instructions to upload photos
when you have uploaded them they will provide you with three links for each of the pictures
you can either take the basic code (starts http:// ) or you can take the code that starts [img] ... which will in the end be a bit faster (but not much faster)

if you take the basic...
there is a little button at the top of the posting area that says "IMG"... click on that and provide the link

if you take the other code (the one that starts with [IMG] ) you can paste that directly into your posts.

hope that helps! again, welcome to phatmass and thank you for the update!

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Well, I'll just try this again...


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Yippee, another nunparent!

Welcome to Phatmass OP_Mom. I'm impressed that you've already busted out some smilies. (:D: and :P:)

Once you get comfortable here you'll break out the big boys like :taco: and :banana:

Edited by OLAM Dad
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I'm getting better at this. Here are the rest of the pics...



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Very nice! Very quaint looking. I like it!

Oh! OP_MOM is there an address that we could have to write to Sr. Marjorie? I can't speak for anyone else but I would love to be able to write to her!

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[quote name='magnificat' date='Feb 21 2006, 10:32 AM']:welcome: 
awesome pics...and another St. Louisan!  :P:
I second that!

I met Sr. Marjorie at my friend, Jennie's (one of her former core members at St. Joe and one of my good friends), wedding back in May. You did a very good job raising her!

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Oh my gosh, she's so beautiful! That is totally a nun grin.

I think she must have left before I came to Phatmass but she seems wonderful!

Thank you!

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