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Interfaith marriage


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[quote name='Lil Red' date='Feb 13 2006, 03:58 PM']pray for him! he will receive many graces through your prayers! i am in a similar situation, my husband was not a Christian when we first met (i was not strong in my faith either), but slowly through my example AND prayers, he believes in the Holy Trinity now, and he is questioning me all the time about what Catholics do. (praise God!) i believe it is because of my praying for his conversion daily, petitioning Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, asking my family members to pray for his conversion; that he is slowly becoming "acclamated" to Catholic faith.

ps your eldest child sounds like a blessing from God!

Praise God. I can't wait to get to the Blessed Sacrament, thank you.

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[quote name='simplemama' date='Feb 13 2006, 04:10 PM']i am in your shoes totally...
my husband is not a believer (in anything) but he is tolerant and lets me raise the kids in the faith. 
I pray for my husband daily, to fail to do so would be masichism (how do you spell that??)  because we are one body and one heart in marriage.  to let him skip and dance on his merry way to hell without my prayers would be bad for both of us!
we are the sanctifiers in the marriage, so pray also for the grace to stay STRONG!
Pray to the holy family, say a novena to St. Anne and St. Joachim....pray to St. Monica and do read her little biography.  she was married to a pagan man and suffered her whole life, yet kept prayying for him, and he was converted before death.  Her son went on to become one of the great doctors of the church St. Augistine!  Dedicate your family to the holy family...with every rosary, concecrate your family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 
it is so frusturating, and sometimes i fell like crying, and giving up, and running away and filing for divorce, but I know that i love him, and he loves me, and God put us together for a reason, most likely for me to show him Christ...cause the Good Lord knew his mama would never have shown him Christ (poor thing)
Keep up the prayers, and ill pray for you too

Thank you, you related so well how I feel at times, and your example inspires me (I'm quite moved actually..). Thank you! I have also realised more than ever how blessed I am and how much hope there still is, always is, in God. Love to all and you're in my prayers always

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