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Question from a Postulant

Incarnate Word Postulant

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[quote name='simplemama' date='Feb 13 2006, 10:33 PM']hello sister!  greetings from a gen Xer with 3 children!
i would wear the habit....why??? becaues of St Paul.
I decided about 7 months ago that i was going to cover full time because of corinthians as well as out of devotion to our blessed mother and at mass out of devotion or to the blessed sacrament.
most catholics think im a bit out there, wanna be fundie or mennonite....but im not....i just love being a visible witness.

i also look at pictures of the fatima children, the girls had head coverings on.  i think it is important to hold to our traditions, and the headcovering is such a beautiful one!
This is interesting. Can you explain what you mean by 'cover full time'?

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Dear Helga,

As the mother of an active duty serviceman, I can tell you OLAM DAD's
analogy of the uniform to the habit was right on the money. I read your post last night and but was too tired to respond until today.
First, I thank you for bringing your reflections to the phorum. Your thoughts do echo the more sincere aspects of the 40 year + debate over the wearing of the habit. (I'm an old enough baby boomer myself to have lived through this.
I would encourage you to take the habit. Obviously, you show that you can discern the precedence of interior conversion over the external signs of religious life. The habit really is a sign that the world NEEDS to see of the Church's presence in our daily lives.
Do not sweat it too much that people will offer you undeserved attention or kindnesses because of your visible sign. Let those little attentions motivate you to "pay it forward" in the form of your own increased kindness and generosity towards those you serve in the name of Christ.


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Wearing a habit is a visible sign that God is still here and HE still loves the world. Wearing everyday clothes means you have hidden your light under a bushel. We are not called to live in darkness. :)
Go forth and [color=red]SHINE[/color]

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I've counted and here are the results up to this point:

Yes, wear the habit - 10
No, don't bother - 0

*Shortnun didn't answer the question but is praying that you make the right decision. :)

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if people give you special treatment, let them. not for your own personal enjoyment or anything, but to allow them to do something good. yeah, sure, you going to the front of the line might feel unfair to you as a person... but the person giving you special treatment probably sees himself as giving special treatment to the Church... if you are the cause of them doing something good motivated by faith in or at least respect for the Church, then who cares if you also get the added benefits of cutting in lines and free stuff...

hehe, just offering another way of looking at it

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I have not read everyone's responses, but if I know the pham I think I can guess...

I would personally answer yes to both!

I like to use the analogy of the habit and wedding ring. What would you think about a wife or husband that always took off his or her wedding ring when they went out in public? It is a visible sign and several popes have called for the religious to become more visible. Be bold, be beautiful and take up that habit for Christ!

As a side note: The religious life has been traditionally known as the white martyrdom.

Edited by Paphnutius
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by covering full time means i wear a headcovering at all times....except when i go to bed, and sometimes when it is just the family and me at home.


here is the link to the veil i wear. i make it out of light blue for my devotion to the Blessed Mother. i also have one out of white strechy lace for when light blue does not match my dress.

i cover for reasons outlined in 1 Corinthians 11.
yes, im not required to being catholic, but i feel the LORD has called me to it. believe me, it is a sort of martrydom....even at my very liberal NO mass that i go to (no choice here in the rural area i live in) i think some folks think i am a bit off of the old rocker....maybe i am, a total religious roller.....but as Fr. Corapi says, if they call you a religious fanatic.....GOOD!!!!!!! that must mean you are doing something right :)

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I grew up annabaptist and converted to Catholicism a few years ago. My oldest sister has gone evangelical, but is still a full-time coverer. I'm still trying to work up the courage to wear a veil at our NO Mass! Don't let anyone tell you you're old-fashioned. It's a beautiful symbol, and it's nice to know that there are some Catholics wearing head coverings!

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If it were me, which it's not, I would wear the habit. I think it is SO wonderful to show the world that I have given my life to God, let everyone know that I am married to Jesus. But, that's a matter of opinion, if you don't want people asking or starring at you, then that's your deisicion of course.

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Incarnate Word Postulant

[quote name='OLAM Dad' date='Feb 14 2006, 07:26 AM']I've counted and here are the results up to this point:

Yes, wear the habit - 10
No, don't bother - 0

*Shortnun didn't answer the question but is praying that you make the right decision.  :)

Thank you all!

You have been very enlightening. I realize now that it probably looked like my congregation wasn't being helpful. My apologies. My congregation is one with many darling and wise women. However, we must all have our own reasons to wear the habit. I am not sure why I want it. I know I do, but then, I think what if it is because of my own satisfaction? I don't know. Maybe wearing simple clothes would be a humbling thing in my life...and then I think, "well, my life ALREADY IS kind of radical!"

Thank you. Your beautiful responses helped. I will be sure to let you know.

In Christ,

God's little postulant

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 14 2006, 06:09 AM']Wearing a habit is a visible sign that God is still here and HE still loves the world. Wearing everyday clothes means you have hidden your light under a bushel. We are not called to live in darkness. :)
Go forth and [color=red]SHINE[/color]

This is a very beautiful compliment. thank you for sharing it. :)

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[quote name='simplemama' date='Feb 14 2006, 10:27 AM']by covering full time means i wear a headcovering at all times....except when i go to bed, and sometimes when it is just the family and me at home.


here is the link to the veil i wear.  i make it out of light blue for my devotion to the Blessed Mother.  i also have one out of white strechy lace for when light blue does not match my dress. 

i cover for reasons outlined in 1 Corinthians 11.
yes, im not required to being catholic, but i feel the LORD has called me to it.  believe me, it is a sort of martrydom....even  at my very liberal NO mass that i go to (no choice here in the rural area i live in)  i think some folks think i am a bit off of the old rocker....maybe i am, a total religious roller.....but as Fr. Corapi says, if they call you a religious fanatic.....GOOD!!!!!!!  that must mean you are doing something right :)

You know, it's interesting and heartening to read this. About a year ago, or perhaps closer to 1 1/2 yrs ago, I felt this inner desire to start covering my hair while in Mass. At first it was with a mantilla, then with a long kerchief I made. We have a very conservative parish, and many wear it there. . .however many have started going to the Latin Mass in our area, once our new bishop started allowing it in our diocese. so, I wasn't the only woman to wear it, but I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. Anyway, my first confirmation was a friend in Hawaii who called me and said. . I don't know if I'm crazy or what, but I've been thinking about covering my head in Mass. I went to my spiritual director, who is younger but very faithful and very cognizant of canon law. He said that women used to wear head coverings all the time, but stopped after Vatican II, because it wasn't listed in the V2 documents that women should continue to do so. However, of all Vatican officials he's spoken to, and canon lawyers, they've all said that it wasn't listed because it was a non-issue. Now, since it's been a long time since women have worn head coverings, it is purely a private choice, but if I chose to do so, I shouldn't be 'flashy, but wear something subdued and simple'. this is what I have done. My friend in HI, she actually wears one all the time, and me? Well in two months so will I :D: Or as my friend says. . .67 days from now.

Just a random thought. . . . Sorry! :hijack:

yours in Christ,

His little 'soon to be postulant'

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in the open mike "room" i posted a thread titled wearing a veil that has lots of good catholic links for the whole veil thing.

go sisters!!!! i also wear a veil because i would be a nun if i didnt have 3 kids :) :) :)

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