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Vocation to the single life


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I guess I could say that I feel called to the single life. I not 100 percent sure about that but almost. I guess I just think that my life would be best lived dedicated to a career where I can help people and still keep relatively to myself.

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A few years ago, I was convinced my calling was marriage. It was sincerely the deepest desire of my heart, and there is a psalm that says God will give you the desires of your heart. Well, I have a crazy Catholic aunt (crazy in a good way) who once told me God could be calling me to the priesthood. I told her that he better hurry up with that calling because I'm dead set on getting married and.... oh yeah, I'm not even Catholic :P:

Well, jump ahead a few years to today... I'll be entering the Church this Easter Vigil and as soon as possible this summer, I want to begin discerning about religious life. Just goes to show ya... never can be too sure about God's plans :cool:

As for the vocation of singleness, coming from someone pretty new to Catholicism, it doesn't seem quite the same as priesthood, religious life, or marriage. These are more structured and require taking vows. Surely there is an intentional element to the vocation of singleness, and I don't doubt that some people are called to singleness at least for a period of life, and maybe for the rest of their lives. But where the Church needs vocations of marriage and the priesthood, vocations to singleness are not absolutely required in the same way.

But I do think some people are legitimately called to singleness. It's not like every person is destined to take vows of some sort before they die. :) Maybe in this age when our culture says single people deserve complete sexual freedom... do whatever you want, with whoever, whenever... just like on TV! (And the people on "Friends" seem so happy and fulfilled... ), the Church does need celibate singles as living examples of how Christ fulfills our lives to destroy the lies Satan has convinced the world of. Still, regardless of our individual callings, I don't currently view singleness as a vocation in the fullest sense of the word "vocation."

Just my two cents... I'm open to hearing others' input/experiences as well.

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[quote name='All4HIM' date='Feb 23 2006, 12:27 AM']I am called to the life of a consecrated virgin. That´s not quite "single" (because living as a bride of Christ is not single - not in my opinion...  :rolleyes:!!!) , but it means living "alone"... I have been living in the private vows for 6 years now and it was the best decision in my life...  :D:D:D:

The call to be a consecrated virgin is a very special call indeed!
Where can one read mor about that?

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Feb 26 2006, 01:07 AM']The call to be a consecrated virgin is a very special call indeed!
Where can one read mor about that?
[b][url="http://www.consecratedvirgins.org/"]National Association of Consecrated Virgins[/url][/b]........ or you could do a Google (or [b][url="http://www.prolifesearch.com/"]ProLife Search[/url][/b]) and probably come up with a whole host of sites. :)

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[quote name='Laurentina1975' date='Feb 26 2006, 08:07 AM']The call to be a consecrated virgin is a very special call indeed!
Where can one read mor about that?

I don´t know if you can speak German - here is the URL of two consecrated virgins living near me. There are many pictures of the consecration (it took place in their parish... ):


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A friend of mine is intersted in being a consecrated virgin and she wanted me to ask you a couple of questions. Like what is the formation like in your diocese? Also how long was it? Did you receive alot of disapproval from various individuals in your diocese or where they supportive? I know there is like 150 consecrated virgins in the US.....How has the journey been for you? Also do you have any suggestions for someone in the beginning stages of becoming a consecrated virgin? Sorry for all the questions but my friend was so happy when she found out that there was someone whom is a consecrated virgin on PM....Although shes still a lurker and and hasn't officially joined PM. Any info would help!!


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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Feb 26 2006, 07:55 PM']A friend of mine is intersted in being a consecrated virgin and she wanted me to ask you a couple of questions.  Like what is the formation like in your diocese?  Also how long was it?  Did you receive alot of disapproval from various individuals in your diocese or where they supportive?  I know there is like 150 consecrated virgins in the US.....How has the journey been for you?  Also do you have any suggestions for someone in the beginning stages of becoming a consecrated virgin?  Sorry for all the questions but my friend was so happy when she found out that there was someone whom is a consecrated virgin on PM....Although shes still a lurker and and hasn't officially joined PM. Any info would help!!


The problem about formation is: it all depends on your bishop. So your friend should write to him and ask about the preparation process in her diocese...
I always wanted to go to a convent. But when I was 19, I read the Codex of Canon Law at Uni. And I stumbled about c. 604...(I just wanted to know what the consecration of virgins is because it somehow "attracted" me) I was the first woman in my diocese, so they didn´t seem have thought about the preparation process before :blush: ... in every German diocese, there is a special priest for vocations. If one has questions about a certain way of spiritual life within this diocese, you would ask him. I wrote a lette with many questions and told him about my spiritual way, about my discerning and everything... :blush: Because I was much too young, he decided to allow me the private vows (just to see if this way is "right" for me). That was in the year 2000, when I was 20). When I finished my studies, I was allowed to renew the vows (2003). I am still too young (now just 26) - in Germany they don´t consecrate you unless you are (almost) 30. I know now that the bishop will give me dispensation so that I will be able to receive the consecration earlier. But I have time - it is not my decision. :blush: It´s the will of God.

The bishops normally require five years in private vows before the actual consecration (lead by a spiritual director) - because the consecration is "equivalent" (better: it resembles) to solemn profession and it needs a long time of preparation. You have to have a spiritual director and a father confessor, you have to say breviary, you have to go to mass daily - and you have to be living in the world with your job (because the diocese doesn´t support you financially). You just need time to "live" it and then see what happens. We have about 70 consecrated virgins in Germany. I don´t know the exact number because some of them didn´t receive the consecration in public - they are just known to the bishop.

My suggestion for your friend is: Tell your father confessor/spiritual director about your thoughts. Start praying the divine office, attend mass and ask God if this is his will - take your time (because HE will wait!!! :) ) and when you have found out that this might be your way, then write to the bishop and ask him about the formalities in his diocese.

:blush: :)

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Did you encounter any discouragement in your diocese? Thank you again for answering my questions? Would it be ok if my friend emailed you?


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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Feb 26 2006, 11:24 PM']Did you encounter any discouragement in your diocese? [/quote]
Not really - but it was always difficult to explain. It is not very "common" to live like that. So people just don´t know about it. :idontknow: I normally don´t talk about it unless somebody asks... :cool:

[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Feb 26 2006, 11:24 PM']Would it be ok if my friend emailed you?

Go on then... :cool: ;)

Have a nice evening (it is 11.30 pm here, so I should go to bed... ),

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I think it's either the priesthood or the single life for me. I don't feel called to be married at all; it just doesn't feel compatible with who I am. Perhaps that will change... I don't know.

I think I could be happy being a single, focusing on my career and the Church. But I love the idea of being a priest.

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='Nathan' date='Feb 26 2006, 05:47 PM']I think it's either the priesthood or the single life for me. I don't feel called to be married at all; it just doesn't feel compatible with who I am. Perhaps that will change... I don't know.

I think I could be happy being a single, focusing on my career and the Church. But I love the idea of being a priest.

same here except change the priest word to "sister" lol.

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Dust's Sister,

I didn't know you wanted to be a Sister? You live in Texas, have you checked out the Panhandle Franciscans? They are sooo cool.

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