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Statistics about Religious Life


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I need statistics about the numbers of religious and stuff like that for my paper... Do y'all know of a reputable site with lots of them?

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Here's a statistic for you....
1 out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

One out of every ten consecrated leave their vocation.

you have a ninety percent chance of living a happeier life of celibacy for the sake of the kingdom.

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United States Statistics: [url="http://www.vocation.com/content-ahrk.htm"]http://www.vocation.com/content-ahrk.htm[/url]

World Wide Stats: [url="http://www.vocation.com/content-amnv.htm"]http://www.vocation.com/content-amnv.htm[/url]

In the US the number of ordinations is up from 2000, but the number of priests is diminishing.

in the World wide stats, there are more Diocesean priests than in 2000 and 1995.

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Glenmary Home Missioners publish maps showing the different religions/denominations throughout the U.S. ,etc.

go to www.glenmary.org

Pax Christi

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Feb 15 2006, 11:08 PM']Here's a statistic for you....
1 out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

One out of every ten consecrated leave their vocation.

you have a ninety percent chance of living a happeier life of celibacy for the sake of the kingdom.
That's a wrong interpretation of those statistics. I explained why in a different thread.

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Feb 15 2006, 09:08 PM']Here's a statistic for you....
1 out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

One out of every ten consecrated leave their vocation.

you have a ninety percent chance of living a happeier life of celibacy for the sake of the kingdom.

I like that!


God bless...

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People who enter the religious life are more likely to already be practicing chastity, and they probably have a stronger prayer life. Whereas most people who get married are not Catholic, or even Christian. Many don't live chaste lives before marriage, or are unchaste in marriage (i.e. using contraception, having abortions, invitro fertilization etc). There are so many couples out there that have never built their marriages on the firm foundation of Christ.

It's not what vocation you choose that matters. If God thinks it's right for you, then you are not doomed to fail, like the statistics on marriage would like you to think. Marriages that are chaste, prayerful, and built on the foundation of Christ don't fail. It is erroneous to compare religious life to marriages in which the majority of people don't even see it as a vocation or sacrament. All vocations would have a 100% likelihood of succeeding if people actually took them seriously and lived chaste and pious lives.

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It is obvious to anyone who is anywhere nearly accustomed to statistics that the interpretation of the stats as stated above does not hold.

Howver, I like it nonetheless... I think its a great eye catcher, and good to start converstaion; and it does have its significance.

For instance; you say 'most who enter vocations already have a firm prayful life and pratice their religion compared to..." right there you see the distinction between someone who practices and believes and someone who does not.

What does it prove, not sure; but it can bring someone to look closer into something that I firmly believe to be of great importance.

back to you Bob...

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well, of course priests and religious are more likely to succeed in vocations because they believe in the God who gives them vocations. When people kick God out of their lives they will never succeed at anything.

so I guess if the stats prove anything they would prove that being Catholic is better than not being Catholic.

but holy Catholic marriages are not doomed to fail like other marriages

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Feb 16 2006, 10:00 AM']well, of course priests and religious are more likely to succeed in vocations because they believe in the God who gives them vocations.  When people kick God out of their lives they will never succeed at anything.

so I guess if the stats prove anything they would prove that being Catholic is better than not being Catholic.

but holy Catholic marriages are not doomed to fail like other marriages

I wouldn't conclude so far and so much.

1. It proves that belief in God is better than no belief in God (and there are actually secular authors who support this notion in several ways).

2. It is not a question of suceeding or not; many secular people are very sucessful. It is a question of what it all amounts to. If all that you suceed and accomplish in life is for yourself, then what is left once you die? What have you truly gained or given iwth your 'accomplishments'? There is where it comes down to.

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