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Which Mass do you hear?


Which of these best describes the Mass you usually hear?  

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 14 2006, 03:08 AM']The Tridentine Mass is superior in the sense that it is a clearer presentation of Catholic dogma and is aesthetically more pleasing.

That's only your opinion :)

A novus ordo when done wrong is awful, and it shouldn't happen, a novus ordo when done right is just as beautiful.

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[quote] Lastly, in faithful obedience to tradition, the sacred Council declares that [b]holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity[/b]; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way. The Council also desires that, where necessary, the rites be revised carefully in the light of sound tradition, and that they be given new vigor to meet the circumstances and needs of modern times.

--Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, "Sacrosanctum Concilium" #4[/quote]

The ordo of Paul VI is a "lawfully acknowledged" rite of the Catholic Church, and hence is of "equal right and dignity" with all other Catholic ordos and rites, including the Tridentine ordo. One Catholic rite cannot be "superior" or "inferior" to another. They are all equally fitting to Holy Mother Church.

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2/14 - Sts. Cyril and Methodius

I don't hear Mass, I pray it. It's not felicitous to use language like this, since it makes the faithful look like passive observers when they are supposed to be participating in an active way in prayer.

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[quote name='Pio Nono' date='Feb 14 2006, 08:08 AM']JMJ
2/14 - Sts. Cyril and Methodius

I don't hear Mass, I pray it.  It's not felicitous to use language like this, since it makes the faithful look like passive observers when they are supposed to be participating in an active way in prayer.
yar I agree wit ye. I believe it was Pope St. Pius X who said, "Do not pray at the Mass, but [i]pray [/i]the Mass."

I just go to Mass.

If they try to say "Bread of Life" for the Agnus I just shout "Lamb of God" and that's as "schismatic" as I get.

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Honestly, little Tommy doesn't understand what he is talking about. He is only 12 years old. Someone is feeding him this and I would assume that it is the group over at fisheaters. If it isn't that group then it is someone else.

What I would suggest and I will take it to heart from here (right you two...) is to simply dismiss him as a 12 year old and to remember that he can't possibly know what he is talking about. He doesn't have a working understanding of anything. He doesn't have a legitimate argument on any topic that he has posted.

Most of the "objections" that he raises are canned anyways. They are not even original.

If he is lying about being 12 so be it, but until he is honest about that, I think that we can simply rustle his hair, pinch his cheeks and tell him to go sit in the breakfast nook with all the other kids until he is confirmed.

At this point, I am so sick of arguing with this child about things that he doesn't understand, I can hardly stand it.

So little Tommy, when you grow up, come back and discuss this stuff with us. Until then, respect your elders, respect the Roman Catholic Church as it is. And if you don't, I would suggest that you find the nearest priest and go to Confession. You need to learn what spiritual direction is. And you need to start. That one can never do too early.

Perhaps when you are 18 or 19 you'll be mature enough to discuss this stuff rationally. Until you stop acting like a 12 year old and start acting like an adult, I will simply dismiss you as being a child.

So, run along and play little fella, run along.....and stay out of the adults hair. Otherwise I will make hot stuff take your gameboy away again. He's the big meanie around here anyway. That much is perfectly clear.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Feb 13 2006, 10:00 PM']Are you a troll?

No, I'm being serious, are you?

I know SSPX'ers and though you are trying to act like one, I wonder if you aren't seriously here just to be a pain in the @$$.  :cool: But its cool either way. Hopefully you will find the fulness of the faith and be drawn closer to the heart of Christ through the good people here at phatmass.
I don't think he is a troll. He is provocative and argumentative but isn't that OK at the debate table?

From time to time StThomasMore lets his coagulated milk slide off his cracker. I think he is really, really trying hard to secure the 'I do not rep the church' banner. Some days he just tries too hard.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the 2nd EP not allowed on Sundays?

Edited by OLAM Dad
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I have not yet been to a Tridentine Mass or an Eastern Divine Liturgy but I can say that, yes, a Novus Ordo Mass is just as beautiful when done correctly, whether it is in Latin or in the vernacular. Our 11:00 Mass on Sundays is absolutely gorgeous and it is Novus Ordo said in English, though we have some Masses where I wish it was either contemplative or enthusiastic, rather than somewhere stuck in the middle

I have no idea about the types of Novus Ordo Masses or Tridentine Masses, all I know is that Tridentine is Indult and Novus Ordo is the norm

I don't mind what kind of Mass I go to as long as I don't miss it. It's an hour out of your week you can give to God and spend time with His Son, Jesus Christ, as well as receiving His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity

Edited by avemaria40
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[quote]Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the 2nd EP not allowed on Sundays?[/quote]

It shouldn't be. It's more appropriate to use the others, but it is still allowed.

Regardless of Tyler's age, no one should talk down to him, that's just rude. Especially since this used to be a younger person's phorum, it's probably good to remember that. I've had more problems with how people treat him than with any of his posts. He's probably ignorant, which is much more excusable than what people have been saying to him. He has every right to be here, as of right now. Please act like it.

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Cam, sarcasm doesn't become you.

I don't care WHAT Thomasmore or anyone else says. And frankly, it reminds me of Christopher Ferrara (yes, I am comparing you to one of the suspected - not to irk you nor for any other purpose but that I've had the exact reaction to his sarcastic writing as I've had to yours) .

Chris' writing could make points from logic, but cannot with me, because I will not read him anymore.

Because he doesn't act like a gentleman.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Feb 13 2006, 08:51 PM']I sometimes go a novus ordo with all the 'smells and bells', and sometimes I go to a mass where they even raise their hands at the Great Amen. Yep, they're charasmatics. I've gotta much quieter spirituality myself. I've also attended Eastern rite liturgies.

And the Tridentine is not superior to the Novus Ordo. :)

neither is the novus ordo superior to the tridentine..they are both valid masses.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Feb 14 2006, 05:12 AM']That's only your opinion :)

A novus ordo when done wrong is awful, and it shouldn't happen, a novus ordo when done right is just as beautiful.

thats true..

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[quote name='Akalyte' date='Feb 14 2006, 03:33 PM']neither is the novus ordo superior to the tridentine..they are both valid masses.

Agreed. The N.O. is the current mass that the Magisterium has us celebrate today. Which is why Tridentine masses are indult and N.O. is the norm.

Edited by Brother Adam
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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Feb 14 2006, 02:35 PM']Agreed. The N.O. is the current mass that the Magisterium has us celebrate today. Which is why Tridentine masses are indult and N.O. is the norm.

This is why I don't argue with him...he's too smart for me to compete with....... :blush:

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Feb 14 2006, 11:05 AM']It shouldn't be.  It's more appropriate to use the others, but it is still allowed.

Regardless of Tyler's age, no one should talk down to him, that's just rude.  Especially since this used to be a younger person's phorum, it's probably good to remember that.  I've had more problems with how people treat him than with any of his posts.  He's probably ignorant, which is much more excusable than what people have been saying to him.  He has every right to be here, as of right now.  Please act like it.
Absolutely correct. Zeal needs directed, not insulted.

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