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Jesus and Mohammed Smooching


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Jesus and Mohammed Smooching: Gay 'Tolerance' Cartoon Published by University of Toronto

By John-Henry Westen

TORONTO, February 20, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The University of Toronto's Victoria College student newspaper The Strand, has used the controversy surrounding the cartoons ridiculing Islam to bash Christianity and Islam simultaneously. Accompanying an article on the cartoon controversy, the paper published a cartoon of its own depicting Jesus smooching with Mohammed in the "Tolerance Tunnel".

"The cartoon is a sort of Canadian statement on religious tolerance," Nick Ragaz, managing editor of The Strand, the student newspaper of Victoria University at U of T told the Toronto Star. "This is not an act of hate," he said. "It's controversial, yes, but it's no attack," said Ragaz.

The University is backing the controversial piece. Paul Gooch, president of Victoria University said "The editorial in this issue of The Strand provokes and invites discussion, not intolerance." The Strand editorial cartoon, "however offensive to some members of our community, could not be characterized as a violation of the Human Rights Code, the Criminal Code, or the applicable University policies at Vic or U of T," the Star reports Gooch having wriiten.

However, the University of Toronto tends to be selective when it comes to freedom of speech.

In 2004, a pro-life club at the university wanted to present a pictorial display which graphically compared abortion to historically recognized genocides. The University of Toronto obstructed the free speech rights of its pro-life students. The university insisted that the display be erected in an open-sided tent with most of the posters facing inwards, making it virtually impossible for the signs to be seen from outside the tent. (see coverage: [url="http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2004/mar/04032405.html"]http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2004/mar/04032405.html[/url] )

The University seems to be particularly sensitive when it comes to homosexuality. When internationally renowned Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft delivered a talk at the university in 2003 which expounded Catholic teaching on homosexuality, the Student administrative council passed a resolution to declare the talk as hate and demanded an official hate-speech investigation. (coverage: [url="http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2003/feb/030214a.html"]http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2003/feb/030214a.html[/url] )

Finally, the university has been openly discriminating in hiring practices against those not sharing its left-leaning ideology. In 1999, an ad for a tenure-track professorship at the University of Toronto appeared in the August bulletin of the Canadian Association of University Teachers saying that only candidates with a "feminist and anti-racist perspective" need apply. At the time, University of Toronto Professor Thomas Pangle, said that the ad "makes explicit what I had thought was usually only implicit, namely, that ideological conformity was the chief prerequisite for such a position at our university." (coverage: [url="http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/1999/oct/99102205.html"]http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/1999/oct/99102205.html[/url] )

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I've seen these disgraceful cartoons and I'm asking you phamily to pray for me because currently I'm becoming more and more extreme in my views.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 21 2006, 05:22 PM']It seems liberals listen to violence, let's go out and trash our cities now and burn Canadian flags!

Thats actually what I was thinking only my summation had no 'lol' after it. I'm thinking of writing an essay called: On the justness of fighting for Jesus to codify my thoughts on all this...

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Ash Wednesday

I went to the Strand's website where they have a poll about whether or not their cartoon should have been published, and at least 68% said it should not have been published, and only 28% said it should have.

I'm amazed at this newspaper's hypocrisy in their refusal to print the original Jyllands-Posten cartoons because they felt it would cause further problems, and yet they publish something just as bad, if not worse.

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Feb 21 2006, 11:33 AM']The crazy part is, is that U of T actually has a really good Catholic studies program!

I'm an undergraduate at the University of Toronto. U of T has two Catholic colleges: St. Michael's College (Basilian; undergrad/graduate) and Regis College (Jesuit; graduate only). Three if you count St. Augustine's Seminary, which is also U of T-affiliated. Each of their theology departments are world-class. I spend considerable research time at each insititution, and they're awesome.

Victoria, which is the college that publishes The Strand, though founded as a United Church of Canada institution, is pretty "progressive." It's a favorite among liberal/gay/anti-Christian students. I'm not surprised that they would pull something like this.

But believe me, Victoria does not speak for U of T. It's just one college among many on campus.

Edited by Nathan
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The hypocrisy of liberals on kind of garbage just boggles the mind.

Many of these university-type leftists would in half a hearbeat censor anything opposing the gay agenda, or even opposing abortion, as "hate speech" or "intolerant."
Yet opposition to any kind of inflamatory anti-Christian displays they immediately condemn as "fascist" censorship, while anything spewing hate against Christ and Christian/Catholic beliefs is praised for its "boldness."

Recently, I debated a "Catholic" liberal on this board who opposed any laws reflecting Christian sexual morality (such as opposing "gay marriage) as "fascist, " while simultaneously calling for "hate crime" laws, claiming the law must address the "injustice of the mind" leading to "homophobic" violence.

The liberal message is becoming quite clear - only speech which opposes Christ, His Church, and His moral laws has a right to be heard!

The politically-correct anti-Christian liberals are the real fascists.

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It needs to be understood that Canadians who live in big cities are very very silly.

Only a couple Canadian newspapers published the original cartoons. However, most papers are defending their right to publish but saying it wasn't "necessary".

The reason for this is too cliche to expound on for Canada:


We hate making people angry (except Americans...and Christians) but will generally defend other people's rights to do so.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Myles' date='Feb 21 2006, 08:27 AM']I've seen these disgraceful cartoons and I'm asking you phamily to pray for me because currently I'm becoming more and more extreme in my views.

um, what does that mean?? :blink:

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Feb 22 2006, 01:32 AM']um, what does that mean??  :blink:

[quote]John VIII to the bishops in the realm of Louis II [the Stammerer]. 878AD

You have modestly expressed a desire to know whether those who have recently died in war, fighting in defence of the church of God and for the preservation of the Christian religion and of the state, or those who may in 'he future fall in the same cause, may obtain indulgence for their sins. We confidently reply that those who, out of love to the Christian religion, shall die in battle fighting bravely against pagans or unbelievers, shall receive eternal life. For the Lord has said through his prophet: "In whatever hour a sinner shall be converted, I will remember his sins no longer." By the intercession of St. Peter, who has the power of binding and loosing in heaven and on the earth, we absolve, as far as is permissible, all such and commend them by our prayers to the Lord.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Feb 21 2006, 06:15 PM']The politically-correct anti-Christian liberals are the real fascists.[right][snapback]894106[/snapback][/right][/quote]

I totally agree. The biggest liberal lie out there is that only conservatives can be fascists. The reality is that NOBODY is more fascistic than the modern pro-gay, anti-Christian liberal. They make it a criminal act to disagree with them!

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Feb 21 2006, 07:26 PM']It needs to be understood that Canadians who live in big cities are very very silly.[right][snapback]894246[/snapback][/right][/quote]

By and large, you are correct. But don't forget about us good, conservative urban-dwellers fighting the good fight against the looney left! We are out there.

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