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Telling the Parents...


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[quote name='magnificat' date='Mar 14 2006, 07:53 AM']Thanks guys...I love those quotes from St. Teresa!

I'm not holding out much hope on ever convincing them...in a way, I'm almost scared to ask them if they do believe in prayer, etc. partly because I don't think I want to know the answer and part of it is that I'm afraid that it'll push them even further away from the church. 

It's so weird...as if I suddenly was startled awake and am wondering who these people are that I thought I knew...
Ohh, praying for you all. That makes my heart ache :(

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Back in 1987 I left the Church for over 2 years. When I returned to the Church, it was because I spent a lot of time using my head (not just my heart), as I discerned what was/is the true Church of Christ. And of course, I made my decision to return to my Church, to our Church.

A couple of years later, I asked my mother if she ever doubted her faith, if she ever doubted Catholicism. She said she hadn't. Later, I asked her if she ever felt any consolations in prayer, the kind where you get a spiritual 'high', if you will. She said no. So then I asked if she prayed. . .her response was that if she needed to pray, she did. I didn't ask what that meant, but it really saddened me. That was years ago, but now that my family doesn't even go to Mass, I have to wonder about that as well and to be honest, I haven't asked.

I am often startled, wondering how in the world I ever received the grace of a vocation in a family who no longer believes. But I will continue to pray for them. If God who is all Good and all Merciful could choose this worthless sinner, I can certainly pray for my family, that they might be converted.

God bless you.

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I understand your frustrations but even myself at 43 still haven't told my parents about my plans to leave for Buffalo.Yet I believe when you enter, your family will be blessed. As well, your new family will pray for your family too. This became very clear to me when I was with the good sisters in Buffalo.

They asked me about my family and I told them the truth about my difficulties with my parents. Later when I was in the novitiate, Sr. Rose asked what the sisters could do to help ease the difficulties with my parents. They offered to send a roasary or note to help. I was very touched by their generosity because they understand the pain no matter what the age to be unable to share the joy of your vocation with your parents.

All I can say, yes it is painful but keep lifting up your parents in prayer but also keep running your race with Christ and our Blessed Mother.



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