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What if you have prayed for a long time and you get no response or ANYTHING?


i don't know what God wants me to do i keep on praying and NOTHING

what am i doning WRONG?


what should i do?

keep me in your prayers if you have a personal relationship with GOD

Edited by sidemunch88
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oy vay... have i ever been there.

sometimes God likes to test our patience, or see if we're really listening in prayer. His voice is not as easy to hear as the voice of the world... but the more you seek Him and grow in your faith, you will be better able to hear His voice.

Sometimes God doesn't speak to us in the most obvious ways... he likes to surprise us!

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I feel your pain, I just keep my heart open and invite God to speak to me, if he wants to he will, he hasn't yet but I know I have to be patient.
Be patient and keep praying!!!

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totally understand...maybe God's asking you to learn to trust him....or maybe he is answering your prayer, but you just don't know it yet!

prayers for you!

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ohh yes I think everyone has been there before. God does test our patience, and trust in Him. And, He's not nessacerly gonna answer all our prayers in the way we want him to. If it's not good for you, He won't give it to you. Also, He may just find mysterious ways to make clear to you His will. Just hold tight, and He will play it out for you, just trust that he will do it for you,

Ok God Bless,
ps. Your in my prayers,

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I remember begging God for a sign, ANYthing, regarding my vocation. It was a saturday night. I went to Holy Mass the next morning. Guess what the reading was?

Isaiah 62:
Chapter 62
For Zion's sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, Until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch.
Nations shall behold your vindication, and all kings your glory; You shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth of the LORD.
You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God.
No more shall men call you "Forsaken," or your land "Desolate," But you shall be called "My Delight," and your land "Espoused." For the LORD delights in you, and makes your land his spouse.
As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; And as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.

Later, I thought. . .oh my, was THAT a sign?

Sometimes even the simplest things God uses.

I looked up here, and didn't see anything written but I could have overlooked it. Do you have a spiritual director?

I will keep you in my prayers.


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God has mysterious ways of answering prayer.

When you make God your all (as Francis of Assisi did), you are open and more aware of Him all around you.

God is also present in others.

God is answering your prayers by having us all respond to your question right now. Perhaps He teaching you the virtue of patience and drawing you closer to Him.

I have always found Lectio Divina to be quite an enriching way of prayer, answers come easily for me through Lectio Divina as well as in Adoration. Although in Adoration, I usually don't get "answers" (if you want to call them that), until later because I usually bring forth to Him during Adoration.

What I have always found helpful was to enter into Adoration as if Jesus were to be sitting in front of you, just in normal conversation. Sometimes when we are in normal conversation with people, we don't get answers right away.

Try reading a book called "Armchair Mystic", it teaches you how to be aware of what you need from prayer. It also teaches you some basic fundamentals on centering prayer, which is another enriching way of prayer.

Also, try making your life an entire prayer, include God in everything you do everyday ~ you will see Him working in your life!

God Bless you... Lauren ;)

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There comes a time in your life when you take responsibility for your actions, and make a decision to do the right thing.

We need to be in prayer and guided by God, but we are not puppets... God does not want to strip us of our free will. We have to make a FREE decision to do his will. Nothing is more liberating than that.


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[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' date='Feb 17 2006, 03:17 PM']There comes a time in your life when you take responsibility for your actions, and make a decision to do the right thing.

We need to be in prayer and guided by God, but we are not puppets...  God does not want to strip us of our free will.  We have to make a FREE decision to do his will.  Nothing is more liberating than that.

Spoken like a true disciple!
You go!

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the others have given you wonderful advice, and i'll just add, to just keep staying close to god and he will show you his way, and I will keep you in my prayers!!

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[quote name='sidemunch88' date='Feb 21 2006, 01:42 PM']woot thanks

behold the power of :coagulated milk:
yeah that really helped with the moral :woot:

Man, if i had know the power of :coagulated milk:, I woulda tried that a looong time ago! :cool:

Continued prayers for you!

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