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Telling the Parents...


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Hi y'all,

Just wanted to ask for your prayers this weekend. My parents are coming in to town to visit and I'm planning on telling them that God's calling me to be a sister. They have no idea that I've been discerning at all, so I'm sure it'll be quite a shock to them.

Lord, grant me the strength and courage to share the work You have been doing in my life with my parents. Grant me the wisdom to speak Your words to them, that their hearts may be open and that they may have the grace to appreciate my vocation. Amen.

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Like you even needed to ask for our prayers. They are given gladly and fully! Of course I pray that it goes well and that you and your parents are granted peace of mind and heart.


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Parents! What a pain in the rear they can be. :)

magnificat, I pray that your parents will share in your joy. However, if you're parents react poorly to the news remember that whatever they say will be driven by emotions. Don't take it personally. In time they will come around.

I'm curious, how do you think they will react?

Let us know how it goes.

Edited by OLAM Dad
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Definitely praying for you! I'm taking it slow with mine, personally. They know that I love the idea of the contemplative life, and they understand that I want to give my life for the Church. Mum says that she will support my decisiohn if I do become a nun.

However, they don't realise that I'm getting more and more serious each day....that's why I'm still "in the world" for at least this year - to help them adjust.

But know you have my prayers! Pray that God grants you the best opportunity for you to discuss it, and that your parents will be open and will see that it's not so much your choosing, as it is Gods....

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[quote name='memtherose' date='Feb 16 2006, 12:50 AM']Definitely praying for you! I'm taking it slow with mine, personally. They know that I love the idea of the contemplative life, and they understand that I want to give my life for the Church. Mum says that she will support my decisiohn if I do become a nun.

However, they don't realise that I'm getting more and more serious each day....that's why I'm still "in the world" for at least this year - to help them adjust.

But know you have my prayers! Pray that God grants you the best opportunity for you to discuss it, and that your parents will be open and will see that it's not so much your choosing, as it is Gods....

When Jesus calls us to the religious life, He calls for some serious generosity! If you feel called to a particular community, and everything seems all put in place for you to enter, all that's left is for you to do so? I wouldn't wait! Did you know that Mother Angelica simply left a letter for her mother for after she left and she took a bus to the monastery? She felt that her mother wasn't ready to let her go. But she felt soo called to be with our Lord that she didn't want to wait.

When I first started telling my family and they knew I couldn't visit, they started in on, well aren't you going to wait for Ryan to graduate college, and then he is getting married? Then I started realizing that if I waited until there was nothing going on, I'd never enter. They now see, after seeing my desire not to wait, that I'm supposed to go. The only one who really hasn't adjusted all that well, is my brother. He thinks I should travel the world, lol. But he's not practicing his faith any longer, so he doesn't see with clear eyes. So, I pray for him.

I will pray for you that you listen to His voice and follow your call, wherever He's leading you. :)

God bless you.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 16 2006, 12:05 AM']I'm curious, how do you think they will react?

I'm not sure at all actually. I've told my younger brother and I don't think he's too thrilled, but he's basically like, "Well, whatever, it's your life."
I guess the good thing is that both of them are practicing Catholics so it's not as if I would have to start from the very very beginning. At the same time, they have no idea I've been discerning at all (it's always helpful when you're in an entirely different state than your parents! haha) and I'm not totally sure they'll get it. Plus, I've never really had a discussion about religion or faith with them. My priest from home, who knows my parents, says I may be underestimating them, but I guess we'll just have to see.

[quote]However, they don't realise that I'm getting more and more serious each day....that's why I'm still "in the world" for at least this year - to help them adjust.[/quote]

Well, I have another couple years of school before I join (unless God tells me otherwise!), so it's not as if I'm going to hop a bus right now and leave! :)

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You can always tell them there's something other than flouride in the St. Louis water!

Seriously, once you tell your parents, wther they react well or are nervous (like mine), it's a huge weight off your shoulders. You know where to go and how to go about it. My mom isn't the most supportive of my choice, but she has to deal with it because I'm 24 and capable of making my own choices. It was surprising to me, though, because I thought my mom would be more supportive than my dad. My dad hasn't really said anything about it, but I know he's fine with my choice because he sends money to the Sisters every month.

I hope your parents are supportive! It's so much easier when they are, and if they are freaked out about it, they will probably come around since they are practicing Catholics.

I will definitely say some prayers for you this weekend.

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I think you should start the conversation by telling your parents that you're pregnant. Then tell them the truth. They'll be so glad you're not pregnant that anything else you tell them will seem great in comparison.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 16 2006, 06:41 AM']I think you should start the conversation by telling your parents that you're pregnant.  Then tell them the truth.  They'll be so glad you're not pregnant that anything else you tell them will seem great in comparison.

methinks that would not be the best way to go about it. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 16 2006, 09:41 AM']I think you should start the conversation by telling your parents that you're pregnant.  Then tell them the truth.  They'll be so glad you're not pregnant that anything else you tell them will seem great in comparison.

Um...I think I'll pass on that advice OLAM Dad! :P:

Thanks for the support everyone. I had a nice chat with our chaplain at school this afternoon (minus the tornado warning!). I'm still nervous though, especially since my brother who I live with is just adding to my stress level!

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LOL I like that advice OLAMdad, buuut.......

I'm sorry about your brother as well, being Catholic means persecution, lol, I will be praying for you and your family very much! God Bless,

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[quote name='uruviel' date='Feb 16 2006, 09:21 PM']LOL I like that advice OLAMdad, buuut.......

I'm sorry about your brother as well, being Catholic means persecution, lol, I will be praying for you and your family very much!  God Bless,
Lori, you're never allowed to take the approach that I suggested.

First of all I know your parents and if they ever found out that it was my idea they would kill me. Second, I know your parents and they are going to be thrilled when/if you decide to enter religious life. You don't have to worry about how they'll react, do you? You're very lucky in that regard. How is John doing?

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[quote name='PCPA2Be' date='Feb 16 2006, 09:43 PM']And he calls US nuts.  :wacko:

Hehe...yeah sometimes I wonder....it takes one to know one after all, right?? :P:

Thanks for the prayers. My parents are getting in this afternoon and my brother is planning on being conveniently gone, so I'm hoping to tell them this afternoon.

I'll let y'all know how it goes!

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