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Do you beleive in Exorcisms


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Last week I was at Search at a convent.(This post will remain vauge in terms of places, and names for privacy purposes). I was serving on Prayer Backup and we had a mass for us at 2:00 pm. While the host was being consecrated the priests eyes rolled in the back of his head !! It creeped us out but we thought nothing of it. LAter that night we prayed the Divine Chaplet at the Holy Hour. Around 9:30 pm we started a scripture Rosary, while doing this the lights were flickering like othing before, and there were noises from up above. (the rest of the retreat was above us in the chapel). Before we closed the Rosary session we ended it in a prayer to St. Micheal the Archangel. 10 mins later the organizer for the Search came down and had told us a demon had been driven out of a new Searcher. He said it unlike anything he had seen before and after the event he said he looked "cleaner" than before. This all took place while we were praying our rosary and had all the new searchers as our intentions.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 14 2006, 04:18 PM']Would it occur to you he is an epileptic?

epilepsy can be caused by demonic possession.

anything is possible... especially more demonic activity with all that is going on in the world.

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Our liturgy is filled with rites of exorcism. They happen at Baptism and again at Confirmation. To deny the possibility of exorcisms is to deny what is implicitely Christian.

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[quote name='Victor' date='Feb 14 2006, 04:16 PM']I do believe in them, but I don't have to if I don't want to. :D:
dude, i love the avatar ;)

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i would say that if this is true (and i believe it is, i know the guy) then it was likely a demon. Maybe not full blown, but it was something.

That convent is prayerful. There is a power in the air. They pray a lot. Some of them are nearly saints just waiting to be canonized. (to quote a spiritual director from here)

I can't say i am surprised.

Thank God that it is gone though.

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