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Which Mass do you hear?


Which of these best describes the Mass you usually hear?  

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:rolleyes: [quote name='qfnol31' date='Feb 16 2006, 09:49 PM']I have found a new favourite response!  :)
I have always favored "quid quid" You get the oddest looks when you say it. :mellow:
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[quote]Cam, thank you for your reply. Please understand that my comments did not pertain to the fact that you saw fit to correct another member of the boards here. Whether a child needs to be corrected is not the issue with which I found scandal. I was scandalised, rather, by the manner in which you corrected the good gentleman who has taken Saint Thomas More as his patron on this website. Demeaning and condescending responses, in my humble opinion, are at odds with the most basic standards of the Virtue of Charity and the proper etiquette of debate. My scandal was primarily in the patronising use of the term "Tommy" or prefacing direct addresses to him with "little" or like terms. I feel it necessary, as a matter of conscience, to admonish the sinner in a manner keeping with the standards of clarity though not at the expense of charity. If it be scandal to make a defence of the ill doings of another, how much more loathsome the defence of one's own ill doing! I say this as one who in the past was wont to do the same and for this reason ask you to allow the sentiments of charity--or empathy, at least--to stir in you that you might be better disposed to fulfill the oft-perilous task of debate and teaching, following the admonition of Saint James: "Nolite plures magistri fieri fratres mei scientes quoniam majus judicium sumitis." (St. James iii.1)

Because I have seen fit to comment in this thread already, I feel I should at least address the topic at hand, or part of it. Sadly, I must say, with qfnol31, that I too was forced to quit my assisting at daily Mass for the occasion of sin it presented me. Happily, I have since been fortunate enough to find a parish offering a daily Mass following the guidelines of the Church and those of piety, whereas the previous parishes at which I would assist at Mass were lacking even in simple decorum. I should say, to answer the pertinent question, that I assist at a Mass according to the liturgical books in force in 1962.[/quote]

wow! that's a cool post!

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Every mass is still supposed to have Latin. They arent suppose to totally get rid of it. I love Latin and aint going to any Mass unless it has some latin.

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one thing that worries me is, way to many parishes misenterpret Vatican II. They destroy the meaning of the mass. I've seen it. Thats the problem..Misenterpretation, too many liberals went on a free for all with the documents of VII. not to mention the gay culture "catholics" wanting a whole new system of worship that dismisses 2000 years of tradition and beauty.

Edited by Akalyte
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Amator Veritatis

I simply wish to direct those interested in a more thorough treating of this matter to a newly created thread, entitled, [i]A Candid Reply: Concerning the Comparison of Masses[/i].

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  • 11 months later...
Knight of the Holy Rosary

I would like to assist at a Tridentine Mass.... but have not as of yet :( .

However, I attend the Novus Ordo Missae. Our Priest faces the people. I'm not sure if this is permanent though....we don't have a Church yet.

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[quote name='Cam42' post='886911' date='Feb 14 2006, 09:38 AM']
Honestly, little Tommy doesn't understand what he is talking about. He is only 12 years old. Someone is feeding him this and I would assume that it is the group over at fisheaters. If it isn't that group then it is someone else.

What I would suggest and I will take it to heart from here (right you two...) is to simply dismiss him as a 12 year old and to remember that he can't possibly know what he is talking about. He doesn't have a working understanding of anything. He doesn't have a legitimate argument on any topic that he has posted.

Most of the "objections" that he raises are canned anyways. They are not even original.

If he is lying about being 12 so be it, but until he is honest about that, I think that we can simply rustle his hair, pinch his cheeks and tell him to go sit in the breakfast nook with all the other kids until he is confirmed.

At this point, I am so sick of arguing with this child about things that he doesn't understand, I can hardly stand it.

So little Tommy, when you grow up, come back and discuss this stuff with us. Until then, respect your elders, respect the Roman Catholic Church as it is. And if you don't, I would suggest that you find the nearest priest and go to Confession. You need to learn what spiritual direction is. And you need to start. That one can never do too early.

Perhaps when you are 18 or 19 you'll be mature enough to discuss this stuff rationally. Until you stop acting like a 12 year old and start acting like an adult, I will simply dismiss you as being a child.

So, run along and play little fella, run along.....and stay out of the adults hair. Otherwise I will make hot stuff take your gameboy away again. He's the big meanie around here anyway. That much is perfectly clear.

So how old does one need to be to understand truth? Is that why your church waits so durned long to confirm your children? I'm 20, and while I understand my vast limitations, I would not attribute that to my age. And yet, my position (far more extreme than the person in question) is still ignored and passed off as stupid with no rational attempt at dialogue. I think you guys just don't want to address the issue on phatmass, but instead of being honest and just saying so you come up with different excuses depending on who is the "instigator."

Edit: I read some more of the thread and honestly couldn't believe what I was reading in some of those posts. To think I had so much respect too...

Edited by goldenchild17
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[quote]I do act more like an adult than most children.[/quote]

Very few Christian adults would respond to a polite, well thought-out message with a blunt one-word answer: "Heretic." If they did, they would be considered both rude and uncharitable. That's not a way to talk with people you disagree with. It's especially not a way to talk to people who are considerably older than you. Respect for your elders is an important Biblical teaching.

Secondly, imagining yourself to be like an adult is neither holy nor healthy. It is pride.

I used to be an insufferable little know-it-all when I was eleven or so. Just because I was classed as 'gifted' and knew that I could do things academically that no one else in the school could manage, I thought that made me superior - even though I was incapable of acknowledging this at the time. How wrong I was. I cringe to look back on myself. If it happened to me, it might happen to you when you are older and remember these posts, so spare yourself the embarrassment. Pray for humility every day. This is what I do. God has given me several spiritual beatings as a result, but I needed those and I will continue to need them - perhaps for the rest of my life. :) And remember this: cleverness does not translate to wisdom.

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[quote name='Akalyte' post='890609' date='Feb 17 2006, 04:58 PM']
one thing that worries me is, way to many parishes misenterpret Vatican II. They destroy the meaning of the mass. I've seen it. Thats the problem..Misenterpretation, too many liberals went on a free for all with the documents of VII. not to mention the gay culture "catholics" wanting a whole new system of worship that dismisses 2000 years of tradition and beauty.

Hasn't anyone ever considered that the Catholics who grew up during the "pious and reverent" 40s and 50s (you know, the good ol' days of Latin Masses and abundant priests and religious) became the liberals of the 60s and 70s who misinterpreted Vatican II, left the priesthood, and ditched their habits?

This, for me, is primarily why I don't see the point behind speaking Latin just for the sake of speaking Latin. I haven't seen this tradition bear fruit in anyone's life.

I prefer the Novus Ordo because I believe it was created for a very good reason. The translation needs improvement (which is supposed to happen one of these years... the Church isn't know for being light on its feet, even with obviously necessary changes), but I grew up speaking English and it's the only language in which I'm fluent.

While Latin is interesting and sounds pretty, and I'm glad enough people are into it to keep that tradition alive, how am I supposed to worship when I don't know what I'm saying or hearing? I guess I'm curious why so many orthodox Catholics are into the Latin Mass? What's the spiritual benefit? Or are they just there because they feel like that's what they're expected to do as part of the orthodox Catholic crowd?

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1180210' date='Jan 30 2007, 09:08 AM']
While Latin is interesting and sounds pretty, and I'm glad enough people are into it to keep that tradition alive, how am I supposed to worship when I don't know what I'm saying or hearing? I guess I'm curious why so many orthodox Catholics are into the Latin Mass? What's the spiritual benefit? Or are they just there because they feel like that's what they're expected to do as part of the orthodox Catholic crowd?
The aesthetics can really make it click with some people.

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Alas most of the time the mass is neither in English or Latin. This is due to 'where' I am at the time. For the past 2 years I have attended mass in.... Chinese, Amharic (Ethiopia) and now Albanian. I long for Latin or English however in my last postings there have been no English language priests. You can imagine how frustrating confession can be when the communication problem between the priest and you limits how expressive you can be!!!!!

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