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pot vs. cigs/alc


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just because something is legal (cigs, booze) does not make it ok....lets take abortion for example, its "legal" and it smells of elderberries!

cigs and booze are legal because of lobbiests (sp?) and stuff like that. there are not pot grower associations to work to make it legal.

people should get a life and not depend so much on substances to dull their pain and help them deal.

say a rosary for crying out loud! go to Adoration if you wanna get really high

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100 years ago, pot was the wonder worker. It cured everything, so they say.
Fifty years ago, cigarette smoking wasnt even noticed.
Look at the stigma attached to cigs these days.

Things change.

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God the Father

Pot makes you unable to go forth and multiply. Therefore thumbs down. However alcohol and tobacco stink just as much. How many times does Daren the DARE lion have to tell you?


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